January 30, 2015
Are you interested in learning more about our Wesleyan heritage? There is a trip for you, departing from Des Moines July 21-29, 2015.


Journey through England with Bishop Trimble & First Lady Racelder Grandberry-Trimble and the Iowa Annual Conference and discover the roots of the early Church and the ministry of John Wesley. Visit London, Oxford, Epworth, the Old Rectory where John Wesley grew up, and much more. Enhance your journey with more days in London or an extension to Ireland!


New Look, New Year! 2015 IAUMC February Issue of The REPORTER

For readers who enjoy their news on-screen, we provide The REPORTER, an e-newsletter that interacts with the Conference website to provide you news and views. This format is easy to read online or you can download and print from our website.

You'll notice some changes. It looks more like our new and improved website. It will have stories about people, profiles of faith communities doing exciting things, program highlights, and a digest from the United Methodist News Service. There will be seasonal resources and an occasional how-to section of tips and tools.

We encourage local churches to download this edition and offer photocopies to members and friends of their congregations. We also hope you will pin a copy of The REPORTER to your church bulletin board. 

Let us know what you think!


Creating world-transforming communities of faith...
The Wisdom of Mindfulness - Working with Anxiety, Loss, Pain and the Stress of Everyday Life
During this 8 session class learn how to apply mindfulness meditation for more effective management of the stressors experienced in everyday life. Also learn how to pay attention to thoughts, emotions and body sensations (mindfulness) in a way that leads to increased healing and greater contentment.
Thursdays, 3/5/15 - 4/30/15 (no class 4/2) | 7 - 8:30 pm
Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center
8553 Urbandale Avenue, Urbandale, Iowa 50322
Contact the Center at (515) 274-4006 or info@dmpcc.org

Religion, Race and Identity: The Role of the Churches in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Many around the world have come to know South Africa as the rainbow nation, yet this notion has been subject to enormous critiques in the political discourse. Willy Mafuta lectures about how churches have been playing a major role in this identity formation.

3/25/15 |  7 - 8:30 pm

Drake University, Meredith 101
Sponsor: PFGCGC at Drake


Wartburg Theological Seminary's 34th Annual Rural Ministry Conference 

This year's focus is "Practicing Care in Rural Congregations and Rural Communities."  The Rural Ministry Conference outreach is continuing to grow and has become an ecumenical conference for those working in small town and rural parishes throughout the Midwest.  We are pleased with the ecumenical growth of this conference and hope it will continue.

The January 23rd edition of the Des Moines Register featured an article on Justice for Our Neighbors (JFON)-a faith-driven ministry, welcoming immigrants into our churches and communities by providing free, high-quality immigration legal services, education, and advocacy.

Equipping transformational leaders...
The topic for the day is Our Common Covenant. We will work on understanding each other in our community and how our calls intersect. We will spend the afternoon in our individual covenant communities (Elders, Deacons, Local Pastors, and Associate Members).The event will be at First United Methodist Church, 516 Kellogg Ave. Ames, IA 50010 with the event from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. with lunch provided. The registration fee will be $25. 

Please be sure to bring change with you because all parking around the church is metered.

 Advocacy Day - Being Transformed to Make a Difference in the Halls of Government
The Legislative Advocacy Team of the Iowa Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church is hosting the ADVOCACY DAY for United Methodists on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at Wesley United Methodist Church, 800 East 12th Street, Des Moines, IA  50316. Fill out this Registration Form and email it to Rev. Brian Carter.


The final advanced class being offered this winter is on Saturday and Sunday, March 14-15, 2015 at the Cornell College CampusThis class is open to all clergy, laity or anyone interested.  If you are interested in attending Register Here and download the pre-class assignment.
Iowa United Methodist Men Annual Meeting
All men and Pastors of the Iowa Annual Conference are invited to attend the annual meeting on 
March 28, 2015 at the Altoona UMC, 602 5th Ave SW, Altoona, IA.  Registration begins at 9:00 am, worship at 9:30. 
Registration fee: $20. Contact Jim Smith.

Keep up with United Methodist news from around the connection with a free subscription to the News Service Daily Digest.
The Rev. Cynthia T. Hinson, St. Paul United Methodist Church, Conroe, TX, offers this 2-page listing of Revised Common Lectionary readings for 2015, noting Sundays and Special Days.
Aligning our resources...

Looking for a Longer-Term Investment for Your Church's Endowment or Reserve Funds?

Are you looking to earn income and/or grow your long-term funds and endowments at current market rates while still maintaining the Social Principals of The United Methodist Church? Since 1981, the Iowa United Methodist Foundation began offering pooled investment options that do just that. We have grown to offer several investment options that can be invested in according to your committee's governing documents or we can help create a custom plan for your church's goals and objectives.

Visit the classifieds section of the website for job postings and related opportunities within Iowa Conference congregations


In This Issue...
Quick Links
Iowa Conference, UMC 
2301 Rittenhouse St | Des Moines, IA 50321
(515) 289-1331