NEWS & INSIGHTS   July 2015   The Ryder Law Firm

You have just been seriously injured. You are in pain. You feel scared and vulnerable. You have questions, but do not know where to turn for answers. Strangers are trying to contact you, wanting to meet with you or obtain a recorded statement. A family member, or maybe a friend, suggests that you contact an attorney for assistance.


Hint:  You need a trial attorney, not a cartoon character or a superhero!


Finding the right attorney to represent you may be every bit as difficult and important as finding the right doctor to perform surgery. You are looking for someone who has a unique set of skills and experience that they can utilize to assist you in one of your most desperate times. You need to find an attorney who puts your interests first and has both the ability and desire to help resolve your problem. You should not be looking for somebody who has a catchy slogan or makes outlandish representations.

There is a saying that an attorney is only as good as the result of his or her last trial. To some degree, this is a true statement.

To maximize the likelihood of obtaining a good result, an attorney must be fully prepared to go to trial. Then, and only then, are you (the client) likely to receive the compensation that you deserve. A "personal injury attorney" or "injury lawyer" who is not both willing and able to file a lawsuit and try your case before a jury is of little to no value!

In fact, some attorneys have no desire or intention of ever filing a lawsuit or preparing a case for trial. Instead, they are only interested in handling a large volume of files and settling all of their cases quickly (for less than their clients deserve). This truly is a disservice to their clients.

Having practiced law for over 23 years, I can assure you that insurance companies seldom write checks for the full value of a case, without an attorney investing a substantial amount of time and money. Attorneys who have little or no actual experience preparing cases for trial, and then trying them before a jury, will not have earned the respect of insurance companies. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that they will get full compensation for you. Insurance companies know which attorneys try cases and the results they obtain!

  1. How long have you been licensed to practice law in Alabama? There is something to be said for experience.
  2. What types of cases do you handle? You need a specialist!
  3. What is your reputation? You may want to look at,, or to see how they are rated by clients, attorneys, and judges. Do not simply take the attorney's word.
  4. How many cases have you tried and what were the results? Results count!
  5. Will you personally handle my case? If not, why are you even talking to this attorney?
  6. How much will you charge me for handling my case? How are expenses handled? What is left for you?
  7. How will my medical bills be paid? Are you supposed to pay them from your share of the proceeds?
  8. What is my case worth? Why?
  9. What do you see as the biggest potential concern? The attorney must be candid. All cases have concerns and weaknesses.
  10. What is the theme of my case? In 10 words or less, the attorney must be able to answer this question. If not, find another attorney!


Time and effort should be invested in selecting the right attorney to handle your case.  Do not rely on self-promotion or advertisements that seem too good to be true.  Remember, no attorney ever won a trial by playing one of their television ads in the courtroom.  In the end there is no substitute for hard work and experience.

"An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep."   --- Arabian Proverb
If you find yourself in need of legal assistance, one of the most difficult and important decisions you will make is selecting the right attorney to represent you. At The Ryder Law Firm we understand this and take great pride in helping the honest and hardworking men and women of North Alabama.  If you have been seriously injured and you need serious representation, contact us.  We Care and We Will Help!
Brad Ryder

In This Issue
  • Car wrecks
  • Commercial trucking
  • Nursing home neglect /
  • Alcohol-related injuries
  • On-the-job injuries
  • Premises liability
  • Defective products
  • Insurance disputes
  • Business litigation
  • Federal employment
  • Unpaid overtime /
        minimum wage
  • Whistleblower /
        False Claims Act

  • We do not promise quick settlements or make outlandish representations.

    Our goal is to obtain full and complete compensation for each and every client we represent. |  email:  |  415 Church St.  |  Huntsville, AL 35801