You deserve a lot of credit. That's because this year, you've empowered the Sons of Italy Foundation® (SIF) to make a positive impact in a number of important areas. We couldn't do the work we do without your support -- You make the difference.

These are just a few of the ways you've made a difference this year:
  • You've enabled us to contribute $20,000 to the organization Help Our Military Heroes to build a customized van for a wounded warrior. He and his family will receive the van in early December.
  • You've grown our scholarship fund, giving us the opportunity to award 10 scholarships to deserving students, including a U.S. Army veteran and Purple Heart recipient who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • You've responded to our collective goal to end Alzheimer's, driving us toward our commitment to provide another $2 million for Alzheimer's research.
We don't want to stop now -- Will you continue to make a difference with us?
If you are not yet a contributor to the SIF, please consider joining the many other supporters who are committed to making a difference.

Please give a gift today to support our ongoing efforts. A gift of $50 or more would be especially helpful. But every gift is important because it means progress can continue to help America's veterans, provide educational opportunities to bright Italian American scholars, and to find a cure for one of the most serious diseases affecting our nation.

Thank you for your support.

Joseph J. DiTrapani
President, Sons of Italy Foundation

P.S. If you have questions or are not comfortable making a gift online, please contact our National Office staff for assistance or to make a donation by phone at 800-552-OSIA. Donations may also be mailed to the address below.
Multiply Your Impact: Please remember to ask your employer if your gift to the SIF can be matched.

Make Your Gift Go Further: Consider making a recurring monthly gift to provide ongoing support. Dedicated supporters who give monthly will be enrolled in a special recognition society. Learn more.
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©2014 Sons of Italy Foundation®
The Sons of Italy Foundation® is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Donate online | Donate by phone: 800-552-OSIA (6742)
Learn more about: legacy gifts | recurring giving/Sustaining Patrons Circle

Sons of Italy Foundation®
219 E Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002
202.547.2900 | 202.547.0121 (fax) |