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IEEE SIGHT Newsletter May 2014
In This Issue
Calls for Papers and Upcoming Events
Funding opportunity for SIGHT projects
Semi-Annual Reports Due
Rickshaw Development in Bangladesh
Educational Resources
Note from the Chair 

SIGHT is really picking up steam this year! Our Steering Committee and subcommittees have already held several meetings, and work is underway. In this issue, find out about some of the strides we have made and how your group can take advantage of some new opportunities!


Kartik Kulkarni, Chair, IEEE SIGHT Steering Committee

Learn more about SIGHT

Last issue, we informed you of the three subcommittees of the SIGHT Steering Committee and introduced you to our Engagement Subcommittee Chair. This month's spotlight is on Operations.
The SIGHT Operations Subcommittee is chaired by longtime humanitarian activities volunteer from IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific), Deepak Mathur

The central questions that the Operations Subcommittee will grapple with in 2014 are:

  • "How do we architect an organization of volunteers that is multi-disciplinary, locally-focused, global, inclusive, and sustainable?"
  • "How do we create membership value?"
The Operations Subcommittee's major project for 2014 is the creation of a new SIGHT Operations Manual.
Recent SIGHT Group Activities 
  • Welcome BRIDGES SIGHT in Nicaragua and IEEE Delhi Section SIGHT!
  • Magdalena Rojas is the new president of the Universidad Diego Portales IEEE SIGHT (Chile) and is leading the "Playin' and Learnin' with Snap Circuits" activity with the NGO CREA+. 


  • On May 4th, Dr. Sawsan Abdul-Majid and her SIGHT team from IEEE Region 7 (Canada) hosted the final event of a student humanitarian design competition. Learn more at our new SIGHT Blog!

  • Just 6 months old, Santa Clara Valley SIGHT (Region 6) has launched a seminar series and is building partnerships with local companies, NGO's and universities. 
Calls for Papers and Upcoming Events


SIGHT Community Engagement Workshop (CEW) at IHTC'14. The first SIGHT CEW of the year will take place June 2 at IHTC in Montreal. There is still time to register!



Call for Papers: International Journal for Service Learning in EngineeringSpecial issue on "University Engineering Programs that Impact Communities: Critical Analyses and Reflections." Manuscript submittal deadline: Sept 15. 

Like us on Facebook Join the SIGHT Facebook Group and stay up-to-date on the latest news!
We want to hear from you!

Please let us know what you would like to read about in upcoming SIGHT newsletters.

Send your suggestions and ideas to Holly Schneider Brown, SIGHT Program Manager, at


445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-4141


Following Valpara�so fires, SIGHT Chile offers unique assistance



Last month, massive wildfires left thousands homeless in Valpara�so, Chile. In the aftermath, SIGHT Chile was quick to respond, partnering with volunteers from the organization Acerca Chile. 


SIGHT and Acerca Chile volunteers performed recreational activities for homeless children for two days, using the Lego MindStorm Robots, in four different shelters: Escuela Grecia, Centro Cultural Traf�n, Parroquia Juan San Bosco, and Albergue Artesanos. In addition, a significant donation of basic necessities was made to the Sixth Fire Company of Valparaiso. Find out more at the project's Facebook album and Official report (in Spanish).



Funding opportunity for 2014 SIGHT group projects


All SIGHT groups in good standing are invited to submit a proposal for funding toward a 2014 project. Projects can be small or large and can address a wide variety of needs. However, they must primarily target beneficiaries in the base of the economic pyramid.


Groups must read carefully through the SIGHT project proposal guidelines before submitting a proposal. 


Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Any questions, please contact

SIGHT Semi-Annual Reports Due!


It's that time of year! Time to report on the work that your SIGHT group has been carrying out.




This year, we are using a Google form to simplify reporting. 


SIGHT group Chairs are asked to fill out the form no later than Monday, May 26.


If you are a Chair and have not yet received the form URL, please contact immediately! 

Rickshaw Development with CARG SIGHT Bangladesh 



CARG SIGHT of Bangladesh recently received SIGHT funding for its project titled "Power Conservation for Electrically Assisted Rickshaws with PV Support, Torque Sensor Paddle and the Solar Battery Charging Station - A Complete Solution."


The project addresses the challenge that has resulted in a current ban on commercializing electrically assisted rickshaws: that such devices consume more energy than the already overloaded national grid can handle. 


CARG SIGHT's solution would enable these rickshaws to be self-sustaining and independent of the national grid. 

Educational Resources




Agricultural Devices: Designing for Adoption and Success


Prototyping is a necessary but often difficult  hurdle in product development. This is especially pronounced in the agricultural sector for organizations designing and delivering low-cost agricultural devices. In the case of southern India, farmers don't often have the time, patience, or desire to test out prototypes of tools that could eventually increase their livelihood. So how can a design team make forward progress? 
Learn from Anand Narayan, Head of SELCO Labs: 
  • How to overcome cultural aversions to unfinished prototypes, 
  • Best practices for communication with prototype users,
  • How to ensure better data collection, and 
  • Marketing tips to increase interest and buy-in.