Lenten Practice
To visit a monastery is to be included in the life and rhythm of that community. Days follow schedules with times for contemplation and meditation, study and work, and shared meals and prayerful worship. There is a way of being in community that is called the "Rule."  Read more.
Stained Glass Update
All Pilgrims is the home of two works of liturgical art, which were generous gifts of the renowned Japanese stained-glass artist, Keiko Miura. "Sacred Light" is the tall three-dimensional window in blue and crystal which graces the eye like a deep blue icy stream. The gifts came to All Pilgrims through relationships nurtured by Reverends Hallam & Helen Shorrock, who served for over forty years as "Living Link" missionaries in Japan from Seattle First Christian Church, one of the two congregations that merged to become All Pilgrims.

The art has been in a temporary setting for over 11 years and we now have started a project to install the piece in a more fitting manner. Over the next few weeks the window will be disassembled and moved backward into the arch with a permanent mounting and the cloth screen will be removed. The glass will then be back-lit with adjustable color lighting to enhance the beauty of the glass. Keep an eye on the front of the sanctuary as it changes to display one of our art treasures in a beautiful new way.

For more information, visit the page on the APCC website.

Wayne Daly and helpers

Friend to Friend Thanks You

Thanks to all who contributed to the friend to friend Christmas basket fundraiser in December.  The runner-up prize went to Kathy Dawson, and the basket winners were Lenore and Zack, who recently moved to Seattle from West Virginia.


The total amount received was $93 which, when added to other West Seattle chapter fundraisers totaled $547.01.  These funds were donated to the 40-year-old organization in the matching of volunteers with residents and nursing, assisted living, adult family homes, and retirement centers in the greater Seattle area.


Anyone interested in being a friend to someone in your neighborhood, please see Berlena Brock or email volunteer@ftfa.org

Lenten Scripture Reading and Prayer Covenant
Pastor Greg invited me to share this spiritual discipline for the season of Lent with you. A spiritual discipline is much like an exercise discipline: exercise strengthens our bodies; practicing a spiritual discipline nurtures and strengthens our spiritual lives. I have found a covenant of reading scripture and prayer a way to understand scripture, a centering prayer practice, and a meaningful discipline for many years. I invite you to share in it this Lent.
Beginning Ash Wednesday, February 10, through the Saturday before Easter, March 26, I invite you to covenant with me to read daily, a chapter from the New Testament and one from the Old Testament. I invite you to begin by reading Luke's Gospel as it is the Gospel we will focus on during Lent. I also enjoy reading a Psalm daily. Choose a translation or paraphrase you appreciate and find a time each day that will work for you. It also helps to set aside a certain place you will read and pray. You may choose to light a candle. We will order copies of Psalms for Praying by Nan Merrill, a contemporary paraphrase of the Psalms designed for prayerful reading. I hope you will find them as renewing as I do. Please sign-up for a book at the Information Table in Stuart Hall (Cost is approximately $18). If cost is an issue, talk with me or Pastor Greg.

We will pray for each one in the covenant. As you pray daily, read the list of those in the covenant and lift up their prayer requests. When you fill out the statement below, please list how you would like others to pray for you. You may pray for your own needs, give thanks, or pray for another. For instance: "Giving thanks for moments of grace daily." "Praying for the determination to ......" Or: "Praying for my friend......" Please ask permission when praying for another person and list only their first name.
Please e-mail the Church Office at office@allpilgrioms.org or sign-up on the list at the Information Table during fellowship hour by        February 7. We will send you a list of persons to lift up in prayer and how to remember them in prayer. We will take a moment in worship on February 14 (1st Sunday of Lent) to lift up those who enter this   spiritual discipline. May this practice of your faith nourish you and strengthen All Pilgrims Christian Church!

Mary Olney-Loyd
Underhill House, a quiet place to pause for prayer, is open Thursdays, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm right here at All Pilgrims (enter through the courtyard). The next training session to prepare people who greet, listen and pray with guests will be Saturday, Feb. 6, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm. To learn more please visit our web site at www.underhillhouse.org/partners or contact Susan Dean at

10:30 AM Worship
11:45 AM Fellowship Hour
- 5:00 pm
*The Rowing Team
- 6:00 pm
*Men's Group
- 7:00 pm 
- 5:00 pm
1st & 3rd SUNDAYS
*Night Story
- 7:00 pm
An evening gathering to experience and reflect upon the deep wisdom of the Christian tradition. Together we explore our lives of faith through music, video, ritual, and sacred story.

*Night Song (Feb 14)
- 7:00 pm
A monthly concert series featuring local musicians who share their songs and their personal journey with the goal of creating community and connection through music and storytelling.

4th & 5th SUNDAYS
*Soul Supper
- 7:00 pm
An informal gathering to celebrate community and share in light appetizers and intentional conversation.
500 Broadway East
Seattle, WA 98102

Our Vision
We are a welcoming people, following Christ's example by journeying to:
...encounter the Holy
...live faithfully
...and do justice.

The February meeting of the Gathering of Women will be a combined venture with the Men's Group. We will gather at 5 pm on Saturday, February 27 in the church kitchen to help prepare chili to serve on Broadway. If you can attend, look forward to a fulfilling evening.

Our next concert features Sarah Pasillas, and Mariaugh Maestas and Zachary Warnes, Sunday,February 14 at 7 pm in the Chapel.

University Link light rail will change the way people get around. The light rail extension opens to passengers on Saturday, March 19 with new stations at Capitol Hill (Broadway & John) and the University of Washington, by Husky Stadium.