Market Place "East"
5124 S 95th East Avenue ~ Tulsa, OK 74145
or P. O. Box 14172 ~ Tulsa, OK 74159-1172
Newsletter ~ November 29, 2015
Hebrew Year 5776 ~ Securing the Gates of Our Future
The Year of Opening Up New Store Houses

Kingdom Rain International Mandate/Mission

Build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth by Restoring and Advancing the People of God.
Meeting Times for Kingdom Rain
Sundays, November 29 ~ December 6, 13, 20, 27
Wednesdays, December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Adults ~ Toddler's Class (One and walking through Three years old)
and Children's Class (Four years old to Eight years old)

Informative articles in Newsletter
(Article Blocks on Topics Below)

The Power of Thanksgiving! By: Rick and Mary Beth McElroy
Wedding Recption for Chad Heil and Elizabeth McElroy
What Is the Festival of Lights?
First Fruits ~  Month of Kislev ~ Tribe of Benjamin
Charisma Magazine Article
"How's Your Relationship With the Spirit?" By: Joyce Meyer
Kingdom Rain Ministries ~ Glory of Zion Sunday Replays
Elijah List Articles
Sunday Dinner ~ November 29, 2015

Italian Meatballs and Pasta
Bring any items related to the entree.
(We begin at 5:30 PM)
Salads ~ Garden, Pasta, Vegetables, Fruit, Side Dishes ~ Casseroles, Macaroni and Cheese, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Mashed or Sweet Potatoes, Finger Foods, Chips, Dips, Salsa, Bread, Rolls, Desserts
Drinks Provided: Coffee, Water, Ice Tea
The Power of Thanksgiving! 
The Power of Thanksgiving!
Give Thanks to the Lord for He is Good.... 

Thanksgiving is the motivation that brings each of us into the most intimate fellowship and relationship with the Living God who Loves YOU.  

Thanksgiving was the original "Feast of Tabernacles" for America.  It was America's First Fruits Celebration of their first crops. 

Thanks is a grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, especially to God. Gratefulness and the demonstrated acknowledgement are part of the power of Thanksgiving. The expression of thanks produces power. Thanks and praise go hand in hand. Our God inhabits the praises of His people! Thanksgiving is a public prophetic celebration in acknowledgment of God's divine favor and kindness

Thanksgiving is a day set apart for giving thanks to God.  God has a Divine Order and principles of which He has established on the earth. 
It is good to be a people of Great Thanksgiving and it is an acceptable and wonderful offering to the Lord. 
One of my favorite scriptures showing us the power of Thanksgiving is from Luke 17. Ten lepers were all healed. One returned, gave thanks and worshiped the One who healed him. The Lord said to that one, "You are now made whole"! 

From Healing to Wholeness! A thankful heart opened the way to the GREATER!  That is the power of Thanksgiving!

With Great Thanksgiving and Joy
Rick and Mary Beth McElroy
Build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth by Restoring and Advancing the People of God
Crown for KRIM

The Month of Kislev and The Tribe of Benjamin
Kislev / November
The 9th Hebrew Month
November 13 - December 12, Hebrew year 5776
Benjamin - Son of my right hand, only children born in the land
Samech - 60, prop, support, coming full circle
Sagittarius - Archer, bow
Sleep/Dreams - Night dreams and visions
Belly/Womb - River of God begins
to flow in belly
Develop war strategies, enter new level trust, tranquility, peace.

CLICK HERE for more information about this month.
CLICK HERE for Robert Heidler's teaching on Kislev.

Reception for Chad Heil and Elizabeth McElroy
      Dear Beloved Kingdom Rain Family,

We are overwhelmed in the goodness of God in celebrating
the coming union of Covenant Marriage of our daughter,
Miss Elizabeth McElroy to Mr. Chad Heil.

Chad and Elizabeth chose a beautiful venue for their
wedding on Saturday, December 5.  This venue has limited seating
and capacity; therefore, the invitation list to the wedding is also limited.

It is in our hearts for All to celebrate with us in great thanksgiving
this beautiful gift of marriage.  Thus, we will have a reception with our Kingdom Rain Family on Sunday, December 13th at 4:30 PM. 
This will be a time to share in praise and worship together with the
Heil's as well as release blessings and inspired prophecy by
the Holy Spirit. We will move into our Sunday dinner and worship
at our normal time of 5:30 PM.

With all our love,
Rick and Mary Beth McElroy

What Is the Festival of Lights?
The Festival of Lights: Hanukkah (Chanukah)
By: Celebration: The Book Of Jewish Festivals
Put together by Linda Hardacre

Beginning at Sundown December 6, 2015
Ending at Sundown December 14, 2015

Dear Kingdom Rain,
     I would like to share with you the whole story of how "The Festival of Lights" HANUKKAH came about.  There was more than one incident that led up to the MIRACLE, and I didn't know which one to tell you so I'm including them all as an attachment.  If you would read one or two sections a night up to when Hanukkah begins you will then understand the MIRACLE that happened to cause this wonderful celebration. Enjoy!

Blessings, Linda Hardacre

The Festival of Lights: Hanukkah (Chanukah)

Hanukkah which was Romanized as the Festival of Lights, is at once the best known and least known to the Jewish holidays.  The customs of Chanukah, such as  lighting the menorah,  playing dreidel, eating potato latkes, and giving and getting Chanukah gelt (money) and gifts are familiar to all its celebrants.  The story behind the holiday, of how the menorah in the Holy Temple stayed lit for eight days with very little oil, is recounted each year as we light the Chanukah candles.
The events that led up to this miracle, however, as well as the historical setting of Hanukkah (Chanukah), are often forgotten.

The Story Behind Hanukkah (Chanukah)
The story of Hanukkah (Chanukah) actually begins in year 336 B.C. when Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, which included Judea (modern-day Israel).
The Jews' relationship with Alexander was long and fruitful.  He sponsored many sacrifices in the Temple.  Alexander promised the Jews that his empire would not interfere with their religious practices both in Judea and in the Diaspora which is the area outside Palestine settled by Jews, and he exempted the Jews from the royal tribute during the Sabbatical year.  The Jews were also invited to participate in the Greek army, which shows that their loyalties were not suspect.
Alexander requested, as was the custom, that his statue be placed on the Temple mount as a symbol of Jewish loyalty to the Empire.  The Jews, with their strong aversion to graven images, demurred but offered instead to name all their first-born male children Alexander.

There is so much more history about "What Is the Festival of Lights?".
CLICK HERE to learn more about this wonderful celebration.  Here are some highlights:  Antiochus IV Epiphanes; Chana, Who was she?; The Revolt (The Macabees); The Menorah; The Story of Judith; Food, Fun and Games.

Charisma Magazine Article
How's Your Relationship With the Spirit?
By: Joyce Meyer
The Holy Spirit is speaking to you, but you must learn to recognize His voice.
As born-again believers in Jesus Christ, we serve a triune God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Genesis 1:26, God says, "Let us make man in our image." This verse reveals God as the Trinity, and we need to worship and have relationship with each person of the Godhead.
It seems more common to hear people talk about the Father and Jesus, but the Holy Spirit does not get enough of our attention. It is important to understand that He is a person who has a personality, a will, knowledge, a mind, and He thinks and knows things. For example, I Corinthians 2:11 tells us that "no one knows the things of God, except the Spirit."
In John 16:7, we learn some of the facets of His personality and how we need Him to work in our lives. In this verse, Jesus says: "For if I do not go away, the Counselor will not come to you. But if I go, I will send Him to you."
CLICK HERE for the rest of the article.

First Fruits Celebration
Join Us At Kingdom Rain
We will celebrate on 
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Gather at 5:30 PM at Kingdom Rain

Come join us at Kingdom Rain to celebrate the month of Tevet and the Tribe of Dan
First Fruits is one of the greatest revelations that God has restored back to the body of Christ.  It is the time to give God our First!  First Fellowship as a people of God,  First Praise, First Worship, First PrayerFirst Offering........  First Fruits are the seeds of our "First" which bring in a harvest.

The Lord communicates with His people and desires for each of us to hear His voice clearly so we understand the times.

CLICK HERE for more information about Kislev.

Kingdom Rain Ministries

Tuesday Morning Prayer ~ December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
at 6:30 AM ~ Lead by David Pesta
For more information you can contact David at  or call him at 918.606.5774.

Saturday Intercessory Prayer ~ December 5, 12, 19
at 9:00 AM ~ NO Meeting on the 26th.  Lead by Betty Bond
For more information you can contact her at 918.809.4448.

Business Round Table ~ Held every other month
Next meeting will be at 6:30 PM ~ NO Meeting in DecemberLead by Scott and Mandy McElroy
For more information contact or

Prophetic Revelation, and Healing Prayer ~ Provides Holy Spirit led prayer for individuals "as requested" for any type of need. Two or three ministry team members will press in to hear from God and interact with those needing prayer and direction in their life. Restoration Prayer ~ Is a unique inner healing
and deliverance 
ministry. A prayer ministry team will co-labor with you to find the wounded areas in your life. These areas include abuses, brokenness, deception, and believed lies. The ministry team will lead you to healing and restoration in each area. With a healed past, you can walk into your future destiny to which you have been called.

Prophetic Revelation, Healing, and Restoration Prayer Ministry
lead by Jim and Nancy Davis is available on
Monday Mornings at 9 AM & 10:30 AM
and Thursday Evenings 6:00 PM by appointment only.
To schedule a appointment, please contact Jim Davis at
Glory of Zion Replays and Events

Sunday, November 29, 2015 ~ 9:00 AM
Robert Heidler
"The Coming Apostolic Revival: God's Strategy for Kingdom Expansion!" 
CLICK HERE for replay.

Awakening Our Prophetic Destiny Conference
Friday, November 20 ~ Dutch Sheets ~ CLICK HERE for replay.

Elijah List Articles

"Understanding the Seer Aspect of the Prophetic Gift"
Diane Lake, Missoula, MT
CLICK HERE for article.

"The Power of Visualizing Your Dreams"
Barbie Breathitt, North Richland Hills, TX
CLICK HERE for article.

"God's Good Plans, Restoration & Rest"
John Belt, Oklahoma City, OK
CLICK HERE for article.

"It Ain't Over!" Christians Appeal to Heaven
Wendy Griffith from CBN News, Virginia Beach, Virginia
CLICK HERE fir article.