Keeping King's Chapel's members, friends, and subscribed visitors connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
Spotlight On...

From the Minister

The biblical story of Joshua is an exciting story of conquest, testimony of faith, and geography. Joshua was charged by Moses to lead the first battle after the exodus from Egypt. He was by the side of Moses when he received the Ten Commandments and among God's people when they danced around the golden calf. Joshua led God's people through rivers, seas, and hillsides. He "fit" the battle of Jericho. In this week's reading we find an older, grayer Joshua. He gathers the chief elders and leaders of Israel and poses this haunting question: Whom will you serve? For Joshua there is no hedging, no dancing around the question. He wants a plain straightforward answer: Which God will you serve...and why? In this world of many faiths and no faiths, I am often asked "Which God do you serve...and why?". Joshua's inquiry to the people of God in those ancient days might be an inquiry just as valuable (and just as complicated) to the people of God in these current days. Which God will you serve...and why?  

Upcoming Events

Please join us on Sunday, August 30th at 3:00 pm for a Hospitali-"TEA"!

Help us honor those who serve our beloved community in providing hospitality and perhaps learn how you might join in the fun!

Gregg will serve the tea and madeleines...
Anne will serve up her famous strawberry scones... Mindy will offer strawberry mint libations... and homemade strawberry ice cream!

And we all will delight in each other's company and enjoy these last lazy days of summer as we celebrate HOSPITALI-"TEA"!

RSVP here or just show up!
Sunday, September 13th-Making Sandwiches for Common Cathedral

Common Cathedral is an outdoor church ministry that serves the homeless community of Boston. Common Cathedral worships on the Boston Common each Sunday, providing lunch to the homeless community after the service. King's Chapel will be making and serving approximately 150 sandwiches, snacks and drinks for September 13. If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry, please contact Judy Luca at
Save the Date | Choral Evensong led by the King's Chapel Choir | September 13th 4:30PM

This ancient choral service of prayers and music has its roots in the Book of Common Prayer and Evening Prayer. Most of the music for this service is selected from the Coronation Service of Queen Elizabeth II--who will become the longest reigning British Monarch this September. The program will include traditional English music by Purcell, Parry, Stanford and Walton. Choral Evensong will begin at 5PM, preceded by an organ recital at 4:30PM.

Wednesday, September 23rd, 7:15 pm, at the King's Chapel Parish House, 64 Beacon Street


A Conversation with Rev. John Buehrens: King's Chapel and Its Role in the UUA. 

John was a member of King's Chapel while he served as President of the Unitarian Universalist Association, 1993-2001. He is co-author of A Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism and author of Universalists and Unitarians in America: A People's History. He is now Sr. Minister of the UU congregation in San Francisco.

Registration appreciated, 617 227-2155, but not required. Light refreshments.

Save The Dates! Alto Extravaganza 5: Flashback Time Machine

Friday, September 25th and Saturday, September 26th at 7:30 pm, King's Chapel Parish House


The wild and zany Altos of King's Chapel Choir, Mindy Hinkel and Heather Holland, return to transform the Parish House into a Flashback Time Machine for the 5th Annual Alto Extravaganza! These broads will bring the bass - stepping out of the loft and into the spotlight once more -  reprising favorites from the past five years and singing new renditions for future past favorites!


You never know what might happen at Alto Extravaganza ... that's why you've got to come! So SAVE THE DATE on your calendar NOW.


Suggested Donation at the door to benefit the King's Chapel Concert Series.

Join the King's Chapel community in Building on Faith

Saturday, October 10: Volunteer for the the KC  build for Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston. 10 participants are needed. Contact Emanuel Genovese or Peter Sexton to sign up. Building is from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at a Boston site. Fee $40 per adult; $20 youth. Matching funds come from the KC Community Action Committee. If this is a financial hardship, other arrangements can be made.

Sunday, October 11: Celebrate at Morning Prayer the International Day of Prayer and Action for Human Habitat.

  • The proceeds of the "Second Sunday' Offertory has been designated for Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston.

Sunday, October 11: View after Morning Prayer  presentations of King's Chapel Habitat for Humanity activities:

  • Honduras
  • Romania (in Kolozsv�r home of our partner church)
  • Greater Boston
News from the Parish
Meet our New Church School Staff!
Staffing Updates: Welcome to Ryan Harrison and Skip Lewan

We are delighted to announce that Ryan Harrison has joined the King's Chapel staff
as our new Director of Children's Education, and Skip Lewan will be the musician
leading worship at the new 9 AM service on Sundays at the Little Chapel.

Ryan Harrison served as the Director of Religious Education at the All Souls
Unitarian Church in Braintree, and worked at a sports camp in Newton, so has
experience working with children. He holds two Masters degrees from Boston
University School of Theology, and attended college in Tennessee. Ryan studied
interfaith issues, so will be able to work closely with our Coming of Age program for
teens this year. Ryan currently works at the Unitarian Universalist bookstore, in
addition to the 15 hours/week that he will lead our Church School. Ryan is a self-
described "Christian Unitarian," and we are delighted to welcome him on board.

Skip is a graduate of the Berklee School of Music, a composer and a jazz musician.
Classically trained, Skip is an excellent pianist. He also plays the saxophone and
sings. Skip has church music background, including with the Plymouth Unitarian
Church, and in Christian churches in his home state of Alabama. At Berkeley Skip
specialized in composition, with an interest in film score composition. At King's
Chapel, he will be the music director for our new 9 AM service each Sunday at the
Little Chapel, located in our Parish Hose, 64 Beacon Street. He will work with Joy
and Shawn to craft the 45 service, which will include a short homily by our
ministers, as well as scripture and psalm readings; sung musical responses; hymns;
and a musical reflection composed by Skip as the offertory. Skip will also work with
our youth on music, as part of their Church School hour, every Sunday from 10-11
AM. Welcome to Skip!

Church School Organist Skip Lewan
We Weep with Those who Weep
Mason Fernald, our beloved former Senior Warden, died on Saturday evening, August 15th, surrounded by his family. A memorial service for him will be held at King's Chapel on Sunday, October 18th, at 4pm. Mason was a leader of exceptional wisdom, kindness and grace. We give God thanks for Mason's generous life, so well lived.
In This Issue
Sunday August 23rd

The Rev. Shawn Fiedler,
  • Denise Konicek, Soloist
  • Marie Wells, Lay Reader
  • Anne Sexton, Head Usher
  • Marie Wells, Paul Luca, Judy Luca, Ushers
  • Anne Sexton, Hospitality
  • Carolyn Conley, Verger
The Readings:
  • Psalm 84
  • Old Testament: Joshua 24:15-25
  • New Testament: Ephesians 6:10-20
The flowers on the Communion table are given by Allen and Hallie Speight in memory of their aunts Rose Allen Whitter, Geraldine Speight Knight, and Marjorie Bosack Hasson.
From the Bench
By Heinrich Christensen
Inspired by this Sunday's lessons, soprano Denise Konicek will sing two arias from Handel's oratorio Israel in Egypt.

Heinrich will play J.G. Walther's Partita on the chorale Jesu, Meine Freude (Jesus, My Joy) as well as Bach's Orgelb�chlein setting of that tune.
Tuesday Recitals
Tuesday, August 25th at 12:15 pm

Quilisma Consort
Secular Renaissance Music
of Germany and Austria
Interested in Membership?
Whether you are looking for a new church home, or just curious about what King's Chapel has to offer, our doors are open to you. Click here to fill out our welcome form, if you are interested in being connected with King's Chapel.
Second Sunday
On Sunday, September 13th, all donations not designated for the King's Chapel Annual Appeal will be given to The City Mission Society of Boston (CMSB). The mission of CMSB is to root out poverty in Boston neighborhoods through programs and activities that embody the principles of
empowerment, education, and
More News from
The Parish
Ministry Support Groups for Joy and Shawn
Both Joy and Shawn, as part of their contracts with King's Chapel, sought to have a small support group appointed for them from within the church.  The members of Joy's Ministry Support Committee are Dean Denniston, Charles Perry, Betsy Peterson, Allen Speight, and Caroline Welling.  The members of Shawn's Ministerial Support Committee are Cliff Allen, Cathy Price, Pam Bergeron, and Micah Niemy.  Each committee meets periodically, about every two months, for confidential and supportive discussions with the minister. If you have questions about how the committees function, feel free to speak with a committee member. 

Bill Kuttner Interview

King's Chapel member Bill Kuttner was interviewed on the Boston Neighborhood Network channel about the history of federal housing policy and its impact urban renewal and Boston. Check out the interview here.
Joy's Vacation

Joy is out of the office until Tuesday, September 1st. If you need assistance in the interim, please speak to either our Assistant Minister Shawn Fiedler, or Parish Administrator,
The Upcoming Calendar

If you need information about a church event, please check the Calendar posted on the church website,  The first tab to the far left is titled "Home" and under this tab are several options, including our calendar. We do our best to keep it updated. Events for September are already listed.
Parishioners Helping Parishioners

This will be a new feature, from time to time. If the church has jobs that need to be done; you have skills to offer the church or one another; or you need some help, 
please let us know. This week: 

Wanted: Someone to video sermons periodically. Bill Sears is the only person currently taping sermons; if he can't be present, they aren't recorded. It's an easy 
task for someone attending the Sunday morning service. We'll provide the equipment. Contact Joy Fallon, Shawn Fiedler or Julina Rundberg at the Parish 

Accessibility and Hearing Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible.  Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.  

Many of us have trouble hearing in our sanctuary, which does not have amplification. Sound carries best on the main floor of the sanctuary, in areas that are not covered by the balcony. In June, the Vestry approved a hearing system which we hope will be implemented in the near future.
Submitting to Between Sundays

Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Simon ( with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at Noon!
 Volunteer to Host Coffee Hour!