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September 16, 2015
Thank you for giving to help the children in the Philippines. What you give makes an eternal difference in their lives. See below.
September 16, 2015. Do not be deceived about the freedom and order of the book of Acts. Both joy and amazing power were manifesting. Yet they recognized and were instructed to follow the decisions of the Apostles and Elders in Jerusalem. Many in today's church are longing to be connected in a vital and meaningful way to apostolic order and leadership. As a single square in a net, you need to be connected with the net God is offering you for apostolic order and leadership. Connect with the larger net and stay revitalized.

Acts 16:4-5 (NLT) "Then they went from town to town, instructing the believers to follow the decisions made by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. So the churches were strengthened in their faith and grew larger every day." Ras Robinson

September 16, 2015. This is the time to get your heart right. Any time is the right time, but now is the specific time. You ask who assigned this time? Me. I assigned it. I am the only one who knows all that has lodged in your heart, those things you have entertained and even rehearsed. I am the One who paid the price to cleanse your mind and heart. I was once where you are and know how hard it has been to live through some things. I know all you have gone through.
1 John 1:8-9 (NASB) "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Bev Robinson

September 16, 2015. An opening you have longed for is coming your way. Be aware of a specific opportunity that is coming available for you in the very near future. You have been diligent in pressing in toward Me regarding things I have placed within your heart. Your perseverance is about to reap great rewards. Your patience is truly noteworthy and you have been a real testimony to fellow believers who have stood with you regarding certain matters. This has been quite an ordeal for you and I am pleased with your tenacity.
Hebrews 6:10-11 (NIV) "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized." Kevin Robinson

Ministry to Children in the Philippines

When the children who live at the garbage dumpsite see the pastor and helpers coming, they know they will get some food to eat. They come bringing cups and plates and bowls that they gather from the garbage thrown away by others. They are excited because they are hungry. Most have not eaten all day. Thank you Partners, Sponsors and Friends for giving so food can be put in their containers. The food is given to the children in the name of Jesus. They hear Bible stories and sing songs about Him. 

Don't ever think what you give doesn't make a difference. Someday we might meet those in Heaven who first heard of Jesus at this garbage dumpsite in the Philippines when a bowl of warm food was given to them in His name. 

We need people to give to feed hungry children. We need more sponsors to send uneducated children to school. There are links below to assist you in giving online.

Your help is needed to support the core of the ministry.  
Partners and Friends -- Stand with us with a gift for sustaining the overall ministry of FCM.
Become A Child's Sponsor - $30 a month per child (only about $1 a day makes a big impact)     
Give to Feed Hungry Children -- Food for Learning  -- Help feed hungry children in the Philippines. Any amount helps a lot
Ministry to Children -- For special needs -- Any amount helps. 
Caring for Orphans and Widows - Help care for orphans and widows in the Philippines.
If you prefer to send a check instead of giving online, make the check to "FCM," and send it to Fullness in Christ Ministries, PO Box 136117, Fort Worth, TX 76136. Attach a note letting us know your desire and that is how your gift will be used. You will be blessed.
NOTE: Please send checks or money orders in US dollars only -- no foreign currency please.
Kathy Bohlin is Executive Vice President of FCM & Director of our missions in the Philippines. She works closely with local pastors who care for more than 800 FCM sponsored children in 24 locations on 4 islands. In the Philippines the children affectionately call her Ate (Ah tay) Kathy.
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