November 2014

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November is home to truffle season in Italy. Learn more about how the locals find, sell and eat truffles in Marche, Italy, here

Thanks to you, the Sons of Italy® has donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism. With your support, we can continue to help families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. Learn how to make a donation, 

Novembre Notevole!

Calling all graphic designers! Design the SIF's 2015 T-shirt 

How would you like a chance for your artwork to appear on t-shirts that are distributed to help a great cause?
The Sons of Italy Foundation®(SIF) will send t-shirts in 2015 as gifts to individuals who support the SIF's charitable programs. Skilled graphic designers are encouraged to submit artwork to be considered for the shirt's final design.
Your design could be the one that is proudly worn by thousands of Italian Americans and others who support the work of the SIF!

How will your design reflect pride in the Italian American heritage?

Click here to learn more about the contest!


Italian-American Organizations Join to Save Columbus Day

The Order Sons of Italy in America® has joined the National Italian American Foundation and other Italian-American organizations in a collaborative effort to save Columbus Day.


#SaveColumbusDay Initiative Call to Action:


In the wake of the decision by the City Council of Seattle, Washington to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People's Day, this initiative was created to provide a united response for a growing coalition of Italian-American organizations and others concerned by the denigration of Columbus' legacy. Be a part of our initiative by spreading the word and staying with us for future updates and initiatives so we might all honor Columbus Day and make sure that it is protected from all future threats.


"Columbus Day is the official holiday of the Sons of Italy®. As such, it is imperative that our members and supporters lead the charge to preserve Columbus Day for future generations. I urge each OSIA member and supporter to not only sign the Save Columbus Day Petition but to promote the petition. Supporters with social media capabilities can easily disseminate the petition through Facebook, Twitter or email. The Columbus holiday is ours and the duty is on us to preserve, protect and promote it. If we don't, then who will?" asks CSJ President Joseph Boncore. As one of the nation's estimated 26 million Italian Americans, we hope that you will join us in the spreading the word. 

To sign the White House petition to save Columbus Day, click hereFor more information on this collaborative effort, visit


Tony Bennett Comes to Richmond, Va.

"We aren't likely to see a recording career like this again." - The New York Times


Grammy Award-winning musician and previous SIF NELA Gala honoree Tony Bennett comes to Richmond, VA for one night only at the Altria Theater on December 18, 2014. 

Save 15% off your ticket purchase via phone at 800-514-3849, online at, or in person at the box office when using special discount code ITALY. 


Experience the Magic of the Emerald Isle


The Sons of Italy's (OSIA) partnership with travel company Collette opens up the world to anyone who wants to have a first-rate travel experience while also helping OSIA. The program offers four tours a year to various destinations (except Italy; be sure to check out our trips to Italy offered exclusively through our partner Unitours)


The next trip on our agenda is to breathtaking Ireland, departing April 26 and returning May 5.


Soak in the landscapes of rolling green hills; lean back to kiss the famous Blarney Stone; learn the time-honored tradition of whiskey making (and tasting); journey to the stunning, 700-foot Cliffs of Moher for awe-inspiring views. These are just a few highlights of this trip - visit for more information, prices and the full itinerary. 


Interested in this trip but need to know more? Go beyond the brochure and join us for a free, no-obligation online travel presentation with Collette on November 12. Ask real-time questions, learn from travel experts and lose yourself in incredible images of Ireland. Register today!


While you're experiencing Ireland on this trip, you're also helping support OSIA's Supreme Lodge, without additional cost to you. That's because Collette will make a donation to the Sons of Italy® for every land and air trip booked by Sons of Italy members and supporters.


Not interested in visiting Ireland? You can book any of Collette's many dozens of other exciting tours to places you've always want to go (in the U.S. and abroad) and still earn a donation for OSIA. Visit for itineraries and call 800-437-0235 to book. Remember to mention "Order Sons of Italy in America" and promotion code "U001.AX1.918" for OSIA to get credit.


Sons of Italy® Sustaining Patrons Circle
The Sons of Italy® Sustaining Patrons Circle is a special recognition society for a group of dedicated philanthropists making recurring monthly gifts to carry on the work of the Sons of Italy Foundation®. Sustaining Patrons Circle members are an important part of the SIF's ability to continue crucial support for its programs and causes.

Donors who participate in recurring giving to the SIF or CSJ for three consecutive months become members of the Sustaining Patrons Circle. To learn more, visit the SIF website.  



OSIA, CSJ Attend Conference of Presidents Autumn Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Presidents of leading Italian American organizations, including the Order Sons of Italy in America®, Commission for Social Justice®, National Italian American Foundation, National Organization for Italian American Women, UNICO National, as well as Italian studies academics and the Ambassador of Italy to the United States, were in attendance at the autumn meeting of the Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations. The meeting took place in late October at the Washington Hilton and was chaired by our own National Past President Joseph Sciame, who was unanimously re-elected for another 2-year term as president of the conference.


Items on the meeting agenda included the Save Columbus Day initiative and the current state of the AP Italian Program, among others. Moving forward, the conference hopes to get October officially declared as Italian American Heritage Month.   

Fall 2014 Italian America Available Online

Did you know you can read current and past issues of Italian America magazine in the Members Only community of  

Not an Italian America subscriber? Sign up for a free WebPass today and browse special content in the Members Only community to see what you've been missing! 



Italian 101: Kitchen Utensils Vocabulary
As you spend time with your loved ones in the kitchen this holiday season, try to introduce a little Italian along the way! 
Whether you're whisking gravy for the Thanksgiving turkey or rolling out dough for your favorite Christmas pie, we've got you covered with our list of kitchen utensils below!


measuring cupil tazza di misura
whiskla frusta
cutting boardil tagliere
oven mittil guanto da forno
rolling pinil mattarello
bowlla scodella
spatulala spatola
knifeil coltello
ladleil mestolo
pan/potla padella/la pentola


Help the SIF using (i)GIVE & (amazon)SMILE! 
Do you do your Christmas shopping online? According to the National Retail Federation, 44% of holiday shopping is expected to be done online this year. Whether you do all of your shopping online or you just get a few items here and there, you can now GIVE & SMILE after shopping, too! That's because the Sons of Italy Foundation®(SIF) is a registered charity on both iGive and AmazonSmile, free services that give donations to the SIF as a reward for your business.   

All shopping through iGive, including payments, is done directly through the websites of well-known retailers like Macy's, Best Buy, and over 1,000 more. Sign up for iGive.


Member Benefits Featured Discount: American Hearing Benefits

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all OSIA supporters:


As a supporter of the Sons of Italy®, you and your family are eligible for American Hearing Benefits (AHB) during the month of November. This free hearing benefits program gives you access to FREE hearing consultations and DISCOUNTS on hearing aids through our nationwide network of hearing professionals.


As you may know, most insurance plans do not cover hearing healthcare. At AHB, we believe the quality of your hearing directly affects the quality of your life, and we are excited to be working with the Sons of Italy® on providing hearing health solutions.


To learn more about this benefit and schedule a FREE hearing consultation, call 888-690-2711 or click here

Learn more about OSIA Membership and see all the incredible Benefits & Discounts available to members. 

Social Media Post of the Month 

Have you joined the conversation? Check out our most popular post from last month on the OSIA Twitter and Facebook pages!        
 Also, make sure to check out the latest post on the OSIA Blog!
Photo Blast from the Past

From the OSIA Archives, 1950: 


Advertising with OSIA 

If you are interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through, Questo Mese Newsletter, or Italian America magazine, email us to learn more