MetroLines - Synod Ministry News 

Volume 4, Issue 5 � July 2014


MetroLines is a publication of the Metro D.C. Synod, ELCA, for our congregations, leaders and friends sharing what's happening in local ministry together.

In This Issue
Position Openings
Local Focus
Local Info
Resource Alert
Announced Churchwide
Blog Posts Revisited
Have posts sent to you or check in from time-to-time, but here's what's been posted to the "Forum" and "Staff Insights" recently.

Block mosquitoes in the tiny gap - Generous givers in the synod have ALMOST accomplished purchasing a mosquito net for each synod member to be used through the ELCA Malaria Campaign  Read on...

Big look at Small Catechism: What does this mean? Old as well as young need its enduring, concise instruction - a monthly message from the ELCA Presiding Bishop  Read on...

Does this website make me look phat? - Great tips for the first impression your congregation makes by their web presence  Read on...



Position Openings


Progressive ELCA Lutheran church in Rockville is seeking a new Director of Music (10 hrs/wk). Part-time responsibilities include worship planning assistance and directing the choir (not as organist). Full job description and information on how to apply found at 

Epiphany Lutheran Church in Mount Vernon is interviewing/auditioning for a part-time Keyboardist/Organist.  One Sunday service per week at 9:30 a.m.  We play everything from contemporary praise to traditional hymns.  Taize to Gospel and Blues.  Also seeking a Bassist and Drummer.  Great opportunity for anyone who loves to connect with others through music. Contact 703-780-5077 or see the congregation's website to interview and audition arrangements.

An Associate Online Editor (Communications) is sought by Bread for the World, based in D.C. Deadline for applications is Fri. July 25. This professional will generate, edit and collaboratively produce a variety of compelling, engaging, effective and clear content for Bread Blog, its social media platforms, websites and more. Details on the website.

Lutheran Services in America (LSA) is looking for a D.C.-based Director of Public Policy and Advocacy to be the lead for developing and implementing Federal advocacy strategies for LSA. The Director will develop a focused public policy agenda, create deep partnerships with members of the Administration and Congress, and leverage the size and expertise of our members to identify and influence public policy issues and funding on the national level. More on LSA's website.

Lutheran Services in America (LSA) is looking for a D.C.-based Vice President of Development to oversee the organization's fundraising program and serve as a strategic leader to develop and execute successful strategies for increasing fundraising capacity. More on LSA's website.

The ELCA churchwide organization in Chicago seeks an experienced leader and budget manager to serve as its next Director for Budget Planning. This senior leader will supervise and direct the activities of staff serving the units of this church in their budgeting and accounting responsibilities. The Position Profile is found by an ELCA download and on the synod website.  


Share your news!
Contact the Editor:
Karen Krueger, at

Metro D.C. Synod, ELCA
Local Focus
Pictures from Synod Assembly and 2014 Date 
Photo gallery (including dishwater hands, balsa airplanes and shiny smiles), audio of the sermon, adopted resolutions... all online from the 2014 Synod Assembly. And did you know dates are already on the books for 2015? We'll be meeting June 19-20, 2015, at the National Conference Center in Lansdowne, Virg.

Local Info
Traveling to Australia for AIDS2014
Along with local participants, pounds of cards from local congregations have traveled to the 2014 International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia. God's love and ours was shared in English, Farsi, German, Indonesian, Lugandan, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swahili and pictures-with-no-words. Participants will blog at, and track #elcaaids2014 on Twitter. To learn more about local participants, see "Young Leaders Head to Australia" post to our Forum blog (6/9/14).

Lutheran college invites high school visitors
Roanoke College, a Lutheran institution of higher education down the road in Salem, Virginia, alerts us to their "Lutheran Student Visit Day" coming up on Sept. 6. All rising juniors and seniors from neighboring synods are invited to participate. More at  

Resource Alert
"This Far by Faith" available 
Try About 100 copies of "This Far by Faith" are available from Epiphany Lutheran in Burtonsville. "No charge - just arrange to have them picked up." They are in almost-new condition. Contact if interested.

Address update for Fellowship Square
Fellowship Square Foundation has changed its address. Correspondence should now be sent to: 2231 Colts Neck Rd., Reston, VA 20191, 703-860-2536. The organization has strong Lutheran ties, and is a provider of affordable housing for the elderly and disabled in the metro area.

New ELCA Malaria Campaign photo gallery
Hundreds of captioned photos of the malaria programs in Uganda and Mozambique supported by the ELCA Malaria Campaign have recently been posted to an online gallery. Megan Flowers, who archived the images, said, "The most moving piece has been the people in the photos - their stories, facial expressions and their eyes. It is a powerful story told through the eyes of a human being." View for yourself from

Announced Churchwide
"God's work. Our hands." Sunday in September
Back by popular demand - a take 2 for the ELCA-wide Day of Service is coming up on Sun. Sept. 7, 2014. Those goldenrod (yes, goldenrod!) t-shirts and ideas can be found from "'God's work. Our hands.' Sunday reminds us that we are church together for the sake of the world," writes Presiding Bishop Eaton. "As you participate Sept. 7, 2014, in the dedicated day of service, may you witness the love of God, who knows and loves each one of us."

World Communion Sunday idea
ELCA Global Church Sponsorship invites churches to celebrate Global Church Sunday on World Communion Sunday, this year falling on Oct. 5, 2014. "Celebrate by taking a special offering for an ELCA missionary or global ministry, hosting a coffee hour with treats from around the world or including global songs in your worship service," suggests the Rev. Lanny Westphal, director. A toolkit is expected in August.

printable extras

Worth a 2016 calendar entry
And while we're talking future dates... is the next ELCA Churchwide Assembly on your calendar? Aug. 8-13, 2016, in New Orleans. See

We hope you enjoyed MetroLines.