Sons of Italy...Questo Mese

December 2013

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December 3 marks the 2nd annual #GivingTuesday- learn more about how the Sons of Italy Foundation is supporting this effort (and why you should, too), here


Dicembre Dolcissimo!

Sons of Italy Scholarship Competition Underway
SIF 2013 national scholarship winners
Through the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) with hundreds of thousands of family members located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia, the Order Sons of Italy in America has awarded nearly $57 million in scholarships to date.


In past years, the SIF has offered 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from $4,000 to $25,000, in a nationwide competition. These figures and the number of scholarships may vary according to funding each year.


To learn more about this year's scholarships, click here.


Cyber Monday Sale on OSIA Cookbooks 

Start your Christmas shopping without getting out of bed- we're offering our best sale of the year on For the Love of Italian Cooking, the official cookbook of the Sons of Italy, featuring recipes from OSIA members across the country. Enjoy 10% off + free shipping on all books purchased by midnight on Cyber Monday!  


  • Every book: $24.95 $22.45 plus $5.00 S&H FREE!


From our table to yours, this cookbook showcases hearty fall recipes to warm you up like "Pasta Fagioli," and classic Italian combinations like "Sausage and Polenta," to fill your house with holiday cheer!  


Proceeds from the sale of this publication will be used to fund the cultural, educational and charitable programs of the Sons of Italy.   


Buon Appetito!


To order your copy of For the Love of Italian Cooking:
The Cyber Monday Sale runs until midnight on 12/2; make sure to place your order by the deadline to receive the 10% discount + free shipping & handling! 

OSIA Offers Trips to Sicily in 2014

Sons of Italy Presents:

Grand Tour of Sicily


Need a New Year's resolution? Make one to travel more! Take the worry out of travel and come to Italy with us!    


Travel with the Sons of Italy and Unitours and take your mind off planning the details this year! With prices starting at $3,099, the tour of Sicily offers multiple departure dates between February-September 2014 to fit your schedule. The price includes round-trip airfare between the U.S. and Italy on Alitalia, four-star hotel accommodations, breakfasts and dinners daily, and escorted tours to world-class museums and historical sites with English-speaking tour guides.    


To download a brochure for more information, click here 


Trips to other regions also available. To view all trip itineraries, click here.  

For more information or to book your trip, email or call 1.800.777.7432. 

SIF 2013 SRT Viper to be Auctioned
SIF's 2013 SRT Viper, generously donated by Chrysler Group, LLC, will be auctioned in Scottsdale, AZ in January 2014. 
The auction proceeds will benefit the SIF's educational and charitable programs, including its national scholarships, the Alzheimer's Association, the Cooley's Anemia Foundation, the Doug Flutie Jr., Foundation for Autism, and the Wounded Warrior Project, among many others. 
"The excitement of owning the most powerful American-built Italian American supercar ever made will be heightened by knowing the impact it will make for those in need," says SIF's CEO and National Executive Director Philip R. Piccigallo.  


Member Benefits Featured Discount: Life Line Screening

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all OSIA supporters:


It's not too early to start your New Year's resolution of taking better care of your health! 


Now through the end of the year, OSIA member benefit provider Life Line Screening is offering OSIA members and supporters $30 off health screenings of $159 or more. Sign up for a screening at a convenient location and get a full body preventative medical exam to detect things like carotid arteries, aneurysms, arterial disease and osteoporosis. This is the gift that keeps on giving! Click here or call 800-393-6174 and use priority code: BSOI101. 

Learn more about OSIA Membership and see all the incredible Benefits & Discounts available to members. 

Italian 101: Christmas Vocabulary
As you start preparing for the holiday season, think about teaching your kids some Italian along the way! From Christmas trees to nativities, we've got you covered with this list of Christmas vocabulary words below!

Natale con i tuoi; Pasqua con chi vuoi!



Merry Christmas
Buon Natale
Santa ClausBabbo Natale
Christmas Tree
l'albero di Natale
Nativityil presepio
Christmas Evela vigilia di Natale 
Happy New Year

Buon Anno

Epiphanyla festa dell'Epifania
Epiphany Eve Witchla Befana
Italian nougat candyil torrone
Italian cake with fruit & nuts
il Panettone


OSIA Urges Support of AP Italian Exam
The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) is urging support of the Advanced Placement Examination in Italian, using a strategic plan outlined by Claudio Bisogniero, Italy's ambassador to the U.S., in his recent letter to Italian American organizations.


"In 2013, about 2,000 students took the exam, but an additional 500 are needed to meet the goal for 2016 set by the College Board," he noted in his letter, which included a "strategic plan of action" for his embassy, Italian American organizations and institutes as well as concerned citizens. [See below.] The College Board administers these high school advanced placement programs in languages and other subjects.


Cost is a factor affecting applications to take the exam, according to Joseph Sciame, a former Sons of Italy national president and the current chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations. "Students must pay about $85.00 to take it and some just cannot afford that," he says. But Sciame points out that as the biggest national Italian American organization, the Sons of Italy is in a unique position to help.


"We have 214 U.S. high schools that offer Italian," says Amb. Bisogniero. "If just two more students in each school take the exam, we can meet our target of 2,500 students."


Strategic Plan for the Italian Advanced Placement Exam

  • Expand Italian Studies. Organizations and institutions should lobby and fund-raise to introduce or expand Italian classes in their local high schools.
  • Support Existing Programs. Clubs and lodges can adopt a school, a class or a teacher, giving financial aid to buy teaching materials, DVDs and other tools to make learning more exciting.
  • Assist Needy Students. Clubs can help students pay for the AP Italian exam.
  • Teacher Study Grants. Give scholarships solely to teachers of Italian at the AP level so they can perfect their teaching methods and command of Italian.
  • Reward AP Students. Give students who take the exam a financial reward just if they take it, with larger amounts going to those who pass it with high marks.
SIF Donates $80,000 to Alzheimer's Association

SIF President Joseph DiTrapani and SIF CEO Philip R. Piccigallo present a contribution of $80,000 to Alzheimer's Association President Harry Johns at the Rita Hayworth Gala at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City on October 22. 


The Alzheimer's Association is a designated SIF national charity. The SIF has contributed $2 million to the Alzheimer's Association to date. 


Social Media Post of the Month 

Have you joined the conversation? Check out our most popular post from last month on the OSIA Twitter and Facebook pages!       
When it comes to finding your roots in Italy, the Sons of Italy works exclusively with long-time partner, My Italian Family. Whether you're applying for an Italian passport, searching for living relatives, or looking for your ancestral town in Italy- let My Italian Family help with your genealogy search! 
Also, make sure to check out the latest post on the OSIA Blog!
Photo Blast from the Past

From the OSIA News Archives, 1987: 



Learn more about the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum, here.  


Advertising with OSIA 

If you are interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through, Questo Mese Newsletter, or Italian America magazine, email us to learn more