Sons of Italy...Questo Mese

August 2013

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OSIA didn't start holding it's national convention biennially until 1917. Learn more about the history of OSIA's national conventions, here

  Agosto Alla Moda!

John Cabot University/OSIA Discount Study Program

In the fateful year of 1497, an Italian navigator, Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot) while sailing under the commission of King Henry VII of England, landed in North America (Canada). In 1972, approximately five centuries later, this theme of expansion and international development continued, in part, with the founding of John Cabot University (JCU) in Rome. JCU offers students the opportunity to study in a multicultural and international setting, leading them on the road to becoming global citizens. Studying in Rome goes well beyond reading, writing and arithmetic, as it is a life game changer for those who experience it.


Going global at JCU is a worldwide opportunity. In support of 2013: Year of Italian Culture, JCU is honored to extend a special 10% discount on tuition for qualified students that are related to OSIA members in the United States and Canada.


Kindly use discount code Gladiator 2013/14 when contacting the admissions staff at, cc:


For more information regarding tuition and fees, visit the JCU website. A presto a Roma!


Share Your Italy Moment & Win 2 Tickets to Italy

Are you traveling to Italy any time soon? Don't forget to capture your vacation on video and share it with Alitalia! Video entry period is through August 31, 2013. Share any part of your vacation with Alitalia from your Alitalia flight to your travels within Italy.


And as a special thanks for capturing and sharing your Italian moment, you will be automatically entered in Alitalia's Facebook sweepstakes for a chance to win two economy tickets to Italy.


Click here for details and to submit your video!


Member Benefits Featured Discount: Office Depot

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all OSIA supporters:



Office Depot - OSIA members and supporters save up to 80% plus an extra 15% off your first online purchase through the end of August! 


This coupon is our way of saying THANK YOU FOR SAVING WITH US! It is valid for your first order only. To redeem, log in and purchase the items you need. When you're ready to checkout, go to your shopping cart and click on "Add Coupon" (on the right-hand side); enter coupon code 50591873. You must be registered first in order to log in and use this coupon. See coupon for exclusions. 


To print your store purchasing card or to shop online, click here!


Learn more about OSIA Membership and see all the incredible Benefits & Discounts available to members. 

Italian 101: Summertime Vocabulary
With only a few weeks left of summer, we hope you're soaking up the sun, sand and surf. Here's a few essential Italian summertime vocabulary words to help you brush up on your Italian language skills before the cool weather starts rolling in and the kids head back to school!     


Bathing Suitil costume da bagno
Beachla spiaggia  
Beach Ballil pallone da spiaggia  
Ice Creamil gelato  
Popsicleil ghiacciolo
Sandalsi sandali
Sand Castleil castello di sabbia
Shellla conchiglia
Sunil sole
Sunblockla crema protettiva
Sunglassesgli occhiali da sole 


Social Media Post of the Month 

Have you joined the conversation? Check out our most popular post from last month on the OSIA Twitter and Facebook pages!       
Also, make sure to check out the latest blog post on the 
OSIA Blog!
OSIA Offers Nine-Day Tours of Undiscovered Puglia
Sons of Italy Presents:

Nine-day Tours of Undiscovered Puglia...with Matera


Want to get away from it all-- including tourists? Well, this is the perfect trip for you! Our tour of Puglia and Matera shows you the best of Italy's stiletto, including Bari, Lecce and Otranto. So, take the worry out of travel and come to Italy with us! 


With prices starting at $3,199, our tour of classic Italy offers multiple departure dates between August-October 2013 to fit your schedule. The price includes round-trip airfare between the U.S. and Italy on Alitalia, four-star hotel accommodationsbreakfasts and dinners daily, and escorted tours to world-class museums and historical sites with English-speaking tour guides.   

To download a brochure for more information, 
click here


Tours of other regions are also available. To view all trip itineraries, click here


For more information or to book your trip, email or call 1.800.777.7432.

2013 Italian Festival Directory Available


The Sons of Italy 2013 Italian Festival Directory lists 371 festivals in 39 states and the District of Columbia. This month, there are 81 festivals across the country. 


Click here to view the 2013 Directory of Italian Festivals in the US. 


Photo Blast from the Past

From the OSIA News Archives, 1979: 



President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter attended the opening ceremony of the Order's 36th Biennial National Convention, held at the Baltimore Hilton Hotel in Baltimore, Md. 


It marked the first time in the Order's 74-year history that a president in office addressed delegates at a national convention. 


Convention leaders at the time were OSIA National President Judge Frank J. Montemuro, Jr. and Baltimore Deputy Police Commissioner Frank J. Battaglia, convention general chairman.


Advertising with OSIA 

Interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through, Questo Mese Newsletter or Italian America magazine? We offer discounted rates to OSIA members!

Email us to learn more