Tuesday September 2nd, 2014
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Total Recall-Arnold Schwarzenegger-Douglas Quaid
Scientists are edging closer to a time when we can enhance good memories and banish paralyzing ones. While that offers obvious enticements � who would not want a way to banish post traumatic stress disorder � it also raises prickly ethical concerns.
Doug Gurian-Sherman (b 1955) was hired in June 2014 as Senior Scientist and Director of Sustainable Agriculture at the anti-GMO litigation Washington-based NGO Center for Food Safety[1] after tension over his views developed at the Union of Concerned Scientists. He rejoined CFS after serving for years as a senior scientist for UCS in its Food and Environment Program.
There's a lot of talk about epigenetics in the news, but scientists still don't know what it all means. A team of scientists has released a statement warning that careless speculation on new and complex research is putting too much pressure on mothers during, after, and even before pregnancy.
The link between our genetics and how we behave is the topic of much speculation, some if it highly controversial. But there are some instances where scientists can say with certainty that a particular gene influences human behavior.
Personalized genomics offers the opportunity to revolutionize medical care and our understanding of disease. But many first adopters won�t wait for the medical community to start large-scale sequencing. Using personal genomics companies, more than 2 million people have already been sequenced and their results are are creating online connections.
The Vandana Shiva affair takes a new turn today with the release of The New Yorker Editor David Remnick's point-by-point response to Vandana Shiva's attack post criticizing Michael Specter's August profile of the Indian anti-GMO activist.
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Can GMOs help in the fight against global warming by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels? As scientists progress in improving biofuels through genetic engineering, how comfortable are we with so-called Frankenfuels?
Reports in the GLP and by Michael Specter have painted a devastating picture of Vandana Shiva as an extremist who has lost her moral bearings--one who puts crude ideology above empirical facts, hurting the very people she she claims to support. So why have so many reporters for so long conferred so much credibility on her obviously distorted world view?
What would you do if you were pregnant with a fetus affected by a severe disorder? Abortion is often the choice women make after receiving a Down syndrome diagnosis. But often times, it may be too late in the pregnancy. But what if tests were able to detect disorders sooner? Will more choices be readily available too?
We are experiencing a labeling orgy. Consumers with no gluten allergies are snapping up gluten free producers. Non-GMO labels pump sales of otherwise unhealthy products. Kosher makes people feel safe. What labels are meaningful, and what are gimmicks? Here's the scoop.
We spend a third of our life asleep, so getting it right is important. Researchers probing our daily biological clock�our �circadian rhythms��are discovering a genetic basis for some forms of insomnia and other sleep-related disorders.
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