The following funding opportunities notice is being sent to department chairs and administrators in the Arts & Humanities.  Please distribute as appropriate.
FAS Research Development
Opportunities in the Arts and Humanities
March, 2013

proposalwritingThe Art of Proposal Writing
Workshop for FAS Faculty
April 8, 2013, 12:00-1:30pm
Barker Center, Thompson Room

The Art of Proposal Writing is designed for faculty in the humanities and social sciences who are applying for or plan to apply for external funding. The workshop will feature guest speaker Cynthia Verba, Director of Fellowships in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, as well as a panel of FAS faculty who have been successful in writing proposals for external funding. The panel will provide tips for developing a project, locating resources, recognizing sponsor priorities and creating a competitive proposal.  Discussions will be informal; lunch will be provided.

RSVP to Caitlin McDermott-Murphy at

neheventNEH Program Officer Visit
Save the Date: April 22, 2013 10:00am-12:00pm
Lamont Library Forum Room

FAS Research Development will host a visit from Marc Ruppel, PhD, Senior Program Officer for the NEH Division of Public Programs on April 22, 2013.  Dr. Ruppel will present an overview of NEH funding and strategies for success, followed by a panel of Harvard faculty who have received NEH funding and/or served as NEH peer reviewers.  There will be opportunities for Q&A throughout the program. 

Additional information on the program and registration will be forthcoming. 
Funding Opportunities
Unless otherwise noted, full proposals must be submitted to OSP for review five business days in advance of the sponsor deadline.  For questions regarding any of the opportunities listed below, please contact Erin Cromack, Research Development Officer, at or 617-496-5252

dataDigging into Data Challenge
Deadline: May 15, 2013
Award Amount: up to $175,000
Eligible Disciplines: All

Digging into Data is sponsored by ten international research funding organizations that are working together to focus the attention of the social sciences, humanities, library, archival, information, computer, mathematical, and statistical science communities on large-scale data analysis and its potential applications. The Digging into Data Challenge funds projects that explore how computationally intensive research methods can be used to ask new questions about and gain new insights into our world.  Applicants will form international teams from at least two of the participating countries. Winning teams will receive grants from two or more of the funding agencies and, two years later, will be invited to show off their work at a special conference sponsored by the ten funders.

For more information, see here.

nehfellowshipNational Endowment for the Humanities
Deadline: May 1, 2013
Award Amount: up to $50,400
Eligible Disciplines: languages; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; social sciences with humanistic content and methods

NEH Fellowships support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. Recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources in the humanities. Projects may be at any stage of development.


Fellowships cover periods lasting from six to twelve months at a stipend of $4,200 per month.  The maximum stipend is $50,400 for a twelve-month period. Recipients may begin their awards as early as January 1, 2014, and as late as September 1, 2015.

For more information, see  here

pficProvost's Fund for Interfaculty Collaboration
Deadline: May 17, 2013
Review by OSP is not required
Award Amount: up to $25,000
Eligible Disciplines: All

The Provost's Fund for Interfaculty Collaboration supports a variety of cross-faculty collaborations, including but not limited to new interdisciplinary courses, working groups, small-scale conferences, and new research projects that have relevance to fostering interfaculty collaboration more broadly.  Applicants must hold primary Harvard faculty appointments at the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor and must be from at least two different Schools or two different divisions within FAS. Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously received funding from the grant and to proposals that illustrate the potential long-term impact of one-time seed funding (e.g., sponsored research opportunities, resulting scholarly products) as well as to proposals that show the leveraging of other Harvard resources (e.g., cost-sharing with a Department or School).


For more information, see here

radcliffeRadcliffe Institute Fellowship Program
Fellowship Clusters for 2014-2015
Letter of Intent Deadline: May 1, 2013
Review by OSP is not required
Award Amount: Stipends are funded up to $70,000 for one year with additional funds for project expenses.
Eligible Disciplines: All

The Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program annually selects and supports 50 leading artists and scholars who have both exceptional promise and demonstrated accomplishments.  Fellowship clusters, made up of two or three individuals, will spend the 2014-2015 fellowship year pursuing the cluster's research interests or project. The Institute encourages the inclusion of junior faculty.  


All members of the cluster (excluding creative artists) must have been awarded their doctorates by December 2012. Only scholars who have published at least two refereed articles in journals or edited collections are eligible to apply.  In order to gain consideration to apply jointly, the convener(s) of such a group should submit a letter of intent, a background information sheet on each cluster member, and a copy of each participant's CV by the May 1 deadline.


For additional information and application instructions, see here.
Erin Cromack
Research Development Officer
Unless otherwise noted, all applications must be submitted to OSP for review five business days in advance of the sponsor deadline.