Please Note Contest for 2012-2013 has ended.
Is YOUR Club's Event Listed on the Thread? Would you Like to Share YOUR Event on the Thread? E-mail upcoming installation dates to the Thread. Send It to Lions4service@gmail.com
We are the Sailing Crew of District 4-C4. Together We Will Berth our Ship in 2013 with More Members and More Service S A I L: Service Action Integrity Leadership
As DG Skipper Bob Says "Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much" .
 Quick Links
April 15, 2013 Thread #45
Registration Deadline
April 15, 2013!!!
P I R A T E S 5/16-19
District 4-C4 Convention
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
May 16th through 19th
Come for the Day, the Weekend, the Entire Convention Let's enjoy Lion fellowship and fun together
Ahoy mates! Your District Convention is coming soon. Skipper Bob looks forward to mooring his galleon in the Red Lion "harbor." May 16-19. Aaargh, all Lions are encouraged to attend this annual weekend of fun and excitement. Invite your families and friends and get ready for a swashbuckling time! Our convention returns to Sacramento to the newly named Red Lion Hotel Woodlake Conference Center (the former Radisson Hotel). The Red Lion is anxious to show us their improvements both in services and amenities.
PDG Ken Ibarra, Convention Chair (650) 589-4613 Lionkenibarra@yahoo.com
PDG Mike Simonini, Housing Chair (650) 697-6346 jsimvista@sbcglobal.net
IPDG Esther Lee, Registration Chair (650) 742-9333 evlee22@gmail.com
March 2013 Newsletter Coming Soon!
and articles for the District Newsletter.
Click here for newsletter
Inside this Issue...
- PCL & SFCCL Police and Fire Awards Photos
- District 4-C4 Convention Coverage - Registration, Welcome Letter, Schedule, Flyer, and Photos from past conventions
- Larry Discus Fundraiser Cancelled - here to donate to Endorsed Candidate Larry Dicus for International Director
- Foster City Lion Jon Froomin named Police Chief of Coronado, CA
- Photos of San Bruno, Foster City, and Burlingame Lions Clubs Easter Egg Hunt Projects
- Don Stanaway Dinner and Fellows with photos
- 2nd VDG Candidate Campaign Visits to Millbrae, Belmont, Palo Alto Host, and BASO Lions
- Sunshine News - Lion Helen Marte's father, San Bruno Lion Charles Bradley, and BASO Lion Debora Mateo's partner
- Club Flyers of coming events
- San Bruno Lions Relay for Life Car Wash this weekend, April 13, 2013
& lots more...
Click here to return to Quick Links Section
Forms and checks payable to "District 4-C4 Convention and mailed or submitted to the PDG Mike Simonini, Housing Chair (650) 697-6346 jsimvista@sbcglobal.net.
Click on to download PDF
In Order to Vote at District Convention Submit Delegate Certification Form to IPDG Esther Lee, (650) 742-9333 evlee22@gmail.com

CONVENTION IS MAY 15-19 AT Red Lion Hotel Woodlake Conference Center 500 Leisure Lane Sacramento, CA 95815
"Le Show" Fundraiser Dinner Benefiting The Lions Eye Foundation of California-Nevada Inc. Saturday, 4/20 SF Chinatown Lions Club
The San Francisco Chinatown Lions Club will hold a dinner and musical program on April 20, 2013
No Host
Cocktails 5:30 PM Dinner 6:30 PM
Far East Caf� Grand Ballroom
631 Grant Avenue
San Francisco
Click here for flyer to RSVP
PCL Monthly Meeting Monday, 4/22
No-Host Cocktails 6:15 PMDinner 7:15 PM
Portuguese Cultural Center 724 Kelly Ave at Johnson St Half Moon Bay 94019
Mexican Buffet: Catered by Spanishtown Mexican Restaurant
Business Attire
Hosted by Half Moon Bay Lions Club Please RSVP by April 15, 2013 Lion Ora Seyler 650993-8649 or ora2643@gmail.com
Bingo and Spaghetti Feed Thursday, 4/25 San Mateo Lions Club
Crab Cioppino & Bingo Saturday, 4/27 San Carlos Lions Club in collaboration with The Belmont Lions Club
District Fundraiser Sunday, April 28, 2013 |
Come and Join Lion Macy's Campaign for
2nd Vice District Governor of 4-C4 2013-2014
Sunday, April 28, 2013
1:00pm - 3:00pm
$20 / person
Mission Blue Center
475 Mission Blue Drive, Brisbane
Brisbane, CA 94005
Click here to return to Quick Links Section
Bunco Night
Saturday, May 4
Bay Area Special Olympics Lions Club
Greetings Fellow Lions,
Bay Area Special Olympics Lions Club would like to invite you and your friends and family to our annual fundraiser - Bunco De Mayo on Saturday, May 4th @ 6:00PM at the Burlingame Lions Hall.
Bunco is a fun, lively, mindless dice game. No need to know how to play, instructions will be given to all.
$25.00 includes dinner, dessert and Bunco! No host bar will feature signature margaritas, sangria, beer, wine and soft drinks.
Don't forget the raffle! There will be Fabulous Raffle prizes!
See attachment for additional information.
We hope to see you there!
2013 District Convention
District 4-C4 Convention
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
May 16th through 19th
Come for the Day, the Weekend, the Entire Convention Let's enjoy Lion fellowship and fun together
Ahoy mates! Your District Convention is coming soon. Skipper Bob looks forward to mooring his galleon in the Red Lion "harbor." May 16-19. Aaargh, all Lions are encouraged to attend this annual weekend of fun and excitement. Invite your families and friends and get ready for a swashbuckling time! Our convention returns to Sacramento to the newly named Red Lion Hotel Woodlake Conference Center (the former Radisson Hotel). The Red Lion is anxious to show us their improvements both in services and amenities.
PDG Ken Ibarra, Convention Chair (650) 589-4613 Lionkenibarra@yahoo.com
PDG Mike Simonini, Housing Chair (650) 697-6346 jsimvista@sbcglobal.net
IPDG Esther Lee, Registration Chair (650) 742-9333 evlee22@gmail.com
Area 2 Student Speaker Contest 5/19 Multiple District 4 1-5 pm
2nd Annual Dr. Oz Symposium with Deepak Chopra Legacy of Health, Wellness & Education Symposium Saturday, 6/8 Peninsula Special Interests Lions Club
8:15 am - 3:45 pm
Oracle Conference Center
350 Oracle Parkway
Redwood City, CA 94065
Saturday, 6/8 Save A Life Conference
First Annual Children First Conference partnership with Districts 4-C2, 4-C3, 4-C4 and 4-C6 ... MD-4 Area 2 Lions
Register Today - On-Line or by Check
Fundraiser to help SAVE A LIFE - Preserve Vision, Diabetes Education, Literacy plus discussion of Nutrition and Medical Issues for Children, Women, Men -- locally and globally.
9 am-4:30 pm Conference and Discussion
5-7 pm Networking Special Guest Speaker
 | Register Today On-Line by Check or Credit Card |
Cost: $20 Conference includes, breakfast, lunch plus networking reception.
Venue: Walmart eCommerce Global Headquarters 850 Cherry Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066. Conveniently located to all four points of the Bay Area from Silicon Valley to the East Bay to Marin County and the Peninsula. 1 block off of 280.
47th Palo Alto Concours d'Elegance
Sunday June 30, 2013
San Mateo County Event Center
San Mateo County Events Center
2495 Delaware Street
San Mateo, CA 94403
Sponsored by the Palo Alto Host Lions Club
Concours Office: 800 San Antonio Road, Suite 6, Palo Alto, CA 94303
650-813-1100 Message Phone - Info@paconcours.com - www.paconcours.com
SF Coordinating Council of Lions Installation
August 4, 2013
Parade Your Pride Car Show
September 15, 2013 San Carlos Lions Club Car Show
Dear Lions
The San Carlso Lions will be holding thier 5th annual car show September 15th at Sparky's Hot Rod Garage. 975 Industrial San Carlos. For more information please visit San Carlos Lions Club's new Car Show Website www.sclionsparadeyourpride.org or Facebook Parade San Carlos Lions Car Show https://www.facebook.com/SCLionsParadeYourPride Twitter San Carlos Lions Car Show https://twitter.com/sancarloslions click here for PDF |
USA Canada Lions Forum
September 19, 2013
Overland Park, Kansas
 | USA Canada Forum |
Dear Lion Leader,
As General Chairperson of the 2013 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, I want to personally invite you to this great learning event. Overland Park, Kansas will be the site for this fall's top North American Lions educational experience. September 19-21, Lions from all across the United States and Canada will converge on the "Land of Oz" to sharpen their leadership skills, renew old friendships and make new friends. As a leader in your area, this would be a great opportunity to learn more from accomplished presenters and visit with our International leaders.
Our 2013 Forum Theme "Follow the Leadership Road to Your Dreams" will be the backdrop for 63 seminars and workshops held over the three day event. In addition, four featured main speakers will grab your attention with their dynamic and motivational topics during each of the four meals. I promise you will not only learn something new, but you will also be moved, entertained, motivated, and will experience a renewed sense of pride in being a Lion!
You are encouraged to visit our website at www.usacanadalionsforum.org and check out the January Newsletter which is loaded with information on the speakers, seminars and hotels, along with articles on the Kansas area. Also on the home page is a printable registration form and you can also register online with the online registration form. More newsletters will be forthcoming so keep checking back.
Please accept my invitation to join me in Overland Park, September 19-21 this year for the most memorable Forum ever, our 37th Annual USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum. I look forward to welcoming you!
Doug Lozier
PID Doug Lozier, General Chairperson
2013 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum
Lions Eye Foundation of California-Nevada, Inc. "Preserving the Gift of Sight"
Cruise for 4 Sight to Hawaii October 4-19, 2013.
for more information
prices are good through June 30th.
This update was sent to you by the District 4-C4 Public Relations and Information Chair Lion Alison Wilson and a member of Bay Area Special Olympics Lions Club - Your PR Gal!
- E-mail Lions4Service@gmail.com - your EVENTS
- E-mail Lions4Service@gmail.com - your NEWS for the Newsletter Editor Lion John Gill (San Mateo Lions Club President) we are looking for Lion Service articles in English, Spanish, Tagalog and Chinese (thank you PDG Larry Wong) to include in the District Newsletter.
- E-mail Lions4Service@gmail.com - your NEWS for PR on the Web, the Thread, FACEBOOK and Twitter t Your PR Gal, Lion Alison Wilson
Comments call Lion Alison at 415-640-9875 or e-mail lions4service@gmail.com

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