Fullness In Christ Ministries     
Writers: Ras and Bev Robinson  Editor: Kathy Bohlin  
 What The Lord Is Saying Today 


Thank you for helping to educate, feed and disciple a new generation of young people in the Philippines. God will use them in the transformation of the nation He has planned. See below.  


July 22, 2014. What you planned has been thwarted. Don't allow a simple roadblock to hinder your progress. It is good that you are learning about flexibility. Being flexible in this matter will not keep the long range plan from being accomplished. The main thing to remember is I have it all under control. When you keep this in mind your operating faith won't lag. But if you begin to worry that the original plan is faltering, you will get completely off track. Resist having faith in faith. Have faith in Me.


Hebrews 11:8 (NLT) "It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going."  Bev Robinson  


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July 22, 2014. Stand near Me on this rock. While here you will experience My presence like never before. Standing with Me will gain for you in this world a stature for Me you have not known. Your testimonies now and in the future will tell the story of how a believer can go from one glorious encounter to yet another. Never be afraid of the supernatural. Your new and increased anointing will stretch you both inside and outside. I am your ultimate covering, refuge and shield. I will never forsake you.


Exodus 33:21-22 (NLT) "The LORD continued, "Look, stand near me on this rock.  As my glorious presence passes by, I will hide you in the crevice of the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by." Psalms 91: 1, 4 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark."  Ras Robinson  



Partners for Transformation

From the beginning of our calling to minister in the Philippines, the vision God gave us was the transformation of the nation - one child at a time. Through that vision, God has touched the lives of hundreds of children, youth and their families in the past 13 years. Many of you have been part of that through your prayers, your financial support and as sponsors for children. The ministry to the sponsored children and their families will continue. In fact we are expecting a great increase as God will give us thousands more children in many more locations across the Philippines.


Now, beyond that ministry of sponsoring children, God has spoken concerning a "New and Bigger Vision" to transform the nation. We invite you to join us and "Think Big, Believe Big and Act Big."




Click on the link below to give.

Partner for Transformation Fund -- For transforming the nation of the Philippines

Thank you for considering and praying: Think Big, Believe Big and Act Big. 

Ministry to Children 


Photo of the Day



These sponsored children enjoy a good lunch, so important, especially on school days. Without the lunch provided, these young people might go a whole day with nothing to eat. It is hard for most of us to imagine what that is like, but the children we sponsor have known real genuine hunger. They know what it is like to go to bed crying because their stomachs are empty and there is no food in the house. Our goal is to make sure every child sponsored by FCM has a good breakfast and lunch every school day and a good healthy meal on the weekend. It is you, Sponsors, Partners and Friends, who make it possible.




Your help is needed to support the core of the ministry

Ministry Partners and Friends -- Stand with us with a gift for sustaining the overall ministry of FCM. 



Your prayers and financial support have made it possible to touch thousands of lives of children and their families. Thank you!  Your gifts have had a big impact on many lives. The ministry to the children: education, nutrition and discipleship continues, and even grows larger, as we begin to implement the new bigger vision for transforming the nation. To be a part of this ministry to the children, go to


     Give to Food for Learning  -- Help feed hungry children in the Philippines. Any amount helps a lot. 

Become A Child's Sponsor - $30 a month per child
 Ministry to Children -- For special needs -- Any amount helps.  

If you prefer to send a check instead of giving online, make the check to "FCM," and send it to Fullness in Christ Ministries, PO Box 136117, Fort Worth, TX 76136. Attach a note letting us know your desire and that is how your gift will be used. You will be blessed.


NOTE: Please send checks or money orders in US dollars only -- no foreign currency please.




Kathy Bohlin is Executive Vice President of FCM & Director of our missions in the Philippines. She works closely with local pastors who care for almost 900 FCM sponsored children in 24 locations on 4 islands. In the Philippines the children affectionately call her Ate (Ah tay) Kathy.


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 Our Home Church -- Fort Worth, TX 



Fort Worth, TX 

Founded in October,1991 by Ras and Bev Robinson. It serves as the home base for Fullness in Christ Ministries. FCM's Board of Directors are among the Elders with Ras Robinson serving as the apostle of Fullness in Christ Church.
Jonas and Robin Bohlin now pastor FCC since April, 2004.

Link to Fullness in Christ Church Website


Live Regular Webcasts from Fullness in Christ Church: Live Webcast Link  

All times are Central Time - USA. 

9:00 a.m. Sunday - "The Big Catch" class
10:00 a.m. Sunday - Prophetic Intercession 

10:30 a.m. Sunday - Worship & Teaching  

Helpful Links 

Ras and Bev Robinson BLOG

Kathy's BLOG: All God's Children


Like us on our Facebook page -- FullnessOnline 


AUDIO EDITION  of "What the Lord Is Saying Today"  

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"What The Lord Is Saying Today," Fullness In Christ Ministries, Inc.,

Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you include the author's name, Fullness in Christ Ministries website and email contact info.

For any other use, please contact us at: [email protected].
Fullness in Christ Ministries / PO Box 136117 / Fort Worth, TX 76136 
- Ras Robinson, President - Bev Robinson, Vice President 
- Kathryn Bohlin, Executive Vice President & Director, Philippine Missions