Tuesday April 22nd, 2014
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Auguste Deter. Alois Alzheimer's patient in November 1901, first described patient with Alzheimer's Disease.
Many genes contribute to Alzheimer's disease, early onset Alzheimer's is caused by mutations in one of three autosomal dominant genes that alter specific brain proteins. The gene most strongly associated with Alzheimer's disease is APOE, and APOE4 is the riskiest known Alzheimer's gene variant because it is so common. The big news is, APOE4 affects women more than men.
GMO patent protest
Much to the dismay of anti-GMO activists, courts around the world including SCOTUS have consistently upheld the rights of ag companies to patent seeds--a practice going back to the first half of the 20th century when hybrid seeds were pioneered. Should that legal position be reconsidered?
Are their differences among the sexes and races in IQ? Revamp of SAT test brings nature-nurture debate about human intelligence back to the forefront.
Hard-wired differences among groups is one of the most controversial subjects in society, whether we are discussing race or sex. But science knows nothing about taboos, and the evidence mounts.
Seeking a state licensing processes genetic counselors have pushed for legislation. Lawmakers have forced the inclusion of conscience clauses that make it legal to withhold results from patients.
A new GLP infographic reviews the four main ways in which crops have been genetically modified by humans: traditional breeding, mutagenesis, RNA inteference and transgenics. You might be surprised about which one is most precise and safety evaluated.
Most of us associate seeds and commodity crops with the Midwest, but Hawaii is crucial to cutting edge research in agriculture and seed development. It has also become ground zero for fierce battles over genetically modified crops and pesticides.
A recent report in Bloomberg suggested that crop biotechnology is not being embraced as eagerly in industrialized countries, but the article left out some key contextual information. The rate of adoption and market penetration of GM crops has been matched by no other innovation in agriculture in history
Marker-assisted selection is a fancy way of saying plant breeders are using genetics to "preview" their crops and streamline the breeding process. Adrian Higgins at the Washington Post chronicles how breeding a super-hybrid that could have taken a career might now be attainable in five years, with no genetic modification.
Are their differences among the sexes and races in IQ? Revamp of SAT test brings nature-nurture debate about human intelligence back to the forefront.
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