LoudounPreneur entrepreneurial newsletter
 Information for the Innovative, Enterprising and Brave
October 2013
Welcome to our New Mobile-Friendly Format
To promote easy reading on mobile phones, we've made a few changes to the look of LoudounPreneur.  Just let us know what you think and what you would like to see in future editions.
People You Should Know: Hulya Asku
This month: Hulya Asku, founder of I Am Modern magazine and Critic Mania. Find out why business managers need to hear immediate feedback from customers and what she really thinks about Loudoun.
Be a Winner
Last month we asked you for prizes we could give to our readers, and we have a terrific prize as a result. Courtesy of Dulles Case Center, we are awarding one Pelican Pelican i1075 Hardback Case for an iPad and keyboard. It's an $89.95 value that's watertight, dustproof and cushioned to protect against any iPad or IPad2 disaster.

To be entered to win, forward this edition of LoudounPreneur to a colleague, copying LoudounBiz@loudoun.gov on the email. We will draw one winner from everyone who either forwards this email or joins our subscription list by October 30.

Thanks to Dulles Case Center CEO Donna Kulesza for this prize. Her Loudoun-headquartered company specializes in designing and manufacturing custom foam case inserts for any case, to protect everything from sensitive electronic equipment to firearms, computers, plasma screens, industrial equipment or even a case of your favorite Loudoun wine.

Internships: A Win-Win for Your Small Business

One of the most common issues for a small business is dealing with staffing shortages. In many cases small businesses do not have the necessary funds to bring on an additional employee. While most large companies have well-established internship programs that hire hundreds of interns per year, small businesses are often left wondering how to craft their own internship programs. Here are some things to keep in mind when looking to hire an intern for your business.

Learn More »
Read it and Reap

"The E-Factor: Entrepreneurship In the Social Media Age" by Adrie Reinders and Marion Freijsen.

What exactly is "social media" to entrepreneurs? Many business owners believe that as long as they have a website, a Facebook account and perhaps a Twitter account, then all is good. "The E-Factor" does a very good job of highlighting the less obvious elements of social media to get business owners to think of these tools as more than just Tweets. Written as a series of case studies, the book focuses on networking and market research techniques using social networking. The book offers many options and different perspectives of what "social media" really means to the business owner. Check it out online from the Loudoun County Public Library.

Tech Entrepreneurs Wanted: Pitch for a Cause

Be smart, be persuasive and be fast: the Cleantech Open Regional Innovation Summit is featuring its First Annual "Pitch for Charity" event at the Washington Post, and Cleantech organizers need 50 local tech entrepreneurs to pitch to an all-star panel. The event will be October 10 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., and is designed to showcase entrepreneurs from any tech sector, giving exposure to potential investors, customers and supporters. At the same time, companies pitch for a good cause -- the winning company gets to donate $1,000 to the charity of its choice and have a one-on-one mentoring session with a judge. Find out more about CleanTech Open and the event today!

Business Plan Contest Deadline Nearing

The Loudoun Small Business Center's 2013 Business Plan Contest deadline for submissions is Wednesday, October 9. Cash and prizes will be presented to the winners. All contestants receive an opportunity to have their plan reviewed and commented on by expert judges. Contact the Loudoun Small Business Development Center for more information.

Up Skill: Entrepreneurial Events
Register TODAY: The Annual Loudoun Business Growth Conference is tomorrow, October 4th from 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at the National Conference Center at Lansdowne. Featuring the region's top experts on entrepreneurship, the Loudoun Business Growth Conference is a one-day event for business leaders who want to gain the insight, inspiration and connections.

Symposium in the Successful Women CEO Series

Topics include "Ten Strategies for Funding your New Contract," "Interns and Other Wage Mistakes" and "1099 and W-2s - What's the Difference?"

Date:     October 9

Time:     7:30 a.m. to Noon

Place:    TeqCorner, 1616 Anderson Rd., McLean

Price:     $40; register online


1 Million Cups

Join us for six-minute presentations from Loudoun business owners. Engage in peer mentoring by giving the presenter the benefit of your knowledge and experience in resolving business issues and making companies grow. If you'd like to be a presenter, fill out this application.


Date:     October 9, 16, 23 and 30

Time:     9 to 10 a.m.        

Place:    Mason Enterprise Center, 202 Church St., Leesburg

Cost:      Free, find out more online

Windows, Signs and Visual Displays - Stewards of Your Brand
Marc Willson, retail consultant for the Virginia SBDC, explains dos and don'ts for physical and electronic displays.

Date:     October 15, 2013
Time:     8 to 9 a.m.
Place:    Mason Enterprise Center, 202 Church Street, Leesburg
Cost:      Free, register

Loudoun Federal Contractors' Group Networking
Whether you are a federal contracting neophyte or veteran, this event can help you move forward on your contracting goals.


Date:     October 22, 2013

Time:     5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Place:    Mason Enterprise Center, 202 Church Street, Leesburg

Cost:      Free, register online

Gut Check from a Guru
"Take advantage of all that the Loudoun community has to offer to grow your business so that you feel a part of the community, because you are!" - Donna Kulesza, Dulles Case Center

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