Disaster-Management for Private Practice Part II
As you read last month, the natural disasters created by Hurricane Katrina were among the first to get the veterinary community and government to focus on the need for emergency management plans to include animals. This article provides an overview of what changes took place in disaster management after Hurricane Katrina; the importance of having written disaster plans in place; and some practical tips and sample language practitioners can easily implement.
Recordkeeping: Employee Personnel Files and Records
The legal requirements for employer recordkeeping and the retention of employee files are not as straightforward as your average business owner would hope. In fact, sorting through the complex and varied requirements can be a daunting task. Here's why: recordkeeping obligations stem from a number of federal and state laws that vary based on the industry, location, and number of employees. To confuse things even further, similar records are often required by more than one law with varying retention requirements.
To simplify the recordkeeping process, one must consider the four basic elements of legal requirements: create, maintain, protect, and destroy. Once these elements are understood in the context of recordkeeping, it will be easier to approach the process methodically.
(Click here to read full article)
Meet Taylor Tungseth, VBA's Newest Extern!
Taylor was born and raised in Minnesota. Obtained his undergraduate degree in Animal Science at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls in 2010, and is currently a senior veterinary student at Kansas State University with a planned graduation in May of this year. Post graduate plans at this time are undetermined, but he will be working in the small animal industry, with a high likelihood of being in emergency medicine or general practice. It has always been his dream to one day own his own small animal practice of some sort. When not busy working or studying, Taylor enjoys anything involving sports, watching movies, and spending time with his 2 black lab mixes, Tucker and Abbey.
Check Out NAVC VetFolio!
In January 2014, the North American Veterinary Community launched NAVC VetFolio, a new and exciting digital platform that is bringing the entire veterinary healthcare team the best resources for professional development and practice advancement. For one affordable monthly rate of $45 per month, your entire practice* can access over 500 hours of RACE-approved continuing education sessions, 2,500 NAVC Conference Proceedings (2012 - 2014), a growing point-of-care library developed by our best-in-class faculty, moderated discussion forums, industry news and much more - and that's just for starters!
(* up to 15 team members)
Interested in learning more? Visit VetFolio.com now or download our white paper!
Please be sure to write down our new contact information:
Phone: 908-823-4607
1 Washington Drive
Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889
Hope to hear from you!