Article headings are links
Click on the headings of each of the stories in this issue to read more and get more information. 
On any given day, United Methodists respond to tragedy by offering prayers and support.
Here you will find resources for helping people cope with violent events, news coverage of how the church is working to respond with peace in a world of violence, and stories about how individuals as well as ministries can make a positive difference even in the most difficult of times.
The United Methodist General Board of Church & Society (GBCS) has developed a three-session Bible study about the use of guns in committing violence. The study, "Kingdom Dreams, Violent Realities," uses Micah 4:1-4 as its scriptural foundation.
Church communication: Tear down the silos
In many organizations, some people complain about the silos and the lack of communication among various departments and teams. The church is not an exception to this.

Often, the youth ministry team will plan an event with little attention to what the worship team or trustees are doing. Sometimes one group plans an event and doesn't realize the impact another's work has until the event is supposed to start and things aren't ready.

Using these tips will ensure you are managing your project well and your church teams are working optimally in cooperation with each other. Internal church communications doesn't have to be frustrating.
Many of our churches are expressing interest in strengthening their ministry with young adults but don't know where to begin. Next month the Rev. Dr. Doug Anderson will be leading one-day learning opportunities on "Post Modern Ministry" to address this concern.
Creating world-transforming communities of faith...
Educational Development Corporation is offering an exclusive 60% matching grant for new Usborne and Kane Miller books for Change a Child's Story.

The only qualifications to use the grant are as follows:
* minimum $250 per order
* needs to be ordered by a member/clergy of a UMC in Iowa for the children of Iowa.

Other information about the grant:
* NO PAPERWORK!  Just fill out an order form!
* There is no cap to how much can be raised and matched by EDC
* The grant can be used as often as you would like during the initiative as long as it is a minimum of $250. 
* Orders will be processed the second and last week of the month.  

Browse the catalog online:
Scroll to the bottom and download a PDF of the entire catalog, a mini catalog (best sellers and new titles) or use the subject search on the left side of the page after clicking on "shop" to browse on your own.  

Here is the 14 minute video of most of the suggested books and a bit about our books in general. 

Questions?  Ready to request order form?

Sunday, October 18 from 3-5:30 p.m. 
Cost $2 per youth - Bring snacks to share 
Wesley Woods Camp and Retreat Center 
10896 Nixon Street 
Indianola, IA 50125 

Join other Christian youth from across the state at Wesley Woods Camp and Retreat Center for our fall Ignition kick-off. Traverse the high ropes course, catch some fish or paddle around in a canoe with friends. Don't miss this fellowship and faith building experience! 

To register, contact Deke Rider: 
We are excited to offer some Extended Learning Opportunities at Cornell College again this fall. Classes are open to all clergy, laity or anyone interested so please feel free to get the word out. We hope many can take advantage of these opportunities.
Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015  Biblical Story Telling
Rev. Tom Boomershine will be your instructor. $75

Saturday, Nov.  14, 2015  Emerging Ministries 
Connected to but not limited to soldiers, moral injury, substance abuse, recovery and reconciliation - Rev. Lanette Plambeck and Rev. Steve Peters will be your  instructors. $75
Saturday, Jan.  9, 2016  Writing from Faith
Courtney Ball will be your Instructor. $75
Saturday & Sunday, March 12-13, 2016  
Lay Servant (topic TBD) - Instructors will be:  Colleen Petaros and Steve Kahler $100

A non-refundable deposit check of $40.00, per class is required. The remaining tuition will be paid when you arrive at your class on Saturday morning
Registration - 8:00 am Saturday mornings

NOTE:  Due to Homecoming at the Cornell Campus on the weekend of October 10-11, this class will be meeting at Mt. Vernon UMC, 304 1st Street West in Mt. Vernon.
Click here for lodging locations in Mt. Vernon and the Parking Permit you will need when you park at the Cornell Campus.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Barb Mann (515) 974-8905
Equipping transformational leaders...
Iowa Conference United Methodist Women's Annual Meeting
October 10, 2015
Broadway United Methodist Church
11 S. 1st Street
Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503
Keynote speakers: Colleen McRoberts on Domestic Violence and April Palma on JFON 

Bring a children's book to donate to JFON Clinics
Coffee and Registration: 9 am
Meeting begins: 9:30 am
Choice between 4 Breakouts after lunch
Closing worship: 2:30pm
Lunch: $7.00/person
Wish to Strengthen Your Partnership in Ministry and Marriage? 
October 16-17, 2015
Keynote Speakers:
Bishop Alfred Norris and Dr. Mackie Norris
This event offers a spiritually enriching and inspirational experience for the generations of talented clergy and spouses and will help promote a more vibrant, healthy ministry from the Christian tradition for contemporary living. Please join us for a weekend-apart--dedicated to rest, recreation, fun, food and fellowship as an affinity group of clergy couples. The first 25 couples to register receive a special gift!
First United Methodist Church
1001 Pleasant Street, Des Moines
Saturday, October 17, 2015
9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Please join us on Saturday, October 17th  for an Intergenerational Workshop featuring nationally known author/writer Missy Buchanan. Missy is a well-known speaker on the topics of aging and faith. She has appeared on Good Morning America with co-anchor Robin Roberts and her mother, Lucimarian Roberts. 
Missy's keynote address will discuss the importance of intergenerational ministry. She will also be leading a break-out session on training people of all ages to visit nursing homes. At the conclusion of our day, she will offer an optional one hour session that is free and open to the public and will focus on the sandwich generation; those who find themselves sandwiched between the needs of their own children and the needs of their aging relatives.
Visit the classifieds section of the website for job postings and related opportunities within Iowa Conference congregations.
Aligning our resources...
Are you looking to earn income and/or grow your long-term funds and endowments at current market rates while still maintaining the Social Principals of The United Methodist Church? Since 1981, the Iowa United Methodist Foundation began offering pooled investment options that do just that. We have grown to offer several investment options that can be invested in according to your committee's governing documents or we can help create a custom plan for your church's goals and objectives.
Keep up with United Methodist news from around the connection with a free subscription to the News Service Daily Digest.
The Rev. Cynthia T. Hinson, St. Paul United Methodist Church, Conroe, TX, offers this 2-page listing of Revised Common Lectionary readings for 2015, noting Sundays and Special Days.
In This Issue...
Quick Links
Iowa Conference, UMC 
2301 Rittenhouse St | Des Moines, IA 50321
(515) 289-1331