January 9, 2016
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The contributions you send for the children help them more than you could know. A side benefit is the open doors to share the Gospel and see lives changed. See below.
January 9, 2016. Let it be said of you that all who knew you, and know you now, testify that you give all thanksgiving and praise to God. Your life will be a display of God's goodness and wonders. Nothing stands between you and the mind, heart and words of the Lord. You say what He says and offer a living sacrifice of your life as a testament to His greatness. Dare to be a courageous and bold testimony for Him.
Psalm 9:1 (NASB) "I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders." Ras Robinson
January 9, 2016. In the middle of the day and later you often forget about Me and you get yourself into things you really don't want to be in. I am with you all day and all night. You need to remember that. Don't go off on your own. Stay on track. Set your clock even if you have to. I know you want to stay on the straight and narrow path. You are going to have to remind yourself.
Psalm 55:17-18 (NASB) "Evening and morning and at noon, I will complain and murmur, And He will hear my voice. He will redeem my soul in peace from the battle which is against me, For they are many who strive with me."  Bev Robinson
January 9, 2016. It is easy to find yourself camping out at "what is going wrong with the current state of affairs." Instead of looking for more and more negatives, would you just look at all the positives of what is coming from your present situation? Look for and find good things which give a more optimistic outlook from where you were before. With Me, you find hope. In Me, you'll have a cheerful and bright take on future events.
Psalm 40:5 (NLT) "O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them."  Kevin Robinson
Do you know someone who would be blessed by receiving these messages in their email each day? Use the link above, between the messages from Ras and Bev, and forward this to them with an encouragement to subscribe.

Ministry to Children in the Philippines 

The food in these cups that is served to the children is a very healthy and tasty meal. It is a hot mix containing rice, chocolate, coconut milk, brown sugar and a very rich nutritional supplement that supplies all the vitamins and minerals the children need to be healthy. I have tasted it and it tastes good. If a child eats a cup of this even once a week it makes a remarkable difference in their health and alertness. Twice a week is even better. The cooked bananas in the basket are an additional special and nutritious treat.

This was served at a special celebration at the beach where four adults were baptized after accepting Jesus as Savior. They were won to the Lord by parents of some of our sponsored children who have been discipled and trained to be soul-winners. 

Thank you to all you Partners, Sponsors and Friends who give to this ministry. You many never know until you get to Heaven all the fruit that has come from the money you give. God bless you.

You can be part of God's plans in the Philippines. By reaching the young generation, the nation can be reached. Consider becoming a sponsor for one or more children. One couple who have been sponsoring 5 children wrote this week and asked us to give them 2 more for a total of 7. We are so thankful. The investment in the lives of these children is a good one. 

If sponsoring children is not your desire, consider giving as you can to help with the cost of food. With good food given regularly, the children are healthier, more alert and do better in school. 
Your help is needed to support the core of the ministry.
Stand with us as Partners with a gift for sustaining the overall ministry of FCM.
For only $30 a month you can become a child's sponsor and make a big impact.
Help feed hungry children in the Philippines. Any amount helps a lot.
Help care for orphans and widows in the Philippines.

If you prefer to send a check instead of giving online, make the check to "FCM," and send it to Fullness in Christ Ministries, PO Box 136117, Fort Worth, TX 76136. Attach a note letting us know your desire and that is how your gift will be used. You will be blessed.


NOTE: Please send checks or money orders in US dollars only -- no foreign currency please.


Kathy Bohlin is Executive Vice President of FCM & Director of our missions in the Philippines. She works closely with local pastors who care for more than 800 FCM sponsored children in 24 locations on 4 islands. In the Philippines the children affectionately call her Ate (Ah tay) Kathy.

Kathy Bohlin
Fullness In Christ Ministries

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Use the link below for Amazon Smile and a portion of what you spend will be donated by Amazon to Fullness in Christ Ministries. It will help us bless little ones in the Philippines.

You are always welcome at our home church:

"What The Lord Is Saying Today," � Fullness In Christ Ministries, Inc.,

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