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September 2014
I got to spend the first full weekend of September in Boston hosting a booth and doing my Travel Workshop at Abilities Expo.  No matter how many times I attend Abilities Expo, they are always special and made more so when I get to meet clients for the first time as well as ones I already know.  An amazing number of clients came to see me in Boston and I am truly humbled by their comments and caring.  My clients fill me with joy and each and every one of them is special to me. For those of you who visited (some from quite a distance!), my deep and heartfelt thanks to all.  

US River Boats
Accessible?   Yes, they are!

Time and time again clients ask me if they can take a European River Boat Cruise and, unfortunately for most of them, I must say no, they are not accessible.  However, there is a lovely vacation choice that I bet most of you have not thought of. River Boat Cruising on US Rivers is extremely popular and the American Queen (best known for itineraries up and down the Mighty Mississippi) and the American Empress which visits the Pacific Northwest via the Columbia River are wheelchair accessible.  Daily shore excursions are included and you will be transported on lift equipped motor coaches.
There are several itineraries to choose from and they differ in length of voyage.  Often times there are popular themes to choose from as well.  You will be treated to wonderful regional cuisine along with a unique perspective on the area's history, culture and landscape.  These are truly lovely vacation experiences.
Please contact me for more information and to book your next vacation visiting either America's Heartland or the Pacific Northwest.

Group Travel...
Is this for you?

In all honesty, it took me a long time until I was ready to invite clients to join a group trip whether cruise or land.  As a disabled traveler, I wasn't sure that others with mobility disabilities would enjoy traveling with a large group of people using wheelchairs or scooters.  Boy, was I wrong!  It was the encouragement of my clients and peers who convinced me to undertake this task.  It all started at an Amputee Coalition Conference a few years ago when I was approached by one member to put together a cruise for amputees.  This was quickly followed by a request to do a cruise for young adults with Spina Bifida.  BINGO!  Both cruises were huge successes and were followed by repeat events.  We are now doing our groups for anyone with mobility disabilities, their families and friends regardless of type of disability.  
I believe our success is a result of the instant bond that is formed among those of us who travel a little differently and perhaps a little slower.  Young or old, we understand and relate to each other and have immense compassion for each person's individual situation.  We are accepting and kind.  If you haven't already done so, I suggest you consider joining one of our group trips in the future.  I believe you will be very happy with your decision.
Take a look at our website and check out our blogs and videos on our group travel.



Need a scooter, wheelchair, O2, or anything else for your next cruise?  Let us make arrangements for you with Special Needs at Sea.

Remember to Make Travel Easier when you take your next trip.


Easy Access Travel is available to speak to your organization or support group if geographically feasible.  Please contact us for more information.  



Debra Kerper

Easy Access Travel

Cruise Planners/American Express Franchise Owner




In This Issue
Accessible US River Boats
Is Traveling with a Group For You?
Abilities Expos
Group Travel



For those of you who have never visited an Abilities Expo, they are three day events held in major metropolitan areas across the country.  They are a huge marketplace for any type of product or service that can enhance the lives of people living with special needs of all kinds.  The next event is in San Jose, CA November 21 - 23. Unfortunately, due to a schedule conflict, we won't be there but encourage all who live in the area to visit. You will be glad you did!

We will see you in Los Angeles in March, 2015.

Complete details at


We look forward to meeting you!





(we do individual & group travel planning

We are offering some incredible Group Travel opportunities and invite you, your families & your friends to join us on one or all of these trips.  All of our trips are fully accessible and geared to those with mobility limitations.  All are welcome to travel with us.
Accessible Seas 2015:  

Oasis of the Seas,  

Jan. 17 - 24, 2015

You Don't Want to Miss this Cruise!!


ONLY 1 Accessible Inside Cabin Available!  Deposit of $500/per cabin is fully refundable until October 1, 2014.  Regular cabins still available.

Click here for link


Amputee Coalition Travel Adventures 
12 Night Alaska Cruise asked for it, we delivered!

May 31 - June 12, 2015

Click for link


Canada/New England Cruise 

Nine Nights 

RT Cape Liberty (Bayonne, NJ)

Aug 27-Sep 5, 2015

RCCL's Liberty of the Seas

Complete info here... 


Just Added!

Sep. 26-Oct. 3, 2015

Oasis of the Seas

Accessible Seas II! Open to all with physical limitations, friends & families...


Complete Info Here 


Don't miss the boat or the tour with these incredible groups!

For information on all trips go to 
and click on Group Trips. 



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