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Tyler Elementary students and families participated in Christmas activities at their annual Polar Express event.
Sparta Elementary students performed "Lights, Camera, Christmas!"
BISD middle and high school Orchestras conducted a Christmas Concert.

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Stay up to date with the latest information about the District by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Just click on the icons above to link to us. You can also find information at www.bisd.net
Catch a glimpse of our Automotive Technology Program!
BEEF awarded $38,470 in Teacher Grants on December 4.
BHS Varsity Boys Basketball won the season opener 59-47. Go Tigers!
December 20, 2013

Dear Community Leader,       


Excitement and eagerness abound as we celebrate the Christmas holiday!


There have been many spectacular holiday performances by our students. Our bands, orchestra and choir students have filled their concerts with the spirit of the season. Elementary musicals, dance and theatre performances have been wonderfully entertaining.


All of these events are special for our students and families. By performing at various events throughout the community, our students have been able to share that joy with even more people. I hope you had the opportunity to attend at least one of these events and to see firsthand the talents of our students and staff.


The first semester ended this week with exams and a shortened schedule on Thursday and today for our secondary students. Christmas parties for elementary students were held yesterday and this morning.


As 2013 draws to a close, I'm excited about all that our students will accomplish in 2014. Thank you for helping to make that possible. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!   




Susan Kincannon, Ed.D.  



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Message from the Board President:


Our Schools, Our Community!

A supportive and engaged community makes our schools stronger, and stronger schools make our community a better place to live, work and play. 


The commitment of a large group of volunteers representing every school and neighborhood in our community has been working together on the proposed new middle school attendance boundaries.  We appreciate the willingness of these volunteers to work hard to reach consensus on what is best for all of our children in Belton.  All of the information reviewed by this committee and the school board is available on our website, including maps and feedback forms.  In addition, public forums are scheduled for January 6 and 7 to gain additional feedback before a final decision is made.


The Belton Educational Enrichment Foundation (BEEF) recently awarded $38,470 in grants to support our schools.  That demonstrates a great commitment by our community to promote innovation and creativity with our students.  We are thankful for that support!


We are fortunate to have an engaged community that recognizes the value of strong schools.  Thank you for your continued support! 


Merry Christmas and may 2014 be filled with God's richest blessings for us all!


I Love Belton!


Randy Pittenger

President, Board of Trustees



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