March 2015 



I remember when Mark and I were writing the Hearts at Home book Living With Less So Your Family Has More. We'd been knee deep in research, edits, and fleshing out the chapters. I said to him one afternoon, "You know what this book is really about? It's about standing up to adult peer pressure!" 

Peer pressure is usually a concept we reserve for the teen years. Tweens and teens are still trying to figure out who they are and they are often tempted to cave into what everyone else is doing in an effort to fit in. 

However, peer pressure doesn't stop after you turn 18 or graduate from college. It continues right into adulthood as we still find ourselves trying to fit in as moms. 

We look around and determine that someone is prettier, more organized, skinnier, more patient, a better cook, more creative, or a better housekeeper than we are. 

We spend so much time looking at others and lamenting who we aren't, that we completely miss seeing who we are! In fact, that's what the entire No More Perfect Moms book is all about! It's a call to freedom and authenticity in our daily walk as a mom. 

If you haven't already, it's time for you to unleash the power to be yourself! You are the only one who can be the best you! You are the only one God designed to be the mother of your children. 

Don't get caught up in the peer pressure trap. Celebrate who you are and let go of who you are not! (Tweet this!

And when you're able to do that, you'll have the freedom to be the best YOU, you can be!


Joining you in the journey,


Jill Savage

Wife to Mark

Mom of Anne, Evan, Erica, Kolya, and Austin

Nana to Rilyn, Landon, and Marie



with Jill Savage


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Be Yourself!


Unleash the power to be yourself in order to be the best mom you can be. Tracey Eyster explains in this short video.


Tracey Eyster is a speaker, author and Founder and Executive Director of She encourages moms to be intentional, relational, and selfless. Meet her at the 2015 National Hearts at Home conference where she will be presenting the workshops, "Find God's Peace...In Your Beautiful Mess" and "Fiftytude."  

You can learn more about Tracey at her website,

A Hearts at Home Mom Unleashes her Power to Be Herself
"I don't have to be perfect, and my daughter doesn't have to be perfect. We just have to be willing to accept God's love in the midst of our imperfections." 

~ Leslie

2015 National Conference
It's not too late!

Activate your Super Sonic Speed and
Register Today!


At the 2015 Hearts at Home National Conference, March 13-14, you'll find the secret formula that can transform your attitude and encourage your heart!

Conference workshops are designed to give you practical parenting advice and the tools to actually get the job done! 

Topics include:

       ~  Healthy Marriages to Healthy Eating!

                 ~ Toddler Tantrums to Teen Tune-out!

                         ~ Leading and Connecting with Kids in a Wireless World!

                                And much, much, more!

Check out for registration information and more resources to help when you feel like your cape is at the dry cleaners and your mind has left the building!

Hearts at Home National Conference
March 13- 14, 2015

Friday Night Moms Night Out
featuring Ken Davis $20

Friday or Saturday Conference $128
(based on availability and does not include lunch)

Friday Plus! $180
Attend two days and get the most for your money! 
(Does not include lunch)


Here's a sneak preview of the practical, take-home advice you will receive in Dr. Kathy Koch's new book Screens and Teens; Connecting with our Kids in a Wireless World


The premise of the book is NOT that technology is "bad." It is a valuable tool that is here to stay.  The question is how do we show our kids the glory AND the dangers, while equipping ourselves to parent in this ever changing landscape.


Click here to read a sample chapter. 



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 Hearts at Home
1509 N. Clinton Blvd.

Bloomington, IL 61701


Phone:  309 828 MOMS



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