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September/October 2012

We've been busy the last two months: several translation projects, a few writing projects, and, of course, our blog posts on language. Learn about the active voice, the last two speakers of a dying language, and which languages are the most difficult to learn.

Check out our new Testimonials page (thank you, clients!) as well as the new images on our home page.

Company News and ProjectsA
Translation. RedLine picked up two new clients in the last two months. The first is another translation agency in San Francisco. The second is a business unit of one of the biggest media companies in the world. Below are some of our recent projects:
  • the QA portion of a French audio project
  • QA for a French-to-English project on energy-saving tips
  • Chinese-to-English subtitling of video interviews for a corporate end client


Client testimonials. We asked our clients if they would be willing to write a few words on our behalf. They responded! Thank you to all our featured clients. (See below.) 

Click the image to read RedLine's client testimonials.

New images. We've added new images (one for each service) to our home page and Facebook page. We hope that the change will improve the site experience for new visitors.


If you haven't "liked" us yet on Facebook, click the picture below to visit our page and receive frequent posts, articles, and comments about language. From the interesting to the funny, we share it all!


RedLine's new images, shown here on the company Facebook page.
Recent PostsB
Below are some of RedLine's recent posts. If you like what you read, please +1 it, Tweet it, or "Like" it using the buttons at the bottom of each post. 


Click image to see which languages are the hardest to learn.
Final Word: Dictionary Adds New WordsC
Language purists, I have bad news for you: language is constantly evolving. Merriam-Webster recently completed its update to the Eleventh Collegiate. Here's a sampling of the new words that were added:


  • cloud computing
  • craft beer
  • game changer
  • sexting
  • tipping point


See 25 of the new words.


It's interesting that we consider the dictionary an authoritative source for linguistic information, yet you'll see new words in many other places long before you see them in a dictionary.


Thanks for reading,
RedLine principal Matthew Kushinka




Matthew Kushinka

RedLine Language Services LLC
(616) 855-4044