April 2013



Phone (908) 782-4426 - info@veterinarybusinessadvisors.com

Asking the Forbidden During Interviews 


The interview provides the perfect opportunity to identify the applicant(s) best qualified and best suited for the Practice. If conducted properly, you gain valuable insight on how an applicant will perform the essential functions of the job and whether he/she will fit into the culture of the Practice.   However, if handled incorrectly or unprofessionally, you risk alienating a candidate to whom you may want to issue a job offer.


There are many ways of ascertaining information from an applicant. However, asking the wrong questions, or asking the right questions in the wrong manner, can result in serious legal problems for a Practice. Numerous laws and regulations have been passed that provide extensive protection against discrimination in employment. These laws have been created to ensure an applicant is not discriminated against on the basis of age, gender, marital status, religion, or sexual orientation or any other protected class. Thus, it behooves each Practice to ensure all of its employees involved in the interview process know what can and cannot be asked during an interview. The key to understanding unlawful inquiries is to ask only questions that will provide information about the person's ability to do the job, with or without a reasonable accommodation.

What's Mine is Yours, What's Yours is Mine!  True for Pet Medications?


The notion of human consumption of veterinary drugs, whether for recreational use or otherwise, is not a new concept. Reports of humans abusing veterinary medications such as Telazol (a small-animal anesthetic drug), skeletal muscle relaxants, and various euthanasia solutions3 can be found going back to as early as 1988. According to the National Poison Data System, toxicity related to ingestion of veterinary non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat inflammation, pain, and fever in pets resulted in 825 reported cases in humans in 2007. Most of these poisonings were unintentional, though 32 were considered suspected suicide, misuse, or abuse.  The ages of the victims ranged from six months to 88 years, with no deaths reported.4 The need for increased awareness of the potential hazards of veterinary medications within human medicine circles has also been recognized. A 2010 article identified a number of pharmacologics with deadly side effects, principally those involved in chemical restraint and hormonal manipulation, plus antibiotics as drugs that human emergency rooms should be vigilant in identifying and reporting.


All of these facts point to an increased need for veterinarians to be more vigilant about the ways in which they dispense medications, as well as wield their prescription pad. There are a number of simple steps that veterinarians can take to protect themselves, their clients, and their patients.


(Click here to read full article)

In This Issue
Forbidden Interview Questions
Taking Pet Medications
 Congratulations to our friend Dr. Dan Stobie and NorthStar VETS for being named the 2013 AAHA-Accredited Referral Practice of the Year by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).


Congratulations to Lorraine List, who was awarded the "Distinguished Life Member" award from VetPartners.
Congratulations to VBA's Dr. Lacroix for being nominated for Food Animal Continuing Educator of the Year for 2013 by Western Veterinary Conference.
Extra Extra Read All About It!
We have had article requests on many topics including Veterinarians treating humans, Drug Compounding and Internet Pharmacies.  Good news - they are coming!


Email us your requests for articles now!



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