Loudoun Economic Development Newsletter July 2016
What Is Fintech,
And How Can It Help You?

Right now, if somebody says the word "fintech," you might think of top-market scuba gear or aquatic spy tools. Fintech is actually technology that helps provide a financial service. New apps and software can now streamline how your company manages processes like payroll and accounting. Fintech is good for business, and we want to encourage Loudoun startups in the fintech space. Here's why.

Featured Events

Steer Your Career: An Retail Revelations: How Local Businesses Can Compete -- 
And Win -- in the Amazon Era
Wednesday, July 20 at 1 p.m.
In this webinar, a successful retail consultant will offer ways local retailers can increase in-store sales and run more profitable businesses despite competition from online marketers. Register online.

Out on a Limb: Smart Ways to Reduce Your Risk in Business
Thursday, July 28 at 3 p.m.
USA Today business columnist will offer strategies small business owners can use to minimize risk.Register here.

Basic Training: Small Business Guide to Federal Contracts
Monday, August 8 at 9 a.m.
A highly recommended and informative first step for businesses new to federal contracting. Registration details.str Regation detail

Loudoun Small Biz News
Let Us Help You

Vanessa Jozwiak is Loudoun Economic Development's small business and entrepreneurism manager. She can help you find resources to start or grow your business. That means introducing you to people who can help you write a business plan, find office space, analyze funding sources, navigate the permit process, or anything else outlined in our small business quick-start checklist. Contact Vanessa at 703-777-0585 or by email.