LoudounPreneur entrepreneurial newsletter
 Information for the Innovative, Enterprising and Brave
March 2014

Growth Strategy: Keep Current Customers or Grow a New Following?

To get your business to the next level, are new customers the answer? You might think again. Read what the research actually shows.

People You Should Know: Paul Singh

Paul Singh is a venture capitalist and founder of Disruption Corporation and the Crystal Tech Fund. This month we share from his blog some of his thoughts about the venture capital world, and tips for companies looking for investment.

Small Business Week

Save the Date: Loudoun Small Business Week will be May 12 -16. You'll have the opportunity to win free office space from Regus at the kickoff event. There will also be a small business mixer with the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce, plus the Leesburg Small Business Awards, and a home-based business success stories forum sponsored by the Town of Lovettsville. More events are being added, and will be announced here and on Loudoun Sourcelink.

Enrollment Now Open for SBA Emerging Leaders Program

This April, for the first time, the U.S. Small Business Administration will be offering its Emerging Leaders executive-level intensive entrepreneurship training initiative for small business owners in the Washington, D.C. area. The program is a free, seven-month intensive entrepreneurship education series for established small business owners, and includes approximately 100 hours of classroom time per participant. The training is specifically designed to stimulate and support the expansion of your business, and provides the opportunity to work with experienced mentors, attend workshops, and develop connections with peers, city leaders and financial communities. The deadline is March 18; apply online.

CIT Sponsoring Small Business Funding Symposium

The Center for Innovative Technology is sponsoring a 2014 Mid-Atlantic Funding Strategies Symposium on April 22 and 23. The event features introductory and advanced discussions of the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs. Learn how to apply for some of the $2.5 billion in funding from federal agencies to perform early stage research and development, and talk directly with nine federal agencies in attendance. SBIR/STTR veterans can learn about recent important program changes and how to improve phase II and phase III success rates. Visit the CIT website for the agenda and registration page.

Cyber Crime Conference

You're invited to attend the U.S. Cyber Crime Conference, which will be held at the National Conference Center in Lansdowne April 27 - May 2. Loudoun Economic Development is partnering on this event.


The conference is expected to draw up to 1,000 professionals from I.T. companies, law enforcement organizations and federal agencies from across the U.S. Attendees will take hands-on digital forensics training, as well as learn from leading subject-matter experts about intrusion investigation, malware analysis, information assurance, cyber crime law, and R&D.


This event was formerly hosted for more than 10 years by the Department of Defense. It's been upgraded to include all stakeholders in the cyber crime-fighting community. This is the first time the Cyber Crime Conference is being held in the D.C. metro area.


The conference can also help every business owner to learn best practices in keeping electronic business records and customer information safe. Register for the conference early.

How to Network Like You Mean It

Money, jobs, sales, customers - if this is why you network, you're doing it all wrong. Find out how to build relationships with networking rather than just adding to your contacts database.

Up Skill: Entrepreneurial Events and Training

1 Million Cups

Join us for six-minute presentations from Loudoun business owners. Engage in peer mentoring by giving the presenter the benefit of your knowledge and experience in resolving business issues and making companies grow.

Date:     March 12, 2014

Time:     10 to 11 a.m.     

Place:    Mason Enterprise Center, 202 Church St., Leesburg
Cost:      Free, find out more


Youth Career Expo
Calling all businesses
- this is your chance to find the employees you've been seeking. The event is free and you get a table and chairs, access to electricity and wireless Internet, and the chance to meet Leesburg's best and brightest graduates.
Date:     March 29, 2014
Time:     11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Place:    ProJet Aviation, Leesburg Executive Airport, 957 Sycolin Road, Leesburg
Cost:      Free to attend; contact
Doug Parsons for more information

Be a Winner

This month's contest is super easy! Just email us the name of the Loudoun website where you can find information on starting your business, obtaining funding, finding workforce, accessing Loudoun business organizations, and learning about small business events. We'll pick a winner on March 17 to receive a handmade Loudoun County stoneware mug, perfect for a soothing caffeinated drink.

Gut Check from a Guru

"The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well." -- John D. Rockefeller

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Loudoun Economic Development DC's Technology Corridor 
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