Easy Access Travel
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June 2014
We always associate June with graduations, the beginning of summer vacation and Father's Day.
We are proud to announce two graduations in our family; one grand-daughter graduated from M.I.T. in Boston and is headed to University of San Francisco for post-graduate studies and another grand-daughter graduated from high school and will be heading to college in New York state.  We are very proud of them. Congratulations to all the graduates out there on a job well done!
We send Happy Father's Day wishes to all the dads and hope your special day finds you with loved ones and doing whatever you enjoy.
Have you planned your summer vacation? Do you need help trying to decide what to do?  Their are some fantastic "deals" out there and we are always here to assist you with your travel plans.  It is not too late!
Our summer vacation takes us, along with 43 clients, to Alaska on June 27. Look for pictures and a full report in our July Newsletter.
TSA Tips for Summer Travel
With so many people getting ready to head to airports across the country, we thought it a good time to review the TSA Do's & Don'ts. Contrary to what many of you may think, it is not TSA's goal to make your life difficult. Know the rules and follow them and you can breeze through security.  Let's talk about shoes for a moment.  Did you know that persons with disabilities never need to remove their shoes?  Just inform the agent that it is very difficult for you and they will hand screen your shoes. Persons 75 and over and 12 and under do not need to remove their shoes either.
Here is some information on frequently asked liquid, aerosol and gel items:
  • Deodorant: Stick deodorant is not limited to 3.4 oz. or less, but gel or spray deodorant is.
  • Powdered Toothpaste: This is fine in both checked and carry-on bags and does not apply to the 3-1-1 rules.
  • Suntan & Sun Block Lotion: Lotions - both pump and aerosol - fall under the procedures that I mentioned above. Sun block sticks do not fall under this rule.
  • Beverages: Wine, liquor, beer, and all of your favorite beverages are permitted in your checked baggage. You can also bring beverages packaged in 3.4 oz. or less bottles in your carry-on bags in the baggie.
  • Gel Inserts for shoes are now permitted.
  • Foods: Here is a list of items that should be placed in your checked bags or shipped: creamy dips and spreads (cheeses, peanut butter, dressings), jams, jellies, maple syrup, oils and vinegars, sauces and soups.
Click here for a Summer Travel Checklist from TSA. 
Make Travel Easier.....


This is our continuous goal at Easy Access Travel so we want to introduce you to another product that can Make Travel Easier for you, our valued clients.
Bags VIP Luggage Delivery makes traveling with special needs easier.  Their agents retrieve your luggage from baggage claim and deliver it directly to the destination of your choice. Perfect for wheelchair users, slow walkers, and persons with mobility disabilities. Bags VIP Luggage Delivery service can also benefit travelers with bad backs, heart conditions, low endurance and hidden disabilities.  


Bags VIP is offering our clients, their friends and families a 10% discount on every order.  Receive exclusive discount at  www.maketraveleasier.com/easyaccesstravel


 Taking a cruise???

Many of the major cruise lines have now partnered with Bags to provide Luggage Valet Service.  For a low fee, Luggage Valet will take your bags from the port on day of disembarkation and you will not see them again until you arrive at your home airport!  You will receive
airline luggage tags and your Boarding Pass so you simply get off the ship, go to the airport and head directly to security.  No more standing in line to check your bags.
Your cruise ship will provide information to you during the cruise regarding this service if offered. Easy Access Travel strongly endorses this service and encourages you to use it.  It will Make Travel Easier.  We Love It!!!


Easy Access Travel is available to speak to your organization or support group if geographically feasible.  Please contact us for more information.



Debra Kerper

Easy Access Travel

Cruise Planners/American Express Franchise Owner





In This Issue
TSA Travel Tips
Make Travel Easier
Upcoming Abilities Expos
Group Travel



The next Abilities Expo will be in Chicago June 27 - 29 at the Schaumburg Convention Center.  Unfortunately, Easy Access Travel will not be there as we will be escorting a group on an Alaska Cruise. We will be in Houston for the Abilities Expo July 25, 26, 26 at Reliant Center.   Mark your calendars and plan on attending our workshop, Accessing the World:  Tips for Traveling with a Disability on Friday, July 25 at 1:00pm.


Complete details at www.abilitiesexpo.com


We look forward to meeting you!







(we do individual & group travel planning)

We are offering some incredible Group Travel opportunities and invite you, your families & your friends to join us on one or all of these trips.  All of our trips are fully accessible and geared to those with mobility limitations.  All are welcome to travel with us.


 All trips are listed under Group Trips on the Home Page of our website.



Accessible Seas 2015 

 Oasis of The Seas,  

Jan. 17 - 24, 2015

You Don't Want to Miss this Cruise!!!


ONLY 3 Accessible Inside Cabins Available!  Deposit of $500/per cabin is fully refundable until October 1, 2014. 



Amputee Coalition Travel Adventures 
12 Night Alaska Cruise Tour....you asked for it, we delivered!

 May 31 - June 12, 2015



San Francisco Land Tour

October 7 - 13, 2014

Because it's not about the trip of a lifetime, it's about a lifetime of extraordinary trips...

Please sign up now....deadline is rapidly approaching.




Support The ALS Living Fund  

Enjoy a glorious week on board RCCL's Navigator of the Seas, round-trip Galveston, TX December 7 - 14, 2014. Cruise is fully accessible.  Invite your family & friends to join you and support a great cause.




TEA & SPICE CRUISE...Not fully Accessible, but amazing none the less if you can do it....We have a 16 night cruise on Azamara (700 passengers), March 21 - April 5, 2015.  Singapore to Dubai through southern India.  All ports are docked.



Info on Israel Land Tour coming soon.....


Don't miss the boat or the tour bus...travel with these incredible groups!

For information on all trips go to www.easyaccesstravel.com
and click on Group Travel or visit wwwdebrakerpertravel.com and click on Group Travel



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