August 2014

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Italians celebrate
August 15. Intended to be a day of rest, most Italian cities are deserted as locals head to the beach.   

Have you thought about the Alzheimer's Association today? If you know someone affected by this disease, please consider making a donation today

Agosto Alla Moda!

SIF Donates $20,000 to Help Our Military Heroes

Sons of Italy Foundation® will donate $20,000 to Help Our Military Heroes (HOMH), a non-profit organization dedicated to providing military wounded with fully-equipped, handicapped vehicles. 


This donation will help provide a modified vehicle for wounded veteran Joshua Hilman. The SIF, with HOMH, hopes that this modified vehicle will improve his life through mobility and independence.


Pictured here: Recipient Joshua Hilman with HOMH vice president Marybeth Vandergrift at the SIF 26th Annual NELA Gala.   


Last Chance to Save $100 pp on January Costa Rica Trip


As summer starts to wind down, are you thinking about your winter escape?  Maybe the Son of Italy®-Collette trip totropical Costa Rica (departing Jan. 26 and returning Feb. 3) will fit the bill, especially with a savings of $100 per person if booked by Aug. 26!


Enjoy the warmer temps and nine hours of sunlight a day as you discover the natural wonder of this Central American country. Traverse hanging bridges through tropical forest ecosystem; spot exotic flora and fauna as you tour a nature preserve; marvel at the 100-foot-tall canopy of a cloud forest; spend a relaxing day on a breathtaking beach. These are just a few highlights of this trip - visit the online brochure for more information, prices and the full itinerary. (Remember: book by Aug. 26 to save $100 per person.)


While you experience Costa Rica on this trip, you'll also help support OSIA's Supreme Lodge, without additional cost to you. That's because Collette will make a donation to the Sons of Italy® for every land and air trip booked by Sons of Italy® members and supporters.


Not interested in visiting Costa Rica?  Book any of Collette's many dozens of other exciting trips to places you've always want to go (in 

the U.S. and abroad) and still earn a donation for OSIA. Visit for itineraries and call 800-437-0235 to book. 

Remember to mention "Order Sons of Italy in America" and promotion code "U001.AX1.918" for OSIA to get credit.

Italian 101: Vacation Vocabulary
Are you taking a summer vacation this year? Whether you're headed to the Caribbean on a cruise ship or taking the kids to a local amusement park, introduce some Italian along the way! 
Our list of vacation vocabulary words should be enough to get you started! Buon viaggio!


la valigia
Amusement Parkil parco di divertimenti
Beachla spiaggia
Cruise Shipla nave
Museumil museo


Touristil turista
Camerala macchina fotografica
Souveniril ricordo  


Summer 2014 Italian America Available Online

Did you know you can read current and past issues of Italian America magazine in the Members Only community of  


Not an Italian America subscriber? Sign up for a free WebPass today and browse special content in the Members Only community to see what you've been missing! 





Member Benefits Featured Discount: Office Depot

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all OSIA supporters:



Office Depot - OSIA members and supporters save up to 80% off preferred products when shopping online or in stores during the month of August!


To print your store purchasing card or to shop online, click here!

Learn more about OSIA Membership and see all the incredible Benefits & Discounts available to members. 

2014 Italian Festival Directory Available

The Sons of Italy® 2014 Italian Festival Directory lists 366 festivals in 39 states and the District of Columbia. This month, there are 83 festivals across the country. 


Click here to view the 2014 Directory of Italian Festivals in the US. 


Social Media Post of the Month 

Have you joined the conversation? Check out our most popular post from last month on the OSIA Twitter and Facebook pages!        
 Also, make sure to check out the latest post on the OSIA Blog!
Photo Blast from the Past

From the OSIA News Archives, 1975: 



Advertising with OSIA 

If you are interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through, Questo Mese Newsletter, or Italian America magazine, email us to learn more
Editor's Note

Unfortunately, there were some translation errors in July's issue of Questo Mese, Italian 101 feature.


Please find the correct translations below.  


Starsle stelle
Stripesle righe
Fireworksi fuochi d'artificio