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November 2014 Newsletter

Jeffery Gitomer on online publications, the demise of yellow pages and why print is not dead

  Online publications are the rage and the future. They offer amazing value for the publisher, for the advertiser, and for the reader. They also offer more than significant cost reduction for all three players. 
  Please don't read this the wrong way. Print is not dead. In fact, it will always be alive. Many people still don't have the ability to get online publications. But the market is making a HUGE shift. There are "only" a few hundred million e-readers and tablets, and a few hundred million more smart phones. The print impact felt by online availability is undeniable.

Planning Your Next Ad Strategy 

  In the face of declining print advertising revenues and a newspaper industry that, on the surface, seems stuck in a discombobulated state of flux-what to do about mobile? Is print dead, or isn't it? Is going native the way of the future? What's this about viewability and programmatic buying? Maybe it's best to just stop, breathe deeply and not panic.

5 Newspaper Myths Debunked

  1. Myth: Newspapers are dying.
  2. Myth: Newspapers are stuck in the past.
  3. Myth: Millennials are not reading newspapers.
  4. Myth: Newspapers are not going where readers are.
  5. Myth: There is a one-size-fits-all solution for newspapers.

Sell more automotive advertising by learning how to "Speak Dealer"

  Selling digital or print advertising to auto dealers is no easy task. They can be rough, tough, intimidating and demanding. And worst of all, they speak their own language...most of it in acronyms that come out like some kind of encrypted message that only they can understand.
  Use this handy cheat sheet to study up and learn these terms and what they mean. Learning how to "speak dealer" with dealer terminology will help you sell. 

Survey: Users increasingly want retail circulars  on their mobile devices

  Print "circular ads" in newspapers have historically been one of the most effective retail advertising vehicles. And while retail is the top online advertising category, today, most "circular advertising" remains in print.
A new survey from mobile shopping app Retale and location analytics platform Placed argues for accelerated migration of print circular ad content into digital formats and mobile, in particular. The two companies, which also announced a partnership to measure the offline impact of digital circulars, polled 11,000 mobile users about their attitudes and preferences tied to circular content.
  The survey found:
    *    74 percent have looked at a circular in the last 30 days
    *    More than half (56 percent) accessed circular content online or via mobile    during that time
    *    77 percent of respondents would like to see paper circulars "migrate to digital"
    *    82 percent of respondents use circulars (in some form) prior to visiting stores

HBO to Offer Standalone Streaming Service in U.S. in 2015

  Thank the old gods, and the new.
  HBO chairman and CEO Richard Plepler announced that the popular premium cable channel will offer its streaming platform as a standalone service in the U.S. in 2015.
  The move brings HBO closer into competition with other streaming companies like Netflix. Currently, HBO Go, the company's streaming offering, is only available to those who pay through expensive cable subscriptions.

Insight from Nielsen Shows Print Marketing As Far From Dead

  It's safe to say retailers are aware that there's more to digital selling than just creating a website. There are handfuls of social channels to manage, various types of devices to consider and an ever-winding path to purchase to follow.
  These various touch points were the focus of a recent Nielsen study titled "Today's Empowered Shoppers and Opportunities to Reach them." In it, Nielsen researchers said that the digital channel, of course, plays a big role in affecting the consumer's path to purchase, but they also said that there are other opportunities that retailers are taking advantage of. In fact, of the 11 key marketing touch points analyzed by Nielsen, researchers found that eight are digital while the remaining three are print.
According to the Nielsen report, more than half of all U.S. shoppers still leverage print at least once a week to seek product and sales information, which surprisingly is nearly 20 points higher than e-mails, the next-closest digital touch point. In order of engagement, the 11 touch points included mailed and delivered circulars, newspaper circulars, in-store circulars, e-mails from stores, store websites, money-saving sites and blogs, social media, store apps, money-saving apps, text messages and in-store kiosks. 

Small Business Owners Unsure of Digital Marketing

  Fifty-eight percent of small business owners expect business growth within the next 12 months, according to small business creditor CAN Capital Inc. Small businesses are increasingly realizing the importance of new forms of marketing and advertising. Survey data shows that 38 percent of small businesses are looking to expand and/or try new forms of advertising/marketing activities (such as online ads, email marketing, etc.) within the next year, up from 31 percent last quarter.  Thirty percent also cite digital marketing as being very or extremely important. 

How Time's email newsletter achieves a 40 percent open rate

  It seems like everybody's starting an email newsletter these days. The web offers an endless stream of information, David Carr wrote in June, so "having something finite and recognizable show up in your inbox can impose order on all that chaos."

7 Mobile Marketing Stats Every Local Business Should Know

  For today's local businesses, having a robust online presence has become a necessity. But is your business up to speed on the demands for mobile marketing as well? Here are five mind-blowing stats about mobile every local business needs to know.
  1) Smartphones have hit mainstream. One significant contributing factor in the rise of mobile marketing is the dramatic increase in mobile device usage across all demographic groups. In fact, according to a report by Pew Research, an estimated 58% of American adults now use a smartphone on a daily basis.
  2) Time spent on mobile devices is on the rise. Not only do a majority of adults in the U.S. own a smartphone, but they use their mobile devices almost 3 hours daily. According to a report in GeekWire, Americans spend an average of 162 minutes on their mobile devices every day.  

Facebook Is Asking Publishers To Post Their Articles Direct To Its Mobile App

  Facebook is proposing a revenue share deal with publishers that could see newspapers, magazines, and websites send their articles for the social network to host direct on its mobile app, the New York Times reports.
  Facebook has recently embarked on a "listening tour" with publishers, discussing better ways they can collaborate, particularly when it comes to mobile, the article details.
  The direct-to-Facebook publishing approach is just one of the options on the table. The idea is that any advertising revenue would be shared (although it's not yet clear what the split would be.) 

What our customers have to say....

Great working with the Delta Internet sales team

It is my great pleasure to recommend the internet sales team of Joe and Mike Mathes and Pam Biegler of Delta Publications. For three days Joe and Pam pounded the pavement with our sales team and helped us increase our web advertising revenue nearly 300%.

The professional sales team at Delta was there for every aspect of our campaign.

We started months before, planning our strategy for the sales calls, coming up with a sales log and inventory of our advertising space and spec-ing out a new look and feel for our websites. At every point Joe and Pam were there, answering all our questions.

After the successful campaign, Mike took over and helped us bring our new site into reality. He was quick to point out that he would always be there, holding our hand through the transformation of our site. He answered my questions at any time and actually performed some of the "dirty work" of making sure that the design that we had speced out carried over to our new, live site. What a job he did!

And to this day, if I have any questions they still are more than willing to help me out.

I told Delta that unless you have someone that strictly sells web advertising, which we do not, Publishers are doing themselves a disservice by not having a professional sales team like Delta helping them through an internet sales campaign.

I highly recommend Delta Publications and look forward to working with them in the future.

Trevor Slette

P.O. Box 309
260 Tenth Street
Windom, MN 56101




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