MARCH, 2013  
Holy Week Worship
CLICK HERE to view the schedule and details.
Remembering &
Moving Forward
This past Sunday (March 10) we celebrated Ryan Dye's thirteen years of ministry at All Pilgrims!  In that time, Ryan provided a ministry that saw All Pilgrims to enjoying excellence in music.  We have been the great beneficiaries of his work, and we are tremendously grateful.  READ MORE
Spring/Easter Cleanup
Easter is about new life.  It is time to help our gardens do the same thing.  All are welcome to help clean-up the church grounds and make it attractive for Easter.  DETAILS HERE 


Easter Lilies
You can honor current and past members of our church family, other friends and family, or just help decorate our Sanctuary for Easter Sunday with an Easter Lily!  See the sign-up table in Stuart Hall, or email Twila Meeks.  You are not required to make a donation in order to honor someone - however, please be aware that the lilies are not a budgeted expense, so we need to collect enough in extra offerings to cover the cost ($10 per lily).  Of course, if you're able to give more, you might consider making a larger gift in honor of the person you wish to celebrate.  Please be sure to note if the lily is in honor/memory of someone and also provide their name(s).

Thank you for your generosity!

All Pilgrims/IMAN
Movie Night
Save the date for our next get-together with our friends from the IMAN Muslim community.  On Sunday, April 28, we will meet at All Pilgrims Christian Church to watch a movie and discuss it over a meal.  READ MORE
2nd Annual Men's Retreat
Save the date now for the second annual Men's Group Retreat, July 19th through July 21st at Mt. Baker Retreat.  This year's retreat, themed "Patience During the Storm", will continue in the same direction as last year; as we learn how to let go and let God.  READ MORE, including how you can help sponsor the retreat by going to a concert.
"He-Motions" Movie Viewing
Come join us for a special two hour Men's Group Meeting on Saturday March 16 at 5:00 pm.

We will be showing a very powerful and moving video about the lives men lead.  Refreshment will be served.  READ MORE

Letter from
Craig Rennebohm
CLICK HERE to view pictures of our Sanctuary as we have journeyed together through Lent.

All Are Welcome!
10:30 AM Worship
11:45 AM Coffee Hour
500 Broadway East
Seattle, WA 98102

Our Vision
We are a welcoming people, following Christ's example by journeying to:
...encounter the Holy faithfully
...and do justice.
Another New Member Class begins at All Pilgrims on Sunday, April 14.  Sign-up during fellowship hour in Stuart Hall or email the Church Office.

There will be a Ministries Fair on April 28th in Stuart Hall immediately following worship.  You will able to meet and discuss the wide variety of ministries available at All Pilgrims.


Facilitators of ministries please contact James Currin for more details.


Get connected  with Community

Testing Outreach at All Pilgrims

and learn more about The Free

HIV Testing Event on May 4, 2013.



Community Testing

Outreach at APCC







Spanish tapas, live music, and auction items at this annual event.

CLICK HERE for all the details.