Sons of Italy...Questo Mese

March 2013

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Italians celebrate the Feast Day of San Giuseppe on March 19. Many Italian Americans have carried on this celebration in the US; OSIA member shares his family's 30-year-old feast tradition, here.

  Marzo Magnifico!

Special Note for Questo Mese Subscribers

Starting this month, OSIA will be sending out two different editions of Questo Mese: one geared toward OSIA Members and another designed for general supporters and friends of OSIA. 

If you are an OSIA member but have not been receiving the members' edition of Questo Mese, please email us with your name and lodge number to have your profile updated.

If you have been receiving both editions of Questo Mese,
please email us to have your profile updated.

OSIA NED Attends Farewell Dinner for Italian President

OSIA National Executive Director Philip R.

Piccigallo attended a farewell dinner honoring Italian President Giorgio Napolitano at the home of Italian Ambassador Bisogniero in Washington, DC. 


Many prominent members of the Italian-American community were in attendance, including US Supreme Court Justices Scalia and Alito, US Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and US Ambassador to Italy David Thorne. 


OSIA NED also spoke with former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell and Chrysler/Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne at the dinner; both to be honored at the SIF's 25th Anniversary NELA Gala in May.

2013: Celebrate the Year of Italian Culture in the US

America discovers Italy. The Italian Embassy and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs are working to communicate and promote Italy, engage and enthuse Americans, strengthen the bonds that unite Italians and Americans and create new ones in 2013.



Check out the official Italy in US 2013 website for events celebrating Italian language, art, technology and more at a location near you during the month of March!  

St. Joseph's Day Special on For the Love of Italian Cooking

Buon Giorno di San Giuseppe! We're bringing back our best sale price of the year to give you time to get your copy of For the Love of Italian Cooking, the official cookbook of the Sons of Italy, in time to celebrate St. Joseph's Day!

  • Each copy:$24.95 $22.45 plus $5 S&H FREE S&H!     

From our table to yours, this cookbook showcases traditional St. Joseph's Feast recipes like "Insalata di Calarmari," and "Fava Bean Salad" to bring you luck this year!


To order your copy of For the Love of Italian Cooking:

St. Joseph's Day special runs from 3/11-3/25; make sure to place your order by the deadline to receive your discounted price and free shipping and handling!  

Social Media Post of the Month 

Have you joined the conversation? Check out our most popular post from last month on the OSIA Twitter and Facebook pages!
Also, make sure to check out the latest blog post on the OSIA Blog!

Member Benefits Featured Discount: Long-Term Care Resources

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all OSIA supporters.  


Long Term Care Resources offers OSIA supporters special discounts during the month of March!


The buying power of the Sons of Italy was leveraged to give you better pricing than is available to the general public. We monitor benefits and rate information on the top (25+) carriers in the LTC market. The program selects the best in class from these carriers and we help you find the best value among these top companies.


For a FREE LTC Planning kit and information on plans and coverage from LTC-Resources at 1-888-866-0620 or click here.

Learn more about OSIA Membership and see all the incredible Benefits & Discounts available to members.
OSIA Offers Tour of Classic Italy in 2013

Sons of Italy Presents:

Nine-day Tours of Classic Italy


Never been to Italy? Well, this is the perfect trip for you! Our tour of Classic Italy shows you the highlights of the Old Country, including Rome, Venice and Florence. So, take the worry out of travel and come to Italy with us! 


With prices starting at $3,599, our tour of classic Italy offers multiple departure dates between April-October 2013 to fit your schedule. The price includes round-trip airfare between the U.S. and Italy on Alitalia, four-star hotel accommodations, breakfasts and dinners daily, and escorted tours to world-class museums and historical sites with English-speaking tour guides.   

To download a brochure for more information, click here


Tours of other regions are also available. To view all trip itineraries, click here.  

For more information or to book your trip, email or call 1.800.777.7432.

Advertising with OSIA 

Interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through, Questo Mese Newsletter or Italian America magazine? 

Email us to learn more