July 8, 2016

Belton ISD students and employees were featured in Belton's Fourth of July Parade. Special thanks to the M100, the Magic Belles, BHS Cheerleaders, and the Transportation Department for their participation.

Dear Community Leader,

My heart is heavy today. 
The news is filled with violence and loss, and it makes me wonder what sort of world our children will inherit. I don't have an answer to that question or the hundreds of other questions that these tragedies raise. 
What I do know is that our schools have a role to play in strengthening our communities, in bringing our families together, and in giving every child both the opportunity and the support to excel.
I know that our employees are dedicated to serving our students. 
That's why hundreds of teachers have signed up to spend part of the summer honing their craft. Last month, we held a two-day Secondary Learning Summit for our high school and middle school teachers and administrators, and later this month, we're hosting a three-day Elementary Learning Expo. These conferences allow our educators to participate in breakout sessions related to their own professional development goals and to learn from experts in our district and across the state.
We're celebrating LaGay Pittenger, who has been selected as the 2016 ESC Region 12 Elementary Teacher of the Year. Over 23 years at Lakewood Elementary, LaGay has helped prepare both her students and other teachers to excel. When you hear them talk about how she has shaped their lives, you know that LaGay deserves this recognition.
I know that our students have been doing great things this summer. 
We're celebrating our career and technical education students, who stood out among their peers at the SkillsUSA National Leadership Conference by winning sixth place in two events: radio/audio production and a construction trades contest. Shivangi Ojha just won her fifth consecutive state title in the Texas School Bus Safety Poster Contest. Our Student 2 Student group at Belton High School was invited to spend a week in Washington, DC at a national summit where they focused on how to help other students prepare for life after high school.
And I know that the things we're celebrating wouldn't be possible without your support.
My heart is heavy today, but because of our employees, our students and community leaders like you, it's also hopeful.


Susan Kincannon, Ed.D.

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Last month, students from Belton ISD's Career and Technical Education (CTE) program competed at the SkillsUSA National Leadership Conference. The Construction Trades team of James Erb, Zachary Henderson, Joseph Hermann and Dylan Vuong (left) took sixth place in the TeamWorks event. Khalil Perry and Alyssa Vargas-Leon (right) also placed sixth in Audio/Radio Production.

Message from the School Board President:

Our Schools! Our Community!

When we were children most of us viewed summer as a time of vacation for everyone. And while many still view this season as a long break from school, what we often overlook is the considerable efforts underway throughout the summer to prepare for the upcoming school year. While many of our kids are engaged in summer camps for athletics, fine arts and other interests, preparations for a successful school experience are being made throughout our community.
The Board and administration are involved in planning for expected growth and the development of our annual budget, teachers and staff are involved in a variety of training experiences to better equip them to lead our students to success, child nutrition staff are providing food for children through the summer meals program, and construction projects are underway throughout Belton ISD.
Some of our most gracious and generous community members have been working for several months with Project Apple Tree to provide school supplies and clothing for our students. Each year this great work enables our kids to start school with new clothing and school supplies that their families could not otherwise afford. Be looking for opportunities you can join in the work of Project Apple Tree!
Our students continue to receive accolades for their achievement even during the summer months. Several of our Belton Tiger athletes have received all-state honors. Our BHS Audio/Radio Production and TeamWorks construction trades students represented us at the National SkillsUSA competition in Louisville. The support and training they received from our amazing teachers and community partners prepared them for an impressive level of success. Many of our students, including the Marching 100, Magic Belles, Cheerleaders and FFA received praise and recognition for their participation in the Belton Fourth of July parade.
Great things are coming for our students in the upcoming school year.  Thank you for your continued support of our schools and our kids!

I Love Belton!

Randy Pittenger
President, Board of Trustees

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Lakewood Elementary teacher LaGay Pittenger (left) has been selected as the 2016 ESC Region 12 Elementary Teacher of the Year and will move on to the state teacher of the year competition. Last month high school and middle school teachers (center and right) attended the Belton ISD Secondary Learning Summit, a two-day conference with professional development sessions led by local experts and presenters from around the state. A three-day conference for elementary teachers and administrators will take place later this month.

Project Apple Tree provides students with an outfit, a backpack, school supplies, a dental and hygiene kit, and the opportunity for free immunizations. Jeanette Kelley started Project Apple Tree 16 years ago with the goal of ensuring that all students, no matter their economic circumstances, have a great first day of school. Above, Mrs. Kelley accepted a $500 donation from employees at the Belton ISD Administration Building. The Administration Building joined other district departments and campuses in supporting Project Apple Tree. Dr. Merl Brandon presented the donation. Workers are already busy sorting clothing and supplies. If you'd like to sponsor a child, make a donation, or volunteer to help sort or distribute supplies, please contact Jeannette Kelley at 254-718-4514. Distribution day is August 15!

Belton ISD | PO Box 269 | Belton | TX | 76513