E-News, Issue #61

To All ALERT Members:


     Two for One (2-4-1) ALERT International Membership Campaign


Get a Year's Free Membership...................


     Membership is the lifeline of any organization and certainly ALERT International is no exception and to a large extent the single component that will either flourish or bring an Organization to its knees. The larger our membership the more expertise and knowledge that is available to support the Mission and members of the Association. Your Executive Board has established as one of its 2014 goals to increase our membership.


    To support this initiative the ALERT International Executive Board is challenging every current (paid up) "Active" Member to seek and encourage additional individuals to join ALERT International. If every "Active" Member got only one person to join ALERT our membership would almost double. The person could be someone from your own agency, or better yet, reach out to someone from a surrounding or adjoining agency or jurisdiction sharing ALERT International's objectives, goals and mission.


    As a reward to any "Active" Member who is successful in having two new members join ALERT International by July 1, 2014, that member will receive a FREE membership for 2015, thus the title of this initiative "Two for One" (2-4-1) Membership Campaign. For those members who are up to an even more serious challenge - the current "Active" Member who is successful in encouraging the highest number (at least 4 or more) new members will receive FREE tuition to this year's Annual Conference in London, Ohio.


IMPORTANT...to ensure that you receive credit for any new applicant's membership advise the new applicant when completing the membership application on www.alertinternational.com to type in the following at the bottom of the application form: "2-4-1 Membership Drive - Your Name", when answering the question "How did you learn about ALERT International?" . This a very critical point because without this information we have no idea that you encouraged them to join ALERT International.


Any questions should be directed to Albert Liebno, President at info@alertinternational.com.


A.L.E.R.T. International is dedicated to the encouragement and correlation of research and development as well as the sharing of information, ideas and innovations in the area of emergency vehicle response operation. Additionally, A.L.E.R.T.'s mission is to provide assistance to states in establishing effective and defensible standards for employment and training of law enforcement officers in the field of emergency vehicle operations. Another aspect of the mission is the promotion of a positive, professional image of emergency response trainers.