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Newsletter for the week of February 23, 2014
tiny rocket Rocket News and Reminders 
  • Enrollment Contracts securing your child's registration for the 2014-2015 academic year are due on Friday, Feb. 28.  Registrations received after this day will incur a $350 late fee. Questions? Contact the Business Office at 513.231.3500 ext. 5804 or 5178. 
  • Parents of the Class of 2018: We still have a number of missing birth certificates. If you have not already done so, please bring in or send in your student's original certificate. I will copy it and immediately return it to you. We must see the original. Registration is not complete until we have the birth certificate on file. Thank you in advance!   
  • Mark your calendars for two upcoming Band fundraisers to help cover costs for their trip and performance at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in May. On March 24, Mio's at Salem and Sutton will donate 15% of all purchases to the Band--no flyer needed, just specify it's for the Rocket Band fundraiser.  On April 9, Skyline on Beechmont near McNick will also donate a percentage of sales to the Rocket Band--again, no flyer needed. 
  • The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is holding their annual 5K fundraiser on March 29. For more details,  click here
  •  For updated information between newsletters, please remember to check the websiteonline calendar, and our social media sites via Facebook and Twitter.  
Frenzel, Whitehouse reign Mardi Gras 2014: Luminosity 
McNicholas High School crowned seniors Scott Frenzel and Riley Whitehouse as king and queen of the 62nd annual Mardi Gras Pageant and Ball on Feb. 16.  Frenzel and Whitehouse received the most votes over four years from their peers and faculty and staff because of their commitment to service.  They are pictured with Maid of Honor Catherine Adams, Captain of the Ball Grant Tore, and pages for the queen, Emma Rosenbaum and Joe Mulvey. The Maid and Captain preside over the ceremony and earn their positions from receiving the second highest number of votes.   

At McNicholas High School, Mardi Gras is about welcoming the Lenten season   and celebrating students who have committed themselves to selflessly serving their school and others. Seniors Scott Frenzel and Riley Whitehouse were crowned as the 2014 Mardi Gras king and queen at the yearly, traditional pageant held Sunday, Feb. 16.


This year's theme was "Luminosity."  To provide focus for the theme, guests heard stories of service during the pageant about current students, alumni, and faculty who have continued to spread their light to the world through service.  


Frenzel is the son of  Kathi and Chuck Frenzel and is a member of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish. He is a four year honor roll student and has completed over 145 service hours. His key involvement at McNicholas has included Liturgy Choir, School House Rockets Musical Theatre Troupe as well as six theatrical performances, International Thespian Society President, Thespian Rookie of the Year, Thespian Male Rising Star Award, and two consecutive years winning the Critic's Choice Solo Mime award at the Ohio State Thespian Conference.  He has participated in numerous leadership conferences, has been a four year Service Club and Spirit Club member, is a co-founder and three year Improv Club member, three year International Club member, four year Relay for Life participant, freshman and senior retreat leader, peer mentor for freshmen, Student Ambassador, three year Student Council member, and been a member of multiple dance committees. Frenzel is also a member of  French National Honor Society and National Honor Society.


Whitehouse is the daughter of Janie and Robert Whitehouse and is a member of St. Veronica parish. She is a four year Dean's list student and has completed over 100 service hours. During her four years at McNicholas, Whitehouse has been a four year member of the Varsity Golf Team and a four year basketball and football cheerleader, who was a Rocket Award recipient.  She has been involved in Concert Choir and the Talent Show as a performer and has been a participant in numerous leadership conferences.  Her club activities include two year member of Service Club, three year member of Cooking Club, four year Student Council member with one year as president, Math National Honor Society (Mu Alpha Theta), and National Honor Society. She is a Eucharistic Minister, was a senior retreat leader, peer mentor for freshmen, McNicholas Ambassador, and a Relay for Life leader. She is the recipient of the Kodak Young Leader Award and the St. Joseph Community Service Scholarship. 

The Mardi Gras Pageant and Ball is the highlight of the Archbishop McNicholas High School year, and celebrates the service of 40 senior court members and 16 junior and sophomore honor guard members. Those honored have participated and served in the school and community throughout their high school experience; Votes by their peers and faculty accumulate over four years.


The Sisters of St. Joseph, who founded McNicholas High School, brought the Mardi Gras tradition from their hometown of New Orleans to the school in 1952. Since then, it has been a rich tradition that is truly unique to McNicholas. Following the ceremony, a formal dance was open to all McNicholas High School students. 


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Recently posted on 

Mardi Gras unveiled: The Milestone goes behind the scenes

Add meaning to the season: Get creative with your Lenten promise

Students make Mondays more enjoyable with Ski Club

Penny Day earnings benefit many

New stories are posted almost sure to subscribe so you don't miss each posting!

Please join us in offering prayers for the following intentions:  

The women of the Class of 2015 on retreat this week and the faculty accompanying them. 

The Kocher Family. Linda, a past McNicholas parent, entered eternal life in early February.  Her husband Bob and two children, Doug and Tricia, are McNicholas alumni.

Those in our community mourning the loss of a loved one.

An end to abortion. 


Please send prayer requests to Angie Noble at


Don't miss these upcoming events! 


February 24
> Digital Citizenship Night for parents at 7 p.m. in the library. 

February 25 

> Parent Teacher Conferences 5:30-7:30 p.m.
See below for directions to schedule conferences.
February 26 
> Women's Hall of Fame event at 6 p.m. in the cafe.
> Mom Prom RSVPs due today.
See PTSA news below for more info. 

February 27

> Men's Hall of Fame event at 6 p.m. in the main gym. 

> Art/Architecture Summer 2015 Trip info. night at 7 p.m. in the library. See below for more info. 

> Summer Gym registration opens. See below for more info. 

February 28
Enrollment Contracts for 2014-2015 are due today; after today, registrations will incur a $350 late fee. 
> Jeans Day  
March 1 
> Fundraiser for Chris "Outz" Brockman '81 in the main gym at 8 p.m. 
Click here for more information. 

March 2 
> Mom Prom at 6 p.m. at Holiday Inn Eastgate 


Looking Ahead: Quarter Test Week March 3-7...PTSA meeting March 3...Senior Field Trip to Cincinnati Shakespeare Company March 5...Ash Wednesday Mass March 5...McNick at Night March 8...Intramural Basketball March 9...OGT March 10-14.


Calendar iconFor future events and for up-to-date changes, be sure to check the McNicholas calendar online.

Congrats to the following Rockets!
  • Divers Abby and Maddie Mitchell and swimmer Shelby Miller who competed in State competition last week, all finishing in the top 15 spots in the entire state.  See Rocket Athletics News below for more info. 
  • The Men's and Women's Varsity Basketball Teams who cliched Sectional Championships this past weekend and advance in tournament play on Feb. 26 and 28, respectively. See Rocket Athletics News below for more info. 
  • World Languages January Students of the Month


    Caroline Castleman-AP Latin

    Carmen Feck-Spanish I

    Jessica Meade-Spanish I Part I

    Kristen Rehl-Spanish IV

    Jarred Roetenberger-Spanish II

    Alexandra Wells-French I Honors


    These students were chosen by their teachers because of their diligence and positive attitude in learning a second language.This list was incorrect in last week's newsletter, and we apologize for the error.

In case you missed it at

McNicholas welcomes Manager of Alumni Relations
Archbishop McNicholas High School is pleased to announce that Shawn Young has been named the Manager of Alumni Relations and Special Events. In this position, Young, a 1982 graduate of McNicholas High School, is responsible for planning and implementing programs and projects that engage alumni, working with the Alumni Association Board, and building and ensuring strong relationships between alumni and McNicholas. Read more.

Freshman to perform with Cincinnati Ballet

Freshman Sarah Bradley was invited to perform on Sunday, March 9 with members of the Cincinnati Ballet Company, which is considered one of the most prestigious companies in the region.

Bradley said that ballet has always been a big part of her life. "I started [ballet] when I was three years old, and I've loved it the entire time," Bradley said. ""I'm part of the [Cincinnati Ballet] Academy, so when they ask, I get to perform with the company."

The Cincinnati Ballet Otto M. Budig Academy is the only pre-professional ballet school in the region. Bradley is a level seven dancer, which is the highest level of skill. In the past, Bradley has performed in numerous shows with the Cincinnati Ballet, including Don Quixote and multiple performances of Swan Lake and The Nutcracker. Read more


McNicholas holds annual Science Fair 

On Wednesday, Jan. 29, the McNicholas Science Department held its annual science fair. The fair featured projects presented by students currently enrolled in Biology and AP Biology classes.

Congratulations for the following award winners who were also invited to continue on to the District Fair at the University of Cincinnati on March 15. Those who place in the UC competition will advance to the State Fair at The Ohio State University. Read more, including the full list of award winners. 

Grief Support Group to begin at McNick

McNicholas High School is pleased to offer support to our students who have experienced the death of a loved one or friend.  Companions on a Journey Grief Support, Inc. will be coming each month beginning February 2014 to provide students with the opportunity to discuss their experience(s) with peers who have had similar experiences. Students will meet in a confidential group setting to participate in various activities and discussions chosen to enhance their knowledge of the grief process and encourage healthy grieving. Please see this letter for more information.

Digital Citizenship Night for parents Feb. 24

  • Do you know all the latest social media sites your children are exposed to? 
  • Do you know about the laws associated with misuse of technology and social media? 
  • Could your child be a victim of inappropriate use of social media and texting? 

McNicholas High School will be hosting a Digital Citizenship

 Night on Monday, February 24, at 7:00 p.m. in the McNicholas Library.  We will educate parents about the latest social media sites your kids are using, digital literacy, using technology responsibly, laws associated with misuse of technology, and more. We encourage grade school parents and teachers to attend as well. If you plan to attend, please fill out the RSVP form at to help us accommodate for space. 


Parent Teacher Conferences Feb. 25

McNicholas will hold Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday Feb. 25 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. To schedule a conference, please sign up online via and follow the instructions below.
  • Click on teacher name
  • When schedule appears, click on the "sign up" link under the time requested (please note that conferences are 10 min. long).
  • Required fields to register for a conference include the student's first and last name.
  • If you wish to receive an email confirmation, please include your email address on the registration form.
  • Click "sign-up for conference" to complete.
  • You will need to do this for each teacher with whom you would like to meet.

Questions? Contact Director of Curriculum Dan Rosenbaum at

Info. night for 2015 Europe trip set for Feb. 27
On Thursday, Feb. 27, parents and students interested in the global learning initiative trip to Europe in 2015 are invited to an information night at 7 p.m. in the library. Students who attend this trip will have the opportunity to earn class credit for art/architecture. Any students and parents interested in this travel/study abroad opportunity to Europe in the summer of 2015 to London, Paris, Florence and Rome, should attend this meeting. Questions?  Contact Ms. Gaskins. For a look at the trip, please click this
 link to our website.  

Summer Gym Registration opens Feb. 27

Summer Gym class will be held June 2 - June 13, 2014, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. The cost is $150. Students will earn .25 credits in PE I or II. The instructors are Cheryl Heise and Rob Heise. Registration opens on Thursday, Feb. 27. Students may begin turning in their registration forms to the Guidance Office on Feb. 27. Students will be added to the class on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to students based on their graduation year. (For example, students who will be seniors will be added to the class first.) To register, please complete the Summer Gym registration form and the Summer Gym medical release form

There's still time to reserve your tickets for the

Hall of Fame events set for Feb. 26, 27

The Annual Women's and Men's Hall of Fame Evenings will be held on Feb. 26 and 27, respectively. 

The women's event will feature guest speaker Dr. Robin Martin, Associate Provost for Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Cincinnati. The inductees for the Women's Hall of Fame include Julie Lach McNeal '04 and Sara Staubach '06. The emcee for the women's event is Margaret McClure '83. 


Men's Hall of Fame guest speaker 
Paul Daugherty, Cincinnati Enquirer sports columnist

The Men's Hall of Fame event will feature Cincinnati Enquirer sports columnist Paul Daugherty as the guest speaker. Honorees include Hall of Fame inductees Jerry Robinson '90 and Good Fellowship Award Winner Jeff Osterfeld '78. The 1984 State Championship Men's Soccer Team will also be recognized for the 30th anniversary of their win. The emcee for the men's event is Jeff Mulvey '86.


Tickets are $25 before the event, $30 at the door, and include dinner catered by Carrabba's. Both events open at 6 p.m. with 
a cash bar, with dinner served at 7 p.m. Click here to purchase via credit card or here to purchase with cash or check. Questions? Contact Susan Rohlfs at srohlfs@ or 513-231-3500 ext. 5142. To read about each inductee's accomplishments, please click here for the full story 
McNick at Night fundraiser set for March 8

McNicholas High School will be hosting its 16th annual McNick at Night event on Saturday, March 8, 2014 at Receptions in Eastgate. The event is McNicholas' largest fundraiser. All proceeds from McNick at Night directly benefit McNicholas High School and support the school in ways that tuition alone cannot cover.


The evening includes an open bar, an elegant hors d'oeuvres buffet, raffles, games, and high-caliber entertainment provided by Theatre Director, alumna, and veteran Broadway actress Teresa De Zarn and Choir Director and opera performer Chris Albanese. The McNicholas Jazz Band and Band Director Keith Nance will also provide music to begin the evening.


The committee chairs include Michele Byrne Thomas, Class of 1975, and Chris Gatio Haynes, Class of 1974, as well as the Executive Director Dave Jackson and Tiettmeyer. Other volunteers include current parents Lori Rehl, Luann Rowekamp '73, and Tracey Garrison '86. 


The Grand Raffle for 2014 will be a reverse raffle with a grand prize of $2,500. Only 300 tickets will be sold and are available for $50 per ticket, and the winner will be announced at McNick at Night. To attend, purchase raffle tickets, or to make a donation, please contact Jenifer Tiettmeyer at 513-619-5814 or For more details, click here.  

Attention all writers and artists!

Reflections submissions due by March 3

It is time to submit your original work to Reflections, the school literary journal. We will accept your short stories, poetry, drama, essays, reviews, translations, song lyrics, writing across the curriculum, photographs, and drawings. Please consider submitting a drawing for the magazine cover. Let's make this year's magazine the best one ever! Please type submissions in a clear 12 font style. All work should be your original work. All work is screened for appropriateness. Email submissions as an attachment to Ms. Colella at


Important: The subject line of your email should be Reflections. Drawings should be submitted to Ms. Colella in room 1. Please draw on white paper for scanning. Ms. Colella will email you if she has questions about your submission. Make sure your name is on your submission. Deadline for submissions is Monday, March 3.

Clough Pike lane closures began Feb. 17

Construction work for signal improvements, the addition of turn lanes and a sidewalk on the north side of Clough Pike in Anderson Township will require lane closures beginning Monday, Feb. 17.


Single lane closures will be in effect on Clough Pike between Newtown Road and Berkshire Road/Goldengate Drive from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. each week through project completion, which is set for the end of July.


In addition, a total shutdown of Clough Pike at the intersection of Bartels Road is required the week of March 31 for culvert installation.  The detour for southbound Clough Pike traffic is Newtown Road to Lawyer Road to Hunley Road, back to Clough Pike.  The detour for northbound Clough Pike traffic is the same in reverse.


Arrow boards and/or signs will be in place prior to the work zone to alert motorists of the upcoming work zone.


To help ensure the safety of the construction workers as well as the traveling public, motorists should remain alert, reduce their speed and watch for stopped traffic while passing through the work zone.  Submitted info. 


  • Please join the next PTSA meeting, Monday, March 3 at 7 p.m. in the library. New members are always welcome!  
  • Be sure to send in your PTSA raffle tickets. A $100 prize is awarded each month. Need tickets? Contact Carol Niehaus at Congratulations to the February winner, Jack Kaniecki!
  • The 2014 Mom Prom, sponsored by the PTSA, will take place on Sunday, March 2, 2014. The event, which will be held at Holiday Inn Eastgate, is from 6 - 10 p.m. and tickets are only $20 per person. Please complete this form and return it to the main office by Feb. 26; checks should be made payable to McNicholas High School. Questions? Contact Tracey Garrison at 232-5096.  
tiny rocket

The Rocket Shop 

The Rocket Shop is open from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 



Shop The Rocket Shop Online! From uniform items to  spiritwear items, it is accessible by clicking here


Rocket Shop needs your help for 2014-2015 school year: As many of you know, my daughter, Sarah Ruwe, will be graduating this May.  While I have enjoyed all the work I have done for the Rocket Shop the past two years, it is time for me to start planning for the next step in my journey and to pass on the knowledge that I have acquired the past 2 years to those who will come after me.


If you enjoy designing spirit wear OR have ideas for items that should be available in the Rocket Shop, perhaps you might be interested in helping with the merchandise coordination for the 2014-2015 school year (and beyond).  The merchandise coordination role can be performed by a single individual, but could also be broken up into some smaller roles, such as designing/ordering new spirit wear, ordering uniform apparel, processing online orders, coordinating Rocket Shop events (Open House, Homecoming, Freshman Registration). 


If you are interested in learning more about the merchandise coordination role of the Rocket Shop, please contact Julie Dumont for more information. 

E-mail:, home:  513-248-2916.

ACT/SAT prep classes available at McNick



Join Crescendo Cincinnati for comprehensive test taking strategies, test familiarity, and subject area review.  Skills taught in these classes are useful on other tests and will stick with students throughout their academic careers.


All practice ACT and SATs used in classes/workshops are REAL exams administered in the past.  Students also receive review materials, formula lists, score report assessment, and opportunities to meet with the instructor one-on-one.   Please note that the Diagnostic workshop is included as part of the Hybrid course.  Students automatically register for the Diagnostic when they register for the Hybrid class. 

All classes are held at McNicholas H.S. classroom #4 




SAT/PSAT (3/8/14 test date) - Diagnostic Workshop ($85)

> 3/1/14 - 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

> The Diagnostic Workshop includes a 2 hour diagnostic exam administered from a real practice exam and substantial time to review the diagnostic questions as well as general test taking strategies. 


Campus Ministry Notes and News


Friday Morning Mass resumes Feb. 28

Please join us for Friday Morning Mass at 7 a.m. on Feb. 28 in the Chapel located in the Convent building. Mass concludes in time for students to make it to their 1st bell class without being tardy. As always, members of the extended McNicholas community are welcome to attend. 


Junior Retreat rescheduled 

Our Junior Retreat has been rescheduled.  The girls' retreat will take place Tuesday/Wednesday on February 25-26.  The boys' retreat will take place Tuesday/Wednesday on March 11-12.   Please keep in mind that students will miss only one day of school, as we will leave after school on Tuesday and return by the end of the school day on Wednesday.  Thank you for your understanding. 

Catholic Identity Enhancement    
One goal that emerged from last year's strategic planning process is an attempt to "enhance the physical environment of public gathering places, classrooms, and offices to reflect the Catholic identity of the school," and work is currently underway to move forward with this goal.  If this is an effort you would be willing to contribute to, please feel free to contact Director of Campus Ministry Jeff Hutchinson-Smyth or Religion Department Chair Sam Roflow for more details.  

Guidance Department News 
> Seniors, please remember to bring in copies of any acceptance and scholarship letters that you receive. The counselors need this information for the graduation program. We are already beginning work on the program and want it to be as accurate as possible. 

The Physicians' Charitable Foundation is offering a scholarship for any students interested in entering the medical field. Students must reside within the extended Anderson Township area and show financial need in order to be considered for the scholarship. The application submission deadline is March 15, 2014. The application can be accessed here, and can also be found on Schoology in the Guidance group under Resources. 


Seniors: Have you...

  • Completed the transcript authorization form?
  • Completed a transcript request for each school that you are applying to? 
  • Looked at deadlines for schools? Now is the time to start.
  • Looked at the common application at to see if any of the schools you are interested in accept it? If so, create an account and start filling out the application. 
  • Registered with the NCAA eligibility center If you plan to continue your sport at the varsity level in a Division I or II college? Be sure to let us know to send your transcript to the NCAA.
  •  Please remember that Guidance needs 2 weeks to process transcript requests.

> Be sure to check Naviance often for updated scholarship offers and other news important to the college process. 

Athletic Banner  

Rocket Athletics News 
Got Sports News?
All sports news appearing here is submitted by the Athletic Department, coaches, and/or parent communication reps for each sport. All sports news submitted about current McNicholas students will be considered for publication.Contact Director of Communications Angie Noble at or 513.231.3500 ext. 5824. Please submit photos (be sure to include class year and name) when possible. 


Tournament updates for Winter 2014


Men's Bowling

The Men's Varsity Bowling season ended at the District competition in Beavercreek on Thursday, Feb. 20. Regardless of how it ended, this is the first bowling team in McNicholas history to advance to Districts. The team is coached by Brian Combs.  
Seniors Abby and Maddie Mitchell competed in the Division II State Meet on Wednesday, Feb. 19. Maddie finished 10th and Abby finished 12th. Click here to read the Community Press newspaper's coverage of their State run. 
Sophomore Shelby Miller competed in the State Meet on Saturday, Feb. 22 in the 500 and placed 13th overall in the entire state.  
Men's and Women's Basketball
Both teams have secured Sectional Championships and advance in tournament play
> The Women's Varsity Team defeated Wyoming 54-52 and will play Kenton Ridge on Friday, Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. at Mason. 
> The Men's Varsity Team defeated Batavia 62-35 and will play Indian Hill  on Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. at Mason.

The pot continues to grow! Click here to purchase your chance today! Tickets are $20 each or 3 for $50. Being a Split the Pot raffle, the more tickets sold, the larger amount for the winners! 
  • McNicholas Athletics will receive 50% of the pot
  • The grand prize winner will receive 40%
  • The second place winner will receive 7%
  • The third place winner will receive 3%
  • Congratulations to Julie Mayer who won $100 in the Christmas Day early bird drawing! 
  • The next early bird drawing will be on St. Joseph's Day on March 19 for $50.  All tickets purchased through this date are eligible! 

Rocket News Banner

Rocket Announcements for Students 


> Mu Alpha Theta, the Mathematics National Honor Society, will offer tutoring again this year. Tutoring is available every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:15-7:35 a.m. in the library.  Walk-ins welcome! Click here for the Semester I schedule.

Updated announcements are posted daily to Schoology for both students and parents. 


Have news to share with the McNick community? 
Please send all story ideas, news items, and photos to   For photos, please include the names and graduation year (if applicable) of all those pictured.  For upcoming events, please submit 4-6 weeks in advance for ample time for publicity. All information received will be considered for publication.
The deadline for information to be submitted for the weekly newsletter is noon on Tuesday.

Thank you to all who have sent us their

updated e-mail addresses!      


E-communication to our alumni, current families, and friends of McNicholas is the main form of communication throughout the year.  


To stay connected and up-to-date with McNicholas, please visit our webpage at



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The Weekly Newsletters are archived on the McNicholas web page.  If you need to refer to an older newsletter from the home page, use the News drop-down menu and select "Weekly Newsletter" or save this link in your favorites: