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Tuesday, September 1, 2015 

Joined in prayer, Christian churches around the world will again observe the ecumenical "Time for Creation" (1 September to 4 October), this year bolstered by Pope Francis's recent proclamation of 1 September as the "World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation."

The view of Gulfside Assembly from the coastal highway is a bit forlorn. Tall weeds sway in the warm breeze from the Gulf of Mexico. A green historic sign stands sentinel at the entrance, a witness that this is scared space, a historic United Methodist touchstone.

To those who never knew Gulfside Assembly in its glory days, it is a pretty piece of land that looks like it was once something important.

It was.
Iowa News

Rethink Church, an expression of The United Methodist Church, will lift up the belief that "education-church can happen anywhere" over the next two weeks. This back to school/back to church invitation highlights learning opportunities that transform lives, when sacrifices are made to bring nourishment to students lives and bodies, and when safe environments are created where children can play and learn.  In essence, the television ad spot suggests, "That's what it means to put faith into action." 

Tuesday, September 15 | 10 am - 3 pm
Collegiate United Methodist Church/Wesley Foundation
2622 Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50014

"In our collegiality we'll focus our day, regardless of what we thinking we're bringing in our agenda, open to hear what each child of God is saying and hear the Spirit moving."  That, according to Rev. Linda Butler, is the hope for the gathering of the Orders of Elders, Deacons, and Fellowship of Local Pastors, set for September 15. 

Bishop Kenneth H. Carter, Jr., episcopal leader of the Florida Area of The United Methodist Church, will be the presenter and preacher for the event, which will be held at Collegiate United Methodist Church/Wesley Foundation in Ames.  Carter, the president-designate of the Council of Bishops, is also a contributor to Finding Our Way - Love and Law in The United Methodist Church.
2015 Iowa Conference Journal
The 2015 Iowa Conference Journal, Clergy Lay Address Directory, Book of Resolutions and Post Conference Manual are now available online at If you have forgotten the login information for the Clergy Lay Address Directory please contact Jill Stanton at .
Starts: Sept. 19-20, 2015 


Starts: Oct. 10-11, 2015 

Simpson (Spanish available)
Starts: Nov. 7-8, 2015 

Are you ready to follow in Jesus' footsteps by serving? Then the School for Lay Ministry is right for you. The program provides supplemental leadership training to facilitate ministry in Iowa United Methodist Churches. We can be the best servants when we are trained, informed and well prepared.  
For more info, email Barb Mann or call 515-974-8905.   
For Spanish language classes, contact Barb Mann or Rev. Alejandro Alfaro-Santiz, Associate Dean at Simpson or call 515-288-4056.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
8:45 am - 4:15 pm
Iowa United Methodist
Conference Center 
Cost: $125 for one person and 
$15 for each additional staff member.
All churches are encouraged to attend this event-large, medium or small! Invest a day on your whole ministry team...we know you won't regret it.
Being a part of a ministry team (this includes paid staff and unpaid volunteers who work with their pastor on a regular basis) has its own opportunities and struggles. Sometimes pastors find themselves as more of a boss than a pastor and need to learn how to be both in the settings they serve. Paid staff and volunteer members are also an important part of the dimension of church's ministries and need to learn how to work together and grow God's ministry!
This training will:
  • Empower each member, which empowers the entire team
  • Understand, value and appreciate the gifts each member brings to the team
  • Learn to recognize and capitalize on the unique behavioral styles of each member of the team
  • Develop communication techniques to accommodate each member of the team
November 5, 2015 
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Plymouth Congregational Church
4126 Ingersoll Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50312
$89 early registration, $99 after October 1, 2015

This seminar examines the challenges presented by the rising levels of anxiety in many churches today. Since the publication of Dr. Edwin Friedman's Generation to Generation, many pastors and other church leaders have become aware of Bowen family systems theory as a way of understanding congregational dynamics. Participants will look at the role that self-differentiation leadership can play in calming anxiety. Pastors, church leaders, pastor parish committees, and judicatory leaders will examine anxiety and ways to reduce it through the lens of the family systems theory. Questions? Contact Diane McClanahan at