December 10, 2015
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Many many children are hungry, uneducated and need Jesus. Would you consider a generous end of year gift to change their lives forever? You can make a difference. See below.
December 10, 2015. Thank God for the gift of righteousness. It is your most treasured possession and worthy of much gratitude. Let your mind dwell upon what God has done for you. His gift of righteousness will serve you and call forth your best effort for the rest of your life. Celebrate and be glad, rejoicing greatly that your Lord and Master has endowed you to this extent. Pray your desires to God.

Proverbs 10:24 (NASB)"What the wicked fears will come upon him, but the desire of the righteous will be granted."  Ras Robinson
December 10, 2015. People you know appear to be relating to each other well. There are things you don't  know. Some were raised much like you and through Me have overcome many hurts. Others have learned to fake it. And of course there are some who need very little healing. Through Me all can be healed. Chose forgiveness of all who hurt you. Forgive yourself for wrong reactions. I heal all those who ask. Get your thoughts thankful. I love you.
Matthew 18:21-22 (AMP) "Then Peter came up to Him and said, Lord, how many times may my brother sin against me and I forgive him and let it go? [As many as] up to seven times? Jesus answered him, I tell you, not up to seven times, but seventy times seven!"  Bev Robinson
December 10, 2015. You have been granted access to a wealth of untold treasures. At your fingertips is an abundant supply of knowledge and wisdom far beyond what you could ever hope or dream. Learn to tap into the vastness of My word in all its glory and splendor. If you don't know where to start, humble yourself and ask for help from someone who is a seasoned scholar. Everything you ever wanted to know about is yours right now.
2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV) "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."  Kevin Robinson
Do you plan to shop online at Amazon during
the holiday season?

Use the link below for Amazon Smile and a portion of what you spend will be donated to Fullness in Christ Ministries. It will help us bless little ones like this little guy who received his first ever Christmas gift last year.

Ministry to Children in the Philippines

Someone really nice brought Dunkin Donuts to the weekly worship service at the garbage dumpsite. The children were so excited. Some had never had a donut before. It was a special night. 

Many children in this large city are very poor. They are hungry and don't go to school because they cannot pay for it. They are mostly unevangelized. They are smart and some have abilities to become leaders in their city and even in the nation. Without help, they will never reach their potential. We are excited that we are currently helping more than 800 children, but we have barely scratched the surface of the number of children who need help. 

Would you consider a generous "end of year" gift to support the educating and feeding of very poor children in the Philippines?

We are thankful that the United States still gives people tax deductions for gifts to ministries and charities. Would you consider a gift to Fullness in Christ Ministries at the end of this year so we can help more children and youth make their way out of extreme poverty? They need our help. The results in their lives are good.

You can honor Jesus this season by helping to change these young lives. God bless you for blessing the poor.
Your help is needed to support the core of the ministry.
Stand with us as Partners with a gift for sustaining the overall ministry of FCM.
Help us provide Christmas to all our sponsored children and their families. 
For only $30 a month you can become a child's sponsor and make a big impact.
Help feed hungry children in the Philippines. Any amount helps a lot.
Help care for orphans and widows in the Philippines.

If you prefer to send a check instead of giving online, make the check to "FCM," and send it to Fullness in Christ Ministries, PO Box 136117, Fort Worth, TX 76136. Attach a note letting us know your desire and that is how your gift will be used. You will be blessed.


NOTE: Please send checks or money orders in US dollars only -- no foreign currency please.


Kathy Bohlin is Executive Vice President of FCM & Director of our missions in the Philippines. She works closely with local pastors who care for more than 800 FCM sponsored children in 24 locations on 4 islands. In the Philippines the children affectionately call her Ate (Ah tay) Kathy.

Kathy Bohlin
Fullness In Christ Ministries

You are always welcome at our home church:

"What The Lord Is Saying Today," � Fullness In Christ Ministries, Inc.,

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