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The Society of King's Chapel



2015 ANNUAL MEETING - March 22, 2015

Preceded by HEARING - March 8, 2015


Annual Meeting Hearing

March 8, 2015


The purpose of the Hearing is to discuss agenda items, ask questions, air and resolve confusions or problems with matters which will come before the Annual Meeting.  There will be brief committee report presentations from each of the standing committees. All reports that have been received are included in this report.  The proposed 2015 budget will be distributed prior to the hearing.  Please bring your own print-out with you, if you need it for reference. Only limited hard copies will be available.




Sunday, March 22nd    12:30 p.m. Following a short break after Morning Prayer, we will meet back in the sanctuary.  Light snack in the vestibule.  Meeting ends no later than 2:00 pm.


Meeting Agenda


Approval of Minutes   

The Minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting, held on April 22, 2014.  Their formal acceptance requires a vote by the Society.


Reports                                    Brief Reports (distributed by email before the meeting):

Senior Warden; Trustees; Treasurer; Fiscal Affairs (presentation of the proposed 2015 Budget); Senior Minister


Elections - VOTE      Elect slate presented by the Nominating Committee, with other nominations from the floor if any for: New  members of the Vestry, Chair of Parish Council, chairs of standing committees.  Elect three Members to the 2015 Nominating Committee, as proposed by the Senior Warden, with possible alternative nominations from the floor.


Budget - VOTE          The Chair of Fiscal Affairs will present the Budget for 2015, and its underlying assumptions, as discussed at the earlier Hearing on March 8, 2015.  The Society will be asked to approve the Budget, as recommended by the War�dens and Vestry.  This is interpreted as also being approval of the programs that underlie the Budget numbers.




Quorum Required        We must have a quorum of fifty members for elections. Please make every effort to attend. Please bring the materials in the enclosed packet with you.  Our green consciousness policy suggests we make very few additional copies.


New Business              Any Member intending to bring New Business before the Society at the Annual Meeting, please provide an advance written copy to the Wardens and, via the office, to the Parliamentarian at the latest on the Friday before the meeting (deadline March 20).




Get a downloadable version of the Annual Meeting Reports by clicking HERE!  The report now also includes a report on King's Chapel's trusts from the trustees.
The Budget
You can also get the Vestry-Supported FY 2015 Budget HERE.