January 2014



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Disaster-Management for Private Practice


The natural disasters created by Hurricane Katrina were among the first to get the veterinary community and government to focus on the need for emergency management plans to include animals. More recent reminders of natural disasters such as Hurricane Sandy continue to remind us that private practice veterinarians should also know how to respond in the event of a federal or state-wide disaster. They should have a plan in place in case of an individual disaster specific to their practice or immediate surroundings, as well. This article provides an overview of what changes took place in disaster management after Hurricane Katrina; the importance of having written disaster plans in place; and some practical tips and sample language practitioners can easily implement.


 Compensation for 2014!




It would be so simple if practice owners could open a fortune cookie for each one of their employees and find the method by which to fairly compensate them. While there are commonly accepted methods of compensation, their implementation in veterinary practices varies because different entrepreneurs have different business goals. Also, "fairness" is a relative term that introduces variability into an equation that might otherwise be consistent from practice to practice. This article describes the factors that practice owners should consider when determining compensation for veterinarians and paraprofessional staff. Part I of this article discusses the use of financial benchmarks while Part II explores how motivational theory can inform compensation decisions.


(Click here to read full article)

In This Issue
Disaster Management for Private Practice
Compensation Benchmarks for 2014
Upcoming VSIPP Conference
Dr. Lacroix - NAVC President Elect
VBA has moved!

Veterinary Specialists in Private Practice (VSIPP) for its ninth year hosts the only non-scientific veterinary conference dedicated solely to the needs of veterinary specialists.

If you are a specialist we highly recommend this conference.

Click here for more information.

Have you heard about the Veterinary SOAP project??

SOAP looks to create awareness amongst pet owners and educate them about specialists and their practices.

Interested in hearing more about SOAP?  Check them out at VSIPP or click here!
VBA is proud to announce Dr. Lacroix is the incoming President for NAVC.

The NAVC is "innovative and progressive,"  always looking toward the future for the best ways to deliver education.

Click here to read more about Dr. Lacroix's thoughts and plans for the upcoming year!
Reminder: VBA has moved!

Please be sure to write down our new contact information:


1 Washington Drive
Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889

Hope to hear from you!
 Copyright 2014
2014 - Veterinary Business Advisors, Inc.
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