LoudounPreneur entrepreneurial newsletter

Information for the Innovative, Enterprising and Brave 

Small Business Week 2013

Mark Your Calendars for Small Business Week

The Loudoun Department of Economic Development and its partners are pleased to present Loudoun Small Business Week 2013. Small business owners will be able to enjoy a wide variety of informative panels, discussions and events throughout the week. We have events scheduled every day, come join us!

Find, Hire and Keep Remarkable People 

Ara H. Bagdasarian, CEO and cofounder of Omnilert, moderates a panel of successful entrepreneurs as they share where they look for talent, what they look for in a hire, and how they engage and promote remarkable people. Also learn the lessons they've learned along the way. Lou Paladeau, a vice president with Marriott for over 20 years and current COO/CFO of TessArae LLC, will provide a keynote speech on "Using the Marriott Way." Join in on this opportunity to learn from some of the best!


Date:       June 6

Time:       4:30-7:30 p.m.

Location: Neustar, 21575 Ridgetop Circle, Sterling 

Cost:       Free, registration and directions are online 

Finding Your Cofounder

This in-person Meetup will help you find a cofounder for your business, or help you find a business to join as a cofounder. Even if you're just starting to think about the issue, come hear from a panel who have already "been there and done that." In the mean time, get started networking with potential cofounders by creating a free profile on CoFoundersLab.com.


Date:       June 4

Time:       6-7:30 p.m.

Location: AOL, Inc. 22000 AOL Way, Dulles

Cost:       Free, registration and directions are online 

Tech Breakfast

Interact with your peers by trying out this monthly morning breakfast Meetup. Get together with techies, developers, designers and entrepreneurs who share and learn from their peers through show and tell/showcase-style presentations.


Date:       June 5

Time:       8-9:30 a.m.

Location: AOL, 22000 AOL Way, Dulles

Cost:       Free, registration and directions are online

1 Million Cups

It's said it takes a million cups of coffee to start a business. Join us each week for the 1 Million Cups program that offers two local entrepreneurs an opportunity to present their businesses to a diverse audience of fellow entrepreneurs. Following the presentation, they engage in Q&A where the audience asks,"How can we help you?". 


Date:       June 5

Time:       9-10 a.m.

Location: Mason Enterprise Center, 202 Church St., Leesburg

Cost:       Free, registration and directions are online.

Join Us for More Small Business Week Events

In addition to the events above are the following: 

Monday, June 3rd:

Tuesday, June 4th: Wednesday, June 5th: Thursday, June 6th: Friday, June 7th:

Be a Winner

Help us promote Small Business Week June 3-7 by tweeting out one or more of our events. Use #LCSBW to be entered to win a gift pack of Loudoun County items including an iPhone stand, USB hub, a leather business card holder and a bottle of pure maple syrup from Great Country Farms. One winner will be chosen June 7. Good luck!


Congratulations to our winner from last month, Doug Thomas. Doug lives in Loudoun and works for Dell as an IT configuration management senior advisor.

Special Thanks
We couldn't pull together these events without the time and resources of our partners. This Loudoun SourceLink network of non-profit partners strive to make your business a success, while our for-profit partners including Fishbowl Labs, CoFounders Lab, gofargolocal, John Marshall Bank, I AM Modern and Access National Bank have also made invaluable contributions to Small Business Week 2013.
Pay It Forward

This monthly email newsletter is published by the Loudoun, Virginia Department of Economic Development to inform and connect Loudoun's thriving entrepreneurial community. As a leader with influence, please help our community by forwarding this newsletter to your business colleagues. Thanks!

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Debi Roder   
Loudoun Virginia
Economic Development Entrepreneurship
Manager Debi Roder

SourceLink Loudoun
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