August 15, 2014

Intentional Interim Ministry Training

The Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center is pleased to offer Intentional Interim Ministry training for those interested in working with congregations in transition.

Registrations are currently being received for the September class.  Intentional Interim Ministers are pastors who:

  • are mature in ministry,
  • are called to connect their specialized gifts and graces to congregations with special transitional needs on a short- term basis (six months to three years),
  • are able to do ministry under pressure
  • enjoy providing leadership that restores and renews a congregation spiritually and procedurally.

If this describes your leadership style as well as your sense of call, contact Diane McClanahan at 515-251-6667 or  


Click here for the brochure


Registration Deadline: August 15, 2014


Pastoral Care Specialist Program


This two-year program at the Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center is specifically designed for pastors and religious professionals involved in pastoral care ministries. Meeting one Tuesday morning each month, participants increase their knowledge about topics critical to effective pastoral care, and receive support, encouragement and consultation on their work. Participants can solidify what they already do well and integrate new knowledge and skills into their ministries.  Registrations are currently being accepted for the new fall class.  


Click here for the brochure


Registration Deadline: August 31, 2014


*For additional information contact: Rev. Diane McClanahan, Director of the Institute for the Practice of Ministry, Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center, 8553 Urbandale Ave. Urbandale, IA 50322 phone: (515) 251-6667


Communicating Faith in the 21st Century set for September 26-27


The Communications Ministry team of the Iowa Conference, in collaboration with United Methodist Communications, will present two workshops.  They will take place at the Conference Center. 


An afternoon dedicated to using Facebook creatively and effectively is set for Friday afternoon, September 26, from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm.


Communicating Faith in the 21st Century is a day-long experience on Saturday, September 27.  It will include: importance of telling stories of faith and sharing individual messages in the public sphere; crafting and sharing personal stories of faith; identifying people and organizations with whom to build relationships via social media and other 21st century communications tools; and using and specific tools, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram or Flickr, and Blog.


Look for registration information beginning next week.

Creating world-transforming communities of faith...

THANK YOU NOTES: Stories of United Methodist Connectional Giving in Iowa

The Bloomfield United Methodist Church in Des Moines and Simpson College collaborated last fall to help a student experience pastoral ministry.

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Aging in Poverty Ministry Grant Application

The Committee on Older Adult Ministries and the General Board of Discipleship announce the availability of grant funding for Aging in Poverty Ministries. The application period is now open and completed applications should be submitted no later
than August 18, 2014.

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Worship from the Eyes of a Child

by Linda Ranson Jacobs


To make worship more family friendly, you might look at it through the eyes of a child. Ask other ministers and church leaders what they think a child would see. Go in your sanctuary or worship center and get down on your knees and take a look around. What does the environment look like from a three- or four-foot level? If you are just starting to develop a family friendly service, or if you have new families coming into the church, think about taking the children into your worship area during a weekday. Allow them to walk around and look at things.


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Covenant Bible Study emphasizes relationships


Produced by Abingdon Press, a new 24-week Bible study offers a fresh look at a timeless promise and enduring commitment between God and God's people to live in a loving relationship with and for each other.


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Online Communications training


United Methodist Communications is offering six online communications courses.  They begin on September 10, 2014  Registration is open until September 9.


Click here for more information 

Equipping transformational leaders...

School for Lay Ministry - Check it out

Dear Friends:


Jesus tells us in Matthew 20:28 "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many." 


Several years ago dedicated people with great vision initiated the School for Lay Ministry in the Iowa Annual Conference. 

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Hear from Strong Ministries speaker on Costa Rica work project opportunity - Respond now 


Daryl Teske, working with Strong Ministries, a U.M. mission agency, in San Jose, Costa Rica, will be in Iowa Sept. 21. He will be coming from Wisconsin to speak at Oakwood UMC in Pleasant Hill on Sun. Sept. 21 (in the morning), and he is available to speak to youth groups or church mission groups until Sept. 23. Strong Ministries offers a variety of work projects from carpentry to painting while working with kids and women. Charlie Strong is the director of the program supported by the Methodist Church of Costa Rica. Several Iowa teams have gone to work with Strong Ministries and all had great experiences. If you would like Daryl Teske to come to speak at your church, contact: Beverly Nolte right away at 515 266 4186 or

LDM Coffee Conversations in the Districts

The Conference team of Leadership Development Ministers has undergone several changes over the last year, including reconfiguration of duties and new staff. Further, it's been some time since Rev. David Hobbs, LDM of Camping and Christian Formation, was first introduced around the conference. It's time for a meet-and-greet. Join them at one of the following locations for coffee, conversation and collaboration. Learn more about each LDM's particular ministry area and have your questions answered about the work of the LDMs. Share your dreams and visions for how your faith community can better benefit from working with the LDMs. 

Click here to see the dates and locations

Spiritual Dimensions of Pastoral Care - new group begins Sept 2014


Offered by the Office of Pastoral Care and Counseling, The United Methodist Church 


We will explore Spiritual Dimensions of Pastoral Care: Practical Theology in a Multidisciplinary Context by John Swinton and David Willows. Second Tuesday of the month, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.  CEU's may be available. Offered September through May 2014-15. Site: Ames First UMC.


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Spiritual Renewal Trip and Mission to St. Lucia

The Office of Pastoral Care and Counseling invites you to a pilgrimage at Archbishop Kelvin Felix Franciscan Retreat House, St. Lucia, The Bahamas. Jan 24-31, 2015.

Aligning our resources...

Looking for a Longer-Term Investment for Your Church's Endowment or Reserve Funds?


Are you looking to earn income and/or grow your long-term funds and endowments at current market rates while still maintaining the Social Principals of The United Methodist Church? Since 1981, the Iowa United Methodist Foundation began offering pooled investment options that do just that. We have grown to offer several investment options that can be invested in according to your committee's governing documents or we can help create a custom plan for your church's goals and objectives.


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Iowa Conference, UMC 
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