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August 2016
Last Days of Summer
Try and enjoy what's left of summer.even though most schools are back in session and stores are filled with holiday decorations already for Halloween and even Christmas. Grab a book and a drink and relax on the beach or by a lake.  Let's all use this time to slow down a little and relax.  Enjoy the view and get reenergized. Dream a little about where you would like to spend your next vacation. We can make your vacation dreams come true!
sand and shells in a suitcase isolated on white background
Easy Access Travel is off to Europe!
Colosseum in Rome, Italy
Are you one of the lucky 43 that are traveling to Europe with us on September 7?  We are meeting up in Barcelona and spending three nights there.  We have two day trips planned including a city tour and a visit to Montserrat. We will board RCCL's newest and largest ship, Harmony of the Seas on Sunday, September 11 for a Western Mediterranean Cruise.  We have accessible shore excursions planned in Palma de Majorca, Naples, Rome, Florence and Marseilles.  Many of us are renting mobility scooters and other medical equipment from Special Needs Group, our exclusive provider. This trip has taken many months of planning and preparation and we are all more than ready. This is a first trip to Europe for most of our participants and I am so excited to be escorting everyone.  I feel like I'm taking a group of kids to Disneyland for the first time!  I will be posting pictures on Face Book and will write a full report for our September Newsletter.
We are spreading our wings and seeing the world!  Hope you can join us next time.
Let's Talk a Little About Talk
Terminology Tips

Put the person first.  Say "person with a disability" rather than "disabled person".  Say "people with disabilities" rather than "the disabled".  For specific disabilities, saying "person with Cerebral Palsy" or "person who has had a stroke" is usually a safe bet.  Still, many individuals have their own preferences so do not be afraid  to ask which words they like best.
Avoid outdated terms like "handicapped, crippled or retarded".  Be aware that many people with disabilities dislike jargony, euphemistic terms like "physically challenged" and "differently abled".  Say "person who uses a wheelchair" rather than "confined to a wheelchair" or "wheelchair bound" (this one makes me cringe).  The wheelchair is what enables the person to get around and participate in society; it's liberating, not confining.
With any disability, avoid negative, disempowering words like "victim" or sufferer".  Say person with post-polio syndrome instead of polio victim or person who suffers from post-polio.
It's okay to use idiomatic expressions when talking to people with disabilities.  For example, saying, "it was good to see you and see you later" to a blind person is totally acceptable.  They use these expressions themselves all the time.
Information courtesy of  United Spinal Association, Tips on Interacting with People with Disabilities.

Disability drink relax leisure concept. Crippled lady on wheelchair. Disabled girl holding red cup drinking beverage.
75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor
The America flag flying at Pearl Harbor.
Come to Honolulu with us and celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor.  Visit the Polynesian Cultural Center and enjoy accessible shore excursions in Maui, Kauai and Hilo as we sail around the Hawaiian Islands on NCL's Pride of America.  One last opportunity to sign up for this incredible trip.  Please call no later than Wednesday, August 31 for your chance to join us.


Need a scooter, wheelchair, O2, or anything else for your next cruise?  Let us make arrangements for you with Special Needs at Sea.

Call Easy Access Travel to arrange your equipment.


Easy Access Travel is available to speak to your organization or support group if geographically feasible.  Please contact us for more information.  


Debra Kerper

Easy Access Travel

Cruise Planners/American Express Franchise Owner 



In This Issue
Next stop......
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Hall C
September 16 - 18
I will be in Europe but please stop by and say hello to my associate, Heather Leonard.  

Visit Us In Booth 626

Free admission, workshops and events.  

We look forward  to meeting you, sharing valuable information and answering your questions. 



(We do individual and group travel planning)

We are offering some incredible Group Travel opportunities and invite you, your families & your friends to join us on one or all of these trips.  All of our trips are mostly accessible and geared to those with mobility limitations.  


Accessible Hawaii

Must sign-up by August 31!!!

December 10-17, 2016 Cruise

December 7-10 Honolulu

Optional 3 days in Honolulu and incredible accessible shore excursions

Click here to Register NOW 


Accessible Allure (Next BIG Amputee Cruise)

February 12-19, 2017

Take your Sweetheart on a cruise in 2017 on the magnificent Allure of the Seas.

Eastern Caribbean Cruise

Full Details Here.... 



Just for our Spina Bifida clients, their friends & families.  May 6 - 13, 2017 on board RCCL's newest ship, Harmony of the Seas. Accessible staterooms are limited so SIGN UP NOW!!!

Full details & pricing here... 



June 12 - 21, 2017, Norwegian Getaway

Click here for more information... 



Sep. 2-15, 2017.  Very limited space.

Details here 


Visit the Southern Caribbean (Aruba, Bonaire & Curacao) February 2 - 11, 2018.  Nine nights round-trip Miami.


Click here for full details and information 


More Adventures coming soon

Be sure and tell us where you would like to go and we will put a group together!


Don't miss the boat or the tour with these incredible groups!

For information on all trips go to 
and click on Group Trips. 

Deb's Medical Update
& Travel Adventures

I've taken one more trip since Alaska to Houston for the Abilities Expo.  This, however, was a road trip so not too much adventure.  Each trip seems to get a little easier.  Our accessible room was set up well at the Residence Inn and everything would have been great if the air conditioning had been more effective!  It is really hot and humid in Houston.  Much worse than Dallas!
As always, the Abilities Expo was a huge success and I really enjoyed having lots of my clients stop by our booth and say hello.  Also enjoyed meeting so many new people and sharing our knowledge of accessible travel with them.
I spent time looking at and learning about accessible vans which I am in the market for. So many factors to take into consideration.

Physical Therapy is going well but they make me work hard...I've been in the pool which is my favorite exercise.  I received my temporary prosthesis about three weeks ago and I'm busy learning how to walk again. They say I'm doing pretty well and I've reached my first goal....I will be able to walk to the restroom on the flight to Barcelona next month!  I've been using a walker but I'm starting to transition to a cane.  A little scary! I know each day will get a little easier.

Just Doing it a little Differently..... 

When you sign up for Accessible Allure, Easy Access Travel will donate a portion of our proceeds to the Amputee Coalition.

Sign up for our Spina Bifida Cruise and we will donate a portion of our proceeds to the Spina Bifida Association.

Help support your organization while you're having a great time!

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