Keeping King's Chapel's members, friends, and subscribed visitors connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
Spotlight On...

From the Minister

Last Sunday we talked about gratitude, and the practice some people have of keeping gratitude journals. This Sunday Shawn will preach about the Good Shepherd.

I'm grateful for this season, with its ebbs and flows. Steamy days with a little more time to read and write; a smattering of ongoing meetings as we plan for the future; a few more empty parking spaces on the streets; officiating at summer's weddings. I hope that you are being nurtured by this season, in the ways that you need. Come by, when you can. The pace of this season is so lovely....

Upcoming Events

Barbecue Wednesday, July 29th at the Parish House Garden - 7:15 PM

The Fallons invite you to a second summer barbecue at the Garden behind the Parish House and Parsonage. They will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks. Bring anything else you'd like to eat. Come one, come all to this informal summer get-together. No RSVP necessary.
Free Handel + Haydn Society Concerts at King's Chapel!

Thursday, July 16 at 3pm
Bach: Sonatas for flute and harpsichord

Andrea LeBlanc and H+H Resident Conductor Ian Watson perform Bach's Sonata in E-flat, BWV 1031, and Sonata in A Major, BWV 1032, for flute and harpsichord.

After the performance, begin a self-led walking tour of historic H+H sites that finishes at the Boston Public Library Central Library in Copley Square. There, you can visit the interactive exhibition Handel and Haydn Society: Bringing Music to Life for 200 Years that highlights H+H's impact on music in Boston and the nation.
Andrea LeBlanc
Thursday, August 6 at 3pm
Bach: Sonatas for flute and harpsichord

Scott Allen Jarrett conducts members of the H+H chorus in music by the extended Bach family, including Komm, Jesu, Komm by Johann Sebastian Bach and works by Johann Ludwig and Johann Christian Bach.
News from the Parish

Parishioners Helping Parishioners

This will be a new feature, from time to time. If the church has jobs that need to be done; you have skills to offer the church or one another; or you need some help, please let us know. This week: 

Needed: A Good Used Affordable Car
A member of our congregation is in need of a new car, after the one she relies on recently became irreparable. If you have a reliable car you are looking to donate or sell, or if you have a car you would be willing to loan for several weeks, please contact the Parish House.  

Wanted: Someone to video sermons periodically. Bill Sears is the only person
currently taping sermons; if he can't be present, they aren't recorded. It's an easy 
task for someone attending the Sunday morning service. We'll provide the 
equipment. Contact Joy Fallon, Shawn Fiedler or Julina Rundberg at the Parish 
Meet the Guides: Alex Derham

Alex is our resident Brit who was born and raised in Southampton in the UK. He has recently graduated from Royal Holloway University of London with a BA in History. He spent his Junior year studying abroad at Boston College. His degree had a shared focus on American Colonial History and Later Roman History, with his final year thesis being a comparative study of Constantine the Great and Justinian I. Alex has worked at fellow Freedom Trail site, the Old North Church, for the previous two summers. In October, he will be returning to England to continue a career in tour-guiding in London. Alex's other interests lie in soccer, rugby and reading.  

Thank you Betsy Peterson for beautifying our garden, both front and back!
In This Issue
Sunday July 19th

The Rev. Shawn Fiedler,
  • Mindy Hinkel, Soloist
  • Sean Lair, Organist
  • Carol Kemp, Lay Reader
  • Anne Sexton, Head Usher
  • Sylvia Soderberg, Usher-in-Charge
  • Carol Genovese, Hospitality

  • Carolyn Conley, Verger

The Readings:

  • Psalm 23
  • First Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-14a
  • Second Reading: Mark 6:30-34; 53-56
Off the Bench: Notes from a Peripatetic Pedaler
By Heinrich Christensen
From June 28 to July 1, I attended the Northeastern Regional Convention of the American Guild of Organists in New Haven. Lots of great recitals, inspiring worship experiences, and fascinating workshops on topics such as the tuning systems used for Buxtehude's organ works, Luther's chorales used in Bach cantatas and organ works, guild certification programs, and vocal fitness! All in the context of catching up with colleagues from around the region and meeting new additions to the organ ranks of the Northeast.

I will be Off the Bench for the next three weeks, vacationing in Holland and Denmark. From the Bench will return with renewed vigor when I return.
Tuesday Recitals
Tuesday, July 14th at 12:15 pm


Racha Fora

Hiroaki Honshuku, director
Summer Jazz/Brazilian Fusion

Interested in Membership?
Whether you are looking for a new church home, or just curious about what King's Chapel has to offer, our doors are open to you. Click here to fill out our welcome form, if you are interested in being connected with King's Chapel.
Second Sunday
On Sunday, August 9th, all donations not designated for the King's Chapel Annual Appeal will be given to The Outdoor Church, in Harvard, MA.
More News from
The Parish
King's Chapel's History

Fun Fact: Did you know that Louisa May Alcott's parents, Bronson Alcott and Abigail May (Marmee in Little Women), were married at King's Chapel, where Abigail's father, Col. Joseph May, served as Warden for over 30 years? The couple both donned beaver hats for their nuptials, despite the hot weather...

This is one of the many fun facts and quotes the Rev. Jenny Rankin, our member, shared with us last Sunday. While serving the UU Church in Concord for 15 years, 
Jenny learned much about Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, the Alcotts, the Peabodys, Margaret Fuller, and others of the Transcendentalist movement in the early 1800s. After "Punch on the Bricks," we re-gathered in the sanctuary where Jenny shared with us some of the connections these Transcendentalists had to King's Chapel, Unitarianism, and nearby Boston. We then took a short walk nearby the church, stopping at places they lived and met. The event was such a hit, that we 
plan to invite her back again - watch for more information.
Accessibility and Hearing Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion.  Some of the box pews have been made wheel-chair accessible.  Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to those pews.  

Many of us have trouble hearing in our sanctuary, which does not have amplification.  Small hearing devices are available; an usher also will be happy to provide one, and explain how they work.  

The Book of Common Prayer According to the Use in King's Chapel is the cornerstone of worship at our 11 am Morning Prayer Services.  Printed orders of service including hymns, Psalms, and responsive sections of the Prayer Book liturgy are available to facilitate participation in worship for everyone.
Submitting to Between Sundays

Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Simon (simon@kings-chapel.ord) with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at Noon!
 Volunteer to Host Coffee Hour!