January 23, 2016
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Ras and Bev will be speaking in Plano tomorrow morning, Sunday, Jan 24. Details below.
January 23, 2016. Take a stand, even if you desire to stand free of the fracas. Your actions will vitally affect the outcome. And when you do so, it will be costly to your family, friends and believers everywhere. Dress in the appropriate armor of God, standing firm in your faith without wavering. Beyond standing, be sure you don't lose heart for the harvest will be yours. Consider your neighbors as well as others with whom you feel close.

Galatians 6:9-10 "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."  Ras Robinson
January 23, 2016. Patience, patience, patience. What is going on? You have already seen the action is not in microwave time. Get your mind into gear, because this is the way it's going to be during the whole process. Stay in touch with Me. That will help keep you from getting anxious. There is nothing you can do to hurry up the process, so relax. My timing is always the right timing. For that you can have confidence. Peace.
John 14:27 (NASB) "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."  Bev Robinson
January 23, 2015. Hold your head high, for your deliverer is drawing near. You have been struggling with some important decisions that have presented themselves to you. You have held in the balance some weighty judgments that could have easily gone either way. Now that the results have come to the forefront, it is vital to know that I am coming in the here and now. A time of rejoicing is in order because My timing is always spot on.
Psalm 18:2 (NIV) "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold"  Kevin Robinson
Ras and Bev Robinson will be speaking and 
ministering tomorrow in Plano, Texas

Sunday, January 24
10:30 AM

The Current 
701 E. Plano Parkway
Plano, TX 75074

Pastors Rich and Carolyn Buquet
Website for more information: www.thecurrent-church.org

Ministry to Children in the Philippines 

Having lunch on a school day is not a sure thing for poor children in the Philippines. With no food at home and no money, too many times these children go without lunch. The chances are good that they did not have breakfast before school either. This makes it really hard to concentrate and do well in school. 

The children in the photo above are sponsored by FCM. They come to "Kid's Freedom Center" on school days for a good healthy lunch made possible by your gifts. When you send money to "Food for Learning," you help make sure hundreds of poor children have the supplemental nutrition that helps them do their best in school. When the children have good food, they are healthier and their attendance and performance improve. This helps them gain the knowledge and skills necessary to rise out of poverty.

Learn more about Food for Learning.

Use the link below to send a gift to help fill empty bowls with good food.
Your help is needed to support the core of the ministry.
Stand with us as Partners with a gift for sustaining the overall ministry of FCM.
For only $30 a month you can become a child's sponsor and make a big impact.
Help feed hungry children in the Philippines. Any amount helps a lot.
Help care for orphans and widows in the Philippines.

If you prefer to send a check instead of giving online, make the check to "FCM," and send it to Fullness in Christ Ministries, PO Box 136117, Fort Worth, TX 76136. Attach a note letting us know your desire and that is how your gift will be used. You will be blessed.


NOTE: Please send checks or money orders in US dollars only -- no foreign currency please.


Kathy Bohlin is Executive Vice President of FCM & Director of our missions in the Philippines. She works closely with local pastors who care for more than 800 FCM sponsored children in 24 locations on 4 islands. In the Philippines the children affectionately call her Ate (Ah tay) Kathy.

Kathy Bohlin
Fullness In Christ Ministries

Anytime you shop online at Amazon

Use the link below for Amazon Smile and a portion of what you spend will be donated by Amazon to Fullness in Christ Ministries. It will help us bless little ones in the Philippines.

You are always welcome at our home church:

"What The Lord Is Saying Today," � Fullness In Christ Ministries, Inc.,

Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you include the author's name and Fullness in Christ Ministries website name (fullnessinchristministries.org ) and email contact info.  For any other use, please contact us at: [email protected]

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