December 2015
A monthly newsletter to keep you informed about ABCUSA
A Farewell Video from Retiring General Secretary Roy Medley


This video was recorded by Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley, retiring General Secretary for American Baptist Churches USA. Medley will retire on December 31, 2015.

A Christmas Message
Beloved American Baptists,

As I write this my last Christmas greeting to you as General Secretary my heart overflows in gratitude for you all. As your face to the wider church and to the world, I have had the honor of representing you before presidents and prime ministers, princes, popes, and patriarchs, congress persons and members of parliament. Through those experiences I have come to know how respected our witness and role in the world is because of our long history as a voice on behalf of religious liberty, human rights and peace through interfaith dialogue. Thank you for the privilege of representing Christ through you.

Updated ABCUSA Matthew 25 Grant Application Now Available
The application for the Matthew 25 Grant, sponsored by ABCUSA and the Board of General Ministries, has been updated and is now available online. The deadline for the Spring 2016 grant cycle is March 1, 2016. The Matthew 25 Grant is funded by a generous donor whose goal is to help meet the needs of "housing, feeding, education and health with regard to the less fortunate."

General Secretary Addresses Recent Attacks

On December 8, we published a letter from General Secretary Medley to American Baptists about the recent attacks which occurred in the United States and around the world.

Dear American Baptists,

Now is not the time to turn our backs on our Muslim neighbors. Certainly the terroristic act in San Bernardino, in the wake of the attacks elsewhere, has raised uncertainty and fear.  But to generalize those acts to every Muslim is dead wrong.  Sometimes it is easier to gain perspective by considering another set of circumstances.  We know that right before San Bernardino there was a shooting incident at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs which resulted in the deaths of three and the wounding of another nine.  The man arrested for this attack was motivated by his strong beliefs against abortion. Yet, who among us would generalize his acts to every person who holds views against abortion and suggest t hat every such person be put on a watch list, be forbidden to enter this country or relinquish any of their rights afforded by our constitution? Yet there are those who in effect wish to do this very thing to anyone of the Muslim faith.
ABC Ministry Story: The New Creation Church, Wheaton, Maryland
We invited American Baptists from across the country to share their Ministry Stories with the American Baptist family through the Ministry Story Opportunity, coming out of  the Transformed by the Spirit initiative. These stories were highlighted at the Biennial Mission Summit in June 2015, and we will again be lifting them up in a series this year - ABC Ministry Stories. View the full list of Ministry Story Opportunity Submissions here.

Ministry Story - The New Creation Church, Wheaton, Maryland

The New Creation Church story begins in the fall of 1994 as a new church start with 14 willing people who will embark on a ministry that would transform lives for God.

Fall 2015 Issue of ABCUSA Connections Available Online
View the Fall 2015 issue of Connections featuring ABCUSA General Secretary A. Roy Medley.
Prayer Highlight - Prayers in a Time of Transition
Please keep the new Interim General Secretary of American Baptist Churches USA, Susan Gillies, in your prayers as she begins this new role serving the denominational family. Please additionally pray for retiring General Secretary A. Roy Medley, who will be leaving the role but will continue to represent the denomination among partners as General Secretary Emeritus.

Please also pray for the many transitions that are occurring across the entire ABCUSA denomination, in national, regional, and local roles across the country.
2016-2017 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar Available for Download

The American Baptist Churches 2016-2017 Directory/Planning Calendar is available for download. The Directory/Planning Calendar helps to connect American Baptist local churches with the larger denominational family, and provides churches with dates important to American Baptist Churches through April 2017. Click here to Download.



Where in the World is General Secretary Medley?
General Secretary A. Roy Medley travels and represents American Baptist Churches USA wherever he goes. 
The month of December has seen Medley at the Mission Center in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, working closely with incoming Interim General Secretary Susan Gillies and preparing for the transition ahead.

On Thursday, December 17, Medley, along with Curtis Ramsey-Lucas, managing director, Resource Development, American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS), participated in a White House event on religious pluralism that included the launch of the "Know Your Neighbor" project. Learn more about the event, here.

Please continue to hold Dr. Medley in your prayers as he travels nationally and internationally, representing American Baptists wherever he goes.  
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