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Florida Prosperity Partnership
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FPP Regional Meetings:


October 9, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Real$ense Prosperity Campaign, Jacksonville, FL

October 10, 12 noon - 3:00 pm
Heart of Florida United Way, Orlando, FL

October 11, 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Hilton Garden Inn, Ft. Myers, FL

October 16, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Envision Credit Union, Tallahassee, FL

October 17, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Chipola College, Marianna, FL

October 23, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
The Urban League, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

November 13, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Juvenile Welfare Board, Clearwater, FL 


For location and RSVP information, please click here








Bank On Tampa Forming Meeting

October 5, 2012 at 11 a.m.

Bank On Greater Orlando Meeting

October 10, 2012

More information


"Get up offa that thing" and join us on your Path To Wellness 5K Run/Walk 

October 7, 2012, 830am

Lakes Regional Park. 

More information



The Florida Prosperity Partnership (FPP), was formally established in March 2009, evolving from a number of parallel and earlier efforts to create a statewide coalition dedicated to improving the financial stability and capability for low-to-moderate income Floridians.

FPP PURPOSE: To convene individuals and organizations with the desire to leverage their talent, resources, and passion to improve the prosperity of Florida's families.

FPP VISION:  All Floridians have equal opportunities to attain financial stability.

FPP MISSION: Establish a statewide collaboration holistically focused on providing life-enhancing services to Floridians. 



Janet Hamer, Chair  

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


Daniella Levine, Vice-Chair  

Catalyst Miami


Sandra Bernard-Bastien

Children's Services Council of Broward


Ted Granger, Treasurer  

United Way of Florida


Evan Goldman 

CSC of Broward County


George Owen 

Regions Bank


Maureen Quinlan 

United Way of Marion County


Mike Smith 

TD Bank





Ron Albert  



Anika Coney 

Hillsborough County Dept. of FAS


Dr. Michael Gutter 

University of Florida, IFAS


Dorothy Inman-Johnson 

Capital Area Community Action Agency


Valerie Hendriex-Jenkins 

Wells Fargo


Iris Jones 

BB&T Bank

Mike Kennedy
Suncoast Community Capital 


Roger Mercado 

United Way of Lee, Hendry, and Glades Co.

Katie Metz

National Disability Institute


Rosa Morgan 

Community Assets Inc. 

Joan Nelson

Heart of Florida United Way


Kasha Owers  
United Way of Palm Beach County


Felipe Pinzon  

Hispanic Unity of Florida


Ron Sharpe 

United Way of Northwest Florida


Ellen Stoffer 

United Way Suncoast

Barbara Travis

Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas 


Jeff Winkler

Real$ense Prosperity Campaign





Kaye Schmitz  

President and CEO

Bill Mills
Director of Strategic Initiatives

Pat Nelms

Community Education/Program Manager


Penny Zaphel
Coordinator of Special Projects


Emilie Pennington

Graphics Designer


Lynn Gill







updated funders logo Sept  




September was an extremely busy month with lots of excitement


from all directions. 


First, the FPP was awarded a Financial Services Contract from the Financial Stability Partnership (FSP) of United Way of Central Florida to work with them and their partner agencies to strengthen their service offerings. The FPP will do a capacity analysis, planning, and training for integrated delivery of financial stability services with United Way of Central Florida agencies. The Financial Stability Partnership has set up a terrific model that we believe will be beneficial to other parts of the state as well.  Thanks go to Scott Lonsberry from United Way and Rob Sansome, Chair of the Financial Stability Partnership group, for putting such a great proposal together. We are really looking forward to working alongside them on this initiative. 


Next, the FPP, University of Florida IFAS, and United Way of Miami were contacted by Dr. Dong-Ho Jang, a Professor of Social Work from Namseoul University in Chonan Chungnam, South Korea, about making a visit to Florida to study our organizations. In Dr. Jang's own words, "I searched the Internet for an effective micro-level program that promotes financial stability for low-income families.  I found the FPP, an innovative and impressive collaborative organization."  Dr. Jang and his group will also be hosted by Dr. Michael Gutter, from the University of Florida IFAS to learn about the Florida Master Money Mentor program, by United Way of Miami and South Florida Urban Ministries, and at two of the FPP Regional Meetings, co-hosted by Heather Mitchell and R. Jai Gillum of United Way of the Big Bend and Brian Taylor and Ron Sharpe at United Way of Northwest Florida. We at the FPP will also spend a lot of time with Dr. Jang so he will, again in his words, "know how the FPP makes people smart in making financial decisions, especially under the recent economic downturn."  We consider it quite an honor for Dr. Jang to have found all of us via the Internet and make the trip to Florida to spend time with us.


The highlight of the month was CFED's Assets Learning Conference in Washington, DC.  The speakers were great and included Richard Cordray, Director of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Corey Booker, Mayor of Newark, New Jersey-who was truly inspirational, Jose Cisneros, Treasurer of San Francisco and originator of many of the programs we all copy, Martha Kanter, Under Secretary of the U. S. Department of Education, Eugene Robinson, award winning columnist for the Washington Post, and many, many others. The workshops also offered an abundance of information and were so good we plan to bring a number of them to the FPP Conference in 2013 so you can all benefit from them.


The FPP was fortunate to get a number of scholarships for the conference and fifteen FPP members-including seven board members-attended the two day conference and various other meetings. The group, in addition to me, consisted of Janet Hamer from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (Jacksonville Branch), Daniella Levine and Kamalah Fletcher from Catalyst Miami, Evan Goldman from Children's Services Council of Broward, Felipe Pinzon of Hispanic Unity, Maureen Quinlan from United Way of Marion County, Jeff Winkler from Real$ense, Rob Sansome from TrueWealth KIDS, Dawn Lockhart from Family Foundations along with her board member Dick Valentine, Debbie Pierson from Bank of America, Vanessa Benevides from United Way of Miami, Darrin Liddell from South Florida Urban Ministries, and Karen Landry from War on Poverty and RAISE Florida.  The meeting culminated in visits to the two Florida Senator offices on Friday afternoon-and ten of the fifteen Florida attendees were able to make those visits. Our delegation was very well received and Florida made a great showing in our nation's capital.


Please congratulate Dawn Lockhart and her team at Family Foundations, when you get a chance, for receiving two awards during the National Ways to Work Conference in September. Their awards are the 2012 Premier Path Program Award/$3,000 Prize, which they won for 40 loans with a less than 24% delinquency rate and a less than 12% default rate and the 2012 Most Improved Program Award/$7,000 Prize.  This is a wonderful accomplishment for a national program and the Family Foundations team has made a significant impact on the lives of lower income families in Northeast Florida.  


Don't forget about the upcoming FPP Regional Meetings, held this year in conjunction with many of our partners. We are thrilled that six of our meetings will be sponsored by The University of Florida IFAS team and the Florida Information Network. The seventh meeting, in Ft. Myers will be sponsored by IBERIABANK. We are very grateful to our sponsoring partners for their generosity. The meetings are:

  • October 9, from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm - Real$ense Prosperity Campaign, Jacksonville, FL
  • October 10, from 12 noon to 3:00 pm - Heart of Florida United Way, Orlando, FL
  • October 11, 11:00 am to 1:30 pm - Hilton Garden Inn, Ft. Myers, FL
  • October 16, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm - Envision Credit Union, Tallahassee, FL
  • October 17, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm - Chipola College, Marianna, FL
  • October 23, from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm - The Urban League, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  • November 13, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am - Juvenile Welfare Board, Clearwater, FL

At some of these gatherings you will get to meet with visiting professors from South Korea and at all of them you will hear more about the 5th Annual FPP Conference - "All That Jazz."  You won't want to miss the details behind the theme. This will be the last sequential FPP conference and the next one after this will be in 2015. Make plans on your calendar and in your budget to join us.



Kaye's signature  

By Bill Mills, Bank On Florida Director 
Bill Mills

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has released the 2011 FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households. Unfortunately, the numbers of unbanked and underbanked, in Florida, have increased. 7.3% of households in Florida are unbanked. 21.1% of households are underbanked. Compare this to 2009 where 6.9% of households in Florida were unbanked and 17.1% of households were underbanked.


You can read the full documentYou can also use their interactive map to find more information.


Of note in the survey is the increased use of prepaid cards for every banking status except those that are fully banked:  
Bank On FL graphic

We had a Bank On Florida webinar regarding these cards on September 7.  Dan Quan from CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) discussed issues related to these types of cards followed by Romy Parzick from CFSI (Center for Financial Services Innovation) who discussed their Compass Principles Guide to Prepaid. We will continue to follow this trend and report on it as we move forward.


As a side note, we do have a couple of Bank On meetings coming up in October. Bank On Tampa Bay is holding their forming meeting on October 5 at 11 AM and Bank On Greater Orlando will be holding a meeting as part of the FPP Regional Meeting in Orlando on October 10. For more information, please contact me at [email protected].

By Evan Goldman and Ted Granger
* This is a non-partisan communication and does not reflect a political message on or behalf of any member of the FPP.  

On behalf of the Florida Prosperity Partnership Executive 

Ted and Evan

Committee and Board of Directors, we encourage all members to VOTE in the November elections. Two of the proposed Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 3 and Amendment 4, would, if passed, have a significant impact on human services and local government. Please be an informed voter. The League of Women Voters of Florida is a strictly non-partisan source of information on statewide candidates, Constitutional Amendments and Supreme Court Justices. In addition, there are many competitive State Senate and House races. Florida's Legislature could be one-quarter new in 2013, so it will be important for Florida Prosperity Partnership members, in all parts of the state, to build relationships with our new elected officials. 



There is no greater responsibility than to prepare our children for the opportunities and challenges that the future holds. That is why Florida CFO Jeff Atwater is sponsoring the Florida Students $ave essay contest that will prompt students in grades 9-12 to consider and write about important financial matters including the issue of why it is important to save their hard earned dollars. This contest is part of his Your Money Matter$ financial education initiative that aims to help all Floridians become stronger in their financial education. We are asking for your assistance in letting the students of Florida know about this opportunity!

The essay contest begins October 1, 2012, and submission deadline is November 30, 2012 (11:59 p.m. EST) after which time the judging process will begin. First, second and third-place winners will be awarded in each of five contest regions - Northwest Florida, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa and South Florida, and cash prizes will be awarded in the amounts of $250, $150 and $50.


Train the Trainer Group in Washington
Train the Trainer Wash DC In September, the IRS and Center for Budget Policy's Train the Trainer group met in Washington. This group consisted of three Floridians: Ron Sharpe from United Way of Northwest Florida, Marsha Holloway from United Way of Marion County, and Judi Marek of Northeast Florida Community Action Agency.
A One-Stop-Shop for Innovators
By: Sophie Raseman and Nicholas Bramble

All too often entrepreneurs and innovators lack easy access to the information they need to build effective online and app-based consumer tools. In an effort to change that, Treasury today launched a new Finance Data Directory, which will make finance-related data sets from multiple federal agencies available to the public in one convenient location.


Resources like the Directory are part of ongoing Administration efforts to foster innovation by making government data sets more accessible and usable. Just last week, the White House held a "Safety Datapalooza" where officials announced new safety data resources, including valuable tools to strengthen emergency response and preparedness, and provide real-time details about natural disasters.


Entrepreneurs will utilize the Directory's finance data sets in different ways to help consumers manage their money or make personal finance choices. One company already uses the Department of Labor's data to help employees understand the 401(k) plans offered by their employers; another company makes use of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's recently launched credit card complaint database to help consumers monitor their accounts for suspicious charges.


The Finance Data Directory is part of Treasury's work to promote the development of the next generation of personal finance tools that promote financial capability. Treasury is working to promote smart disclosure, for example, in order to make data available in ways that can be used to create tools that help Americans take control of their financial lives. We are also leading the MyMoneyAppUp Challenge, a contest intended to motivate American entrepreneurs, software developers, the public, and students to propose ideas and designs for mobile tools to help Americans control and shape their financial futures. The new Directory will make it easier for contributors to the MyMoneyAppUp Challenge and others interested in next generation applications to use federal government data sets to start building working mobile tools.


Still, this new Directory is only an initial step for Treasury. We will continue to expand and improve the Directory, but to do so we need to hear from you. Your ideas will help us foster innovations in personal finance tools and promote financial capability. We encourage the public to explore the Finance Data Directory and suggest ways for Treasury to improve on how the data can be presented to help financial consumers make smarter financial choices. If you have a great idea for a data set to include, an example of how these data sets are being used today or can be used in the future, or any other feedback, tweet at @USTreasury with the hashtag @financedata or email [email protected].




Advocacy News from the National Community Tax Coalition
NCTC logo
We invite you to peruse National Community Tax Coalition's latestnewsletter  here. You can learn more about their current policy agenda, and ways that you can take action to support this agenda, that is especially centered on tax reform. In addition, there is a special section on VITA in the News.  


NOTICE - Anyone interested in joining FPP or if you would like to submit an article for publication in subsequent newsletters, please send an email to Penny Zaphel, Coordinator of Special Projects - [email protected] .


Kaye Schmitz
Florida Prosperity Partnership