November 2012

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The majority of Italian immigrants in New Orleans are from Sicily? Check out our top ten list of things to do on your next trip to the Big Easy, here.



Alpine Star Lodge (#1827) in Lock Haven, PA celebrates its 75th anniversary on November 21. Auguri!  



  Novembre Notevole! 

Sons of Italy Scholarship Competition Underway 

Through the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) and more than 650 state and local lodges, OSIA has awarded nearly $51 million in scholarships to date.

Each year, the SIF offers 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from $5,000 to $25,000, in a nationwide competition.

To learn more about our scholarships, click here.

Enter the SIF Super Bowl Sweepstakes 

Make a $10 tax-deductible donation to the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) now though December 14, 2012 for a chance to win roundtrip airfare for two to New Orleans, two tickets to the big game, a four-night stay in a four-star hotel and various Super Bowl amenities. All are welcome to enter; Sons of Italy membership not required.    

Ways to Enter

  • online 
  • by texting "SUPERBOWL" to 91011 
  • by mail-in donation to Sons of Italy Foundation, 219 E Street NE, Washington DC 20002

For complete rules and regulations, see Sons of Italy Foundation® Super Bowl Sweepstakes Official Rules.   


To enter without making a donation, visit see Sons of Italy Foundation Super Bowl Sweepstakes Official Rules.   

November Special on For the Love of Italian Cooking! 

Get ready to spice up your Thanksgiving table with some new recipes from For the Love of Italian Cooking! Order your copy by the end of November and you'll receive free shipping on each purchase!     

  • Each copy:$24.95 plus $5 S&H FREE S&H!    

From our table to yours, this cookbook showcases hearty fall recipes to warm you up like "Pasta Fagioli," and classic Italian combinations like "Sausage and Polenta" to make you feel like you're back in your mother's kitchen!  


To order your copy of For the Love of Italian Cooking:

November special runs from 11/1-11/30; make sure to place your order by the deadline to receive free shipping and handling!  
Fall 2012 Italian America available online

OSIA Members and magazine subscribers: Did you know you can read current and past issues of Italian America magazine at the Members Only community of  


Login to the Members Only community to start reading today!


Not an OSIA member or Italian America subscriber? Sign up for a free WebPass today and browse special content in the Members Only community.

Member Benefits Featured Discount: Red Roof Inn 

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all members and supporters.    


Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure this month, you'll want to take advantage of this OSIA member benefit discount.  


During the month of November, both OSIA members and supporters have the opportunity to save 15% off your stay with Red Roof Inn.      


OSIA MEMBERS: access this and all other benefits at any time by signing in to the Member Marketplace. Problems logging in to the Members Only Section? Email us


EXTENDED SPECIAL FOR NON-OSIA MEMBERS: To book your reservation using the discount during the month of November, either click the Red Roof Inn logo or call 800-RED-ROOF (800-733-7663) and use the OSIA discount code: 614746. 

Blog Post of the Month 

Have you joined the conversation? Check out our most popular post from last month on the OSIA blog- it received over 1,588 views!
Also, make sure to check out the latest social media posts on the OSIA Twitter and Facebook pages!      
Build Your Legacy with the Sons of Italy Foundation

Support from our members, friends and others equally committed to making a difference is crucial to the Sons of Italy Foundation's success. Gifts made today are important to carry on our current work. Gifts made as part of planned giving for deferred or long-term use - legacy gifts - are ones that help secure a limitless future for the Foundation.


The simplest type of legacy gift is a bequest, a gift made through a will or trust. When you include the Sons of Italy Foundation in your bequest, you are making a commitment to the future of the SIF. Your legacy gift helps the SIF set a vision for the future and plan accordingly. Remember, even a modest gift helps.


Supporters who choose to make a charitable gift through a bequest receive multiple benefits. Bequests often require minimal resources to establish and may provide a tax benefit to your heirs by reducing your taxable estate. Establishing a legacy gift today may enable you to make a substantial contribution to the SIF that doesn't have an impact on your current financial situation, but has a significant impact on the SIF when it receives the gift.


Perhaps most significant, when you make a gift through bequest, you are creating a lasting legacy that will endure long after your lifetime as it helps sustain the Sons of Italy Foundation's philanthropic work far into the future.


If you have questions or wish to consider making a legacy gift to the SIF, please contact Diane Crespy in the SIF National Office:, 202.547.2900.

OSIA Offers Three New Trips to Italy for 2013
Campania Banner
Sons of Italy Presents:

Nine Day Tours of Italy


Travel with the Sons of Italy and Unitours and take your mind off planning the details next year! With prices starting at $2,999, each tour of Italy offers multiple departure dates between March-October 2013 to fit your schedule. The price of each trip includes round-trip airfare between the U.S. and Italy on Alitalia, four-star hotel accommodations, breakfasts and dinners daily, and escorted tours to world-class museums and historical sites with English-speaking tour guides.   

To check out all trip itineraries or download a brochure, click here.

For more information or to book your trip, email or call 1.800.777.7432.

Lodge Photo of the Month
From left: Pat Sacco, Jessica McLaughlin, Jennifer Ferrari, Nate Rivaldo, president, and Karen DiGiovanni, charity chairperson.

Sons of Italy Lodge #2594 presented checks of $500 each to representatives from three local charities: Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Association of the Treasure Coast, Treasure Coast Hospice and Autism Speaks. The awards were given on October 11 as part of the weekly lodge social, followed by dinner and dancing.

Since 2009, OSIA's Grand Lodge of Florida has donated $186,777 to Alzheimer's, autism, cancer, and Cooley's anemia causes, as well as $6,645 to the Katrina Hurricane Fund and $3,722 to L'Aquila an Earthquake in Italy. Local and state lodges have also donated a total of $290,750 for scholarships.


Want to read more about this story? Read this TC Palm article, Sons of Italy makes donations to local charities. To learn more about the Port Saint Lucie Lodge #2594, visit them online.  


Save the Date: The SIF's 25th Annual National Education & Leadership Awards Gala   

On Thursday, May 23, 2013, the Sons of Italy Foundation's 25th Annual National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala returns to the elegant Great Hall of the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.

The NELA Gala is the SIF's most important fund-raising and public affairs event and highlights the foundation's commitment to educational excellence, leadership and the betterment of society. To date, the NELA Gala has helped the SIF raise nearly $121 million for medical research and support, disaster relief, and cultural preservation, with almost $51 million in scholarships awarded.

Advertising with OSIA 

Interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through, Questo Mese Newsletter, or Italian America magazine?

Email us to learn more