Market Place "East"
5124 S 95th East Avenue ~ Tulsa, OK 74145
or P. O. Box 14172 ~ Tulsa, OK 74159-1172
Newsletter ~ December 13, 2015
Hebrew Year 5776 ~ Securing the Gates of Our Future
The Year of Opening Up New Store Houses

Kingdom Rain International Mandate/Mission

Build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth by Restoring and Advancing the People of God.
Meeting Times for Kingdom Rain

Sundays, December 6, 13, 20, 27
Wednesdays, December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Adults ~ Toddler's Class (One and walking through Three years old)
and Children's Class (Four years old to Eight years old)

Informative articles in Newsletter
(Article Blocks on Topics Below)

Word from Mary Beth McElroy ~ Kingdom Rain Hanukkah Prayer Revelation of 12-1-2010
Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Chad Heil
First Fruits Celebration ~ Month of Tevet ~ Tribe of Dan
 Motivational Gifts by Don & Katie Fortune
Charisma Magazine Article ~ "God's Wake Up Call"
by Jennifer LeClaire
Kingdom Rain Ministries ~ Glory of Zion Replays ~ Elijah List Articles
Sunday Dinner ~ December 13, 2015

Fried Chicken
Bring any items related to the entree.
(We begin at 5:30 PM)
Salads ~ Garden, Pasta, Vegetables, Fruit, Side Dishes ~ Casseroles, Macaroni and Cheese, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Mashed or Sweet Potatoes, Finger Foods, Chips, Dips, Salsa, Bread, Rolls, Desserts
Drinks Provided: Coffee, Water, Ice Tea
Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Chad Heil
     Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 4:30 PM
      Dear Beloved Kingdom Rain Family,

We are overwhelmed in the goodness of God in celebrating
the coming union of Covenant Marriage of our daughter,
Miss Elizabeth McElroy to Mr. Chad Heil.

It is in our hearts for All to celebrate with us in great thanksgiving
this beautiful gift of marriage.  Thus, we will have a reception with our Kingdom Rain Family on Sunday, December 13th at 4:30 PM. 
This will be a time to share in praise and worship together with the
Heil's as well as release blessings and inspired prophecy by
the Holy Spirit. We will move into our Sunday dinner and worship
at our normal time of 5:30 PM.

With all our love,
Rick and Mary Beth McElroy

First Fruits Celebration
Join Us At Kingdom Rain
We will celebrate on 
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Gather at 5:30 PM at Kingdom Rain 
to celebrate the month of Tevet and the Tribe of Dan 

First Fruits is one of the greatest revelations that God has restored back to the body of Christ.  It is the time to give God our  First!  First Fellowship as a people of God,  First Praise, First Worship, First PrayerFirst Offering........  First Fruits are the seeds of our "First" which bring in a harvest.

The Lord communicates with His people and desires for each of us to hear His voice clearly so we understand the times.

CLICK HERE for more information about Tevet.

The Month of Tevet and The Tribe of Dan
Tevet / December
The 10th Hebrew Month
   (Sundown) December 12, 2014 to (Sundown) January 10 Hebrew year 5776
Dan- Judge, grow up mature 
Ayin - 70, eye, God's eye/evil eye
Capricorn - Goat; testimony will express
maturity or immaturity
Anger - Holy anger, righteous indignation at evil
Liver - Purification, brain, heart

In midst of destruction there is mercy, fasting.

CLICK HERE  for more information about Tevet.

Kingdom Rain Hanukkah Prayer Revelation
from December of 2010
Dear Beloved,
Happy Hanukkah!
December 6 to (Sundown) December 13

Sunday night was an amazing night to unlock "resurrection power" in each one of us as we celebrated the First Day of Hanukkah. What a glorious "Arise and Shine" evening.  Thank you to Jacque Orrioles as she brought forth the heart of God and the significance of Hanukkah relating it to this Day. Today.  I am overwhelmed in the goodness of God to us, His people. He is leading us and guiding us into His marvelous light.   

You received a flashlight key chain that says "Arise and Shine".   This is the Time for you to let God's Light, Jesus, the Light of the World Shine
forth!  Our key weapon of warfare for this week is " Jesus, You are the Light of the World"  Speak it into the atmosphere. Speak it over your family, your finances, your health, this city, state and nation! Speak it into the white house. Into ISIS (ISIL).  This is a season of war, but we must use the weapons God is giving us, and not pick up the weapons of the enemy. Hallelujah.   

I was going to send you daily readings for Hanukkah (of which I will in another email) However I came across these Hanukkah notes that were recorded 5 years ago. I hope you will take time to read and receive what God was having Kingdom Rain birth 5 years ago. Then compare it to what we experienced last night ~ CLICK HERE for Hanukkah notes.

I am amazed, humbled and reminded of the faithfulness of God to His people.  Beloved, we REMEMBER what God spoke to us by His Holy Spirit and now 5 years later, knowing that the number 5 means "grace", we say, "Yes, Lord, your grace is enough to bring forth Your plan in Your peoples lives!"

Arise and Shine,
Mary Beth McElroy

 Motivational Gifts by Don & Katie Fortune
Dear Kingdom Rain,
As we are coming to the close of our teaching on the "Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry by Kris Vallotton let us give a great big thanks
to Carla Felder and Jim Davis for their obedience in the moving of the Holy Spirit in releasing what they heard. THANK YOU CARLA and JIM!
Jim was reminded of this teaching he received and he would like to share it with us.  Jim writes . . .
Linda, please find one attached MS Word File containing an article on Motivational Gifts by Don and Katie Fortune.  The title of this book is called "Discover Your God-Given Gifts."

At Shekinah Church, Pastor Barbara Yoder in Michigan, we taught this book as a teaching course for about 4 years in their School of Equipping.
As we impart God's Calling on people by the laying on of hands this week on Wednesday, we launch them into their personal gifting and ministry to which God has called them.
II Timothy 1:6 (NKJV) "Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands."
I Timothy 1:18 (NKJV) "This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare." 

CLICK HERE for the article.
Jim Davis
Charisma Magazine Article
God's Wake-Up Call ~ By Jennifer LeClaire
The Message Trumpeted by a New Wave of Prophets

When Cindy Jacobs emerged as a prophetic voice to the nations in the 1980s, prophets didn't have a platform in the traditional church-but that didn't stop the woman of God from blazing a trail. Since then, she's delivered the prophetic Word of the Lord to over 100 nations-including specific prophecies to heads of nations.

Although Jacobs still travels the world prophesying the heart of God over peoples, releasing prayers that heal the land, and equipping the saints to hear God's voice, she is excited about what God is doing in America. She sees a prophetic church rising in the midst of a culture that seems to be growing darker by the day.

"The prophetic gift is always a trumpet call," says Jacobs, co-founder of Generals International. "I believe we're hearing many voices crying out against the ills of society right now. In my many years of prophesying, I have not seen that to this degree. We are on the verge of an awakening, and any time you are moving toward awakening, you have awakeners."
These awakeners are forerunners who trumpet a call for repentance mixed with hope for God's mercy that triumphs over judgment. They are prophetic messengers who recall nation-shaking revivals like the First and Second Great Awakening, Azusa Street, the Voice of Healing Movement and the Toronto Blessing and fervently cry out, "Do it again, Lord!"

At a time when some prophets are cursing America, a new breed of prophetic people-some younger, some older-are declaring and decreeing the greatest-ever great awakening. It's an awakening that will spill over America's borders and touch the nations of the earth with great signs, wonders and miracles that demonstrate Jesus is alive. These prophets are equipping a generation of prophetic people who see, hear and say what the Lord is doing in their cities and regions-and have the persistence to contend to the end.

With this in mind, I reached out to a number of prophetic voices-some I have known and worked with for many years and others who are just now appearing on the scene. These men and women of God have one thing in common: They are prophesying about an awakening that brings supernatural manifestations back to the church. I'm seeing it at historic revival sites such as the Cane Ridge meeting house in Paris, Kentucky, and at churches large and small across America. Prophetic ministry plays a key role in the next great move of God.

CLICK HERE for the complete article.

Kingdom Rain Ministries

Tuesday Morning Prayer ~ December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
at 6:30 AM ~ Lead by David Pesta
For more information you can contact David at  or call him at 918.606.5774.

Saturday Intercessory Prayer ~ December 5, 12, 19
at 9:00 AM ~ NO Meeting on the 26th.  Lead by Betty Bond
For more information you can contact her at 918.809.4448.

Business Round Table ~ Held every other month
Next meeting will be at 6:30 PM ~ NO Meeting in DecemberLead by Scott and Mandy McElroy
For more information contact or

Prophetic Revelation, and Healing Prayer ~ Provides Holy Spirit led prayer for individuals "as requested" for any type of need. Two or three ministry team members will press in to hear from God and interact with those needing prayer and direction in their life. Restoration Prayer ~ Is a unique inner healing
and deliverance 
ministry. A prayer ministry team will co-labor with you to find the wounded areas in your life. These areas include abuses, brokenness, deception, and believed lies. The ministry team will lead you to healing and restoration in each area. With a healed past, you can walk into your future destiny to which you have been called.

Prophetic Revelation, Healing, and Restoration Prayer Ministry
lead by Jim and Nancy Davis is available on
Monday Mornings at 9 AM & 10:30 AM
and Thursday Evenings 6:00 PM by appointment only.
To schedule a appointment, please contact Jim Davis at
Glory of Zion Replays and Events

Sunday, December 6, 2015 ~ 7:30 AM
Linda Heidler ~ "Women God Honored!" 
CLICK HERE for replay.

Sunday, December 6, 2015 ~ 9:00 AM
Robert Heidler
"Celebrating Victory, Restoration and the Miracles of God!"  CLICK HERE for replay.

Women's Christmas Dinner and Celebration!
Next weekend will also be a wonderful time to join us at the Global Spheres Center. Our Honoring the Women Warriors weekend will be a wonderful time to fellowship as well as receive marching orders to advance victoriously.  We begin on Friday night at 6 PM with a Women's Christmas Dinner and Celebration!  Held in the Multi-Purpose Room, this evening for our ladies will feature a wonderful meal, gift, and time of worship and ministry. Marty Cassady has prepared a special message for this time, and this night will be a wonderful opportunity to invite friends, family, co-workers and neighbors to join us.  There is no cost to attend.  If you have not registered for this Women's Dinner, please click HERE to get signed up today.

Driving the Stake for Your Future!

On Saturday, December 12, we will continue honoring our women warriors.  Our theme for Saturday is Driving the Stake for Your Future!  This day is for both MEN and WOMEN, so everyone is invited to join us to learn how some battles cannot be won without the female gender.  I have invited Barbara Wentroble, Barbie Breathitt, Deborah DeGar and Jacqueline Del Rosario to minister on Saturday, so this will be a power-packed day!  If you have not signed up to join us on Saturday, click HERE to reserve your place.  

Elijah List Articles
Dear Kingdom Rain,
Elijah List has been having many powerful articles.  This week we have articles from Adela Just with Cindy Jacobs, Graham Cook and others.  Click below, when the page opens scroll down the list and click on the article you wish to read.  Enjoy!
Linda Hardacre
CLICK HERE for the Elijah List articles.