Sons of Italy...Questo Mese

November 2013

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November is home to truffle season in Italy. Learn more about how the locals find, sell and eat truffles in Marche, Italy, here

Novembre Notevole!

OSIA Offers Three New Trips to Italy for 2014

Sons of Italy Presents:

Nine Day Tours of Italy


Travel with the Sons of Italy and Unitours and take your mind off planning the details next year! With prices starting at $3,099, each tour of Italy offers multiple departure dates between February-October 2014 to fit your schedule. The price of each trip includes round-trip airfare between the U.S. and Italy on Alitalia, four-star hotel accommodationsbreakfasts and dinners daily, and escorted tours to world-class museums and historical sites with English-speaking tour guides.   

To check out all trip itineraries or download a brochure, click here

For more information or to book your trip, email or call 1.800.777.7432. 

OSIA NED Attends Dinner for Italian PM Enrico Letta
OSIA National Executive Director Philip R. Piccigallo attended a dinner honoring Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta at the home of Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero in Washington, DC. 

At the dinner, Prime Minister Letta said, positively, that the "economic and political crisis in Italy is over." They are focusing on growth and development policies and hope to engage the U.S. in various initiatives that advance this objective.


Many prominent members of the Italian-American community were in attendance, including U.S. Supreme Court Justice Alito, Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Ambassador to Italy John Philips. 


Pictured (L to R): Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, OSIA National Executive Director Philip R. Piccigallo and Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero.

November Special on OSIA Cookbooks 

Spice up your Thanksgiving table this year with some new recipes from For the Love of Italian Cooking! To help you get ready in time to celebrate with your family, we're continuing our Italian American Heritage Month sale-- free shipping on each purchase through November 27!  


  • Each copy: $24.95 plus $5 S&H FREE S&H!


From our table to yours, this cookbook showcases hearty fall recipes to warm you up like "Italian Beef Stew," and classic Italian combinations like "Sausage and Polenta," to make you feel like you're back in your mother's kitchen!  


Proceeds from the sale of this publication will be used to fund the cultural, educational and charitable programs of the Sons of Italy.   


Buon Appetito!


To order your copy of For the Love of Italian Cooking:
The November Special runs until 11/27; make sure to place your order by the deadline to receive free shipping and handling! 

Member Benefits Featured Discount: TNT Vacations

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all OSIA supporters: 


It's never too early to book your winter get away!


Your trip will be more enjoyable with easy planning through TNT Vacations, now powered by FunJet! With more than 900 destinations in Mexico, Hawaii, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and the U.S., as well as more airlines and thousands of hotels to choose from, there's no reason not to book today! CLICK HERE or call 800-282-0276 to take advantage of this OSIA member and supporter 5% discount during the month of November! Don't forget to use promo code "OSIA" when you book today!

Learn more about OSIA Membership and see all the incredible Benefits & Discounts available to members. 

Italian 101: Thanksgiving Vocabulary
Thanksgiving may be an American holiday but you can still introduce a little Italian at the Thanksgiving table! From turkey to pumpkin pie, we've got your Thanksgiving table favorites covered with this list of food vocabulary words below!
Buon Giorno del Ringraziamento! 
Apple Pie
la crostata di mele
Brussel Sproutsi cavolini di Bruxelles
Cranberry Sauce
la salsa di mirtilli rossi
Gravyil sughetto 
Green Beansi fagiolini

il prosciutto

Mashed Potatoesil purč di patate
Pumpkin Piela torta di zucca
Sweet Potatola patata dolce
Turkeyil tacchino


Fall 2013 Italian America Available Online
Did you know you can read current and past issues of Italian America magazine in the Members Only community of  
Not an Italian America subscriber? Sign up for a free WebPass today and browse special content in the Members Only community to see what you've been missing! 
Italian Studies Masters Program Approved at CSULB


Congratulations to The George L. Graziadio Center for Italian Studies at California State University, Long Beach! After much hard work, the Academic Senate approved a proposal for a Master of Arts program in Italian Studies on October 17.


Through leadership in fundraising efforts by OSIA National Past President Frank J. De Santis and a naming gift by George L. Graziadio, the center was able to reach one of its major goals outlined during its establishment in 1998.


Program Director Dr. Clorinda Donato says that "with the addition of this masters program, Italian now shares equal status with programs in French, German and Spanish, paving the way for professional knowledge building and expertise in the broad field of Italian Studies."


Social Media Post of the Month 

Have you joined the conversation? Check out our most popular post from last month on the OSIA Twitter and Facebook pages!       
Also, make sure to check out the latest post on the OSIA Blog!
Photo Blast from the Past

From the OSIA News Archives, 1953: 


The Grand Lodge of Florida was formed in February and officially installed in April of 1953. The ceremony was conducted by Supreme Venerable George J. Spatuzza and took place at a Sons of Italy building in Tampa, FL.The installation of this new grand lodge brought the total number of grand lodges to 18.


Advertising with OSIA 

If you are interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through, Questo Mese Newsletter, or Italian America magazine, email us to learn more